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Public Now Awake

Strategic Factoid Deployed  

Media Destroyed

Modern Haiku
3 lines
Each line has limited syllables
As follows 5 – 7–5

Inspired song
New York, New York
Song by Frank Sinatra

When You go on the Internet  
you don’t know if you’re getting the facts or  
you’re getting factoids.
Fake news  
Computer Generated
Media moguls
Directing the narrative,
Deceiving Society
It’s sad commentary
on the way of the world

My first use of hashtags
Poem to follow 😎
BLT Webster’s word of the day challenge
3-1-25 Factoid
a factoid is a brief and usually unimportant or trivial fact. Factoid may also refer to an inverted fact believed to be true because it appears in print.
Nemusa Jan 24
Divers plunge into the ocean of my soul,
sifting through fragments of joy,
shards of laughter,
a mosaic of moments bathed in light.

Love, a blinding star,
grief, its shadow trailing behind,
the death of time unfolds silently,
second after second slipping into the abyss.

Tears carve rivers on my cheeks,
their currents whisper truths
I cannot name but feel—
bittersweet, an ache that sings.

I hold this hurt tenderly,
a fragile treasure,
and wouldn’t trade it for emptiness.

Still, I stretch toward the light,
my fingers brushing
the edges of something infinite,
a hope shimmering beyond the waves.
BLT word challenge "divers".
Neil C Apr 2017
He closed his eyes in anticipation
and started counting stars in his mind,
The pleasure started to grip his body
As she slowly straddled his thighs
They were as one, intertwined lovers
Sweating and moving in time
There was only now to live for the moment
And without trepidation or fear they did..

— The End —