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Swanswart Aug 2016
I’ve quit the meaning and let the end fall
my subscription to America has just expired
and the soundtrack of furniture echoes down the hall

Oh lucky day in the shadows of this pall
this war of regrets is truly uninspired
I’ve quit the meaning and let the end fall

I’m fearful of this symmetry and the mirror on the wall
slept in stolen moments without even being tired
and the soundtrack of furniture echoes down the hall

I no longer need a lover I bought myself a doll
Hi-def latex silicon chip wired
I’ve quit the meaning and let the end fall

Ring tone homily I don’t want to take this call
practicing excuses and the will of being fired
and the soundtrack of furniture echoes down the hall

TV dreams for me and I swear that that is all
folks at home getting idols of the mired
I’ve quit the meaning and let the end fall
and the soundtrack of furniture echoes down the hall
Nick Lipman Jun 2016
Not with a bang but with a clatter
How ironic that life should feel so hollow
No one around to hear my world shatter

In this world I don’t even matter
So much so, that you don’t even know
No one around to hear my world shatter

People move about with pitter and patter
Yet no one sees as I silently go
Not with a bang but with a clatter

Birds take flight, and animals scatter
They run about with a beautiful flow
No one around to hear my world shatter

Only to these creatures do I even matter
But once I go, they won’t even know
Not with a bang but with a clatter

As I pull the trigger, making my head splatter
No one will remember me, saying “not long ago…”
Not with a bang but with a clatter
No one around to hear my world shatter
Paul Hansford May 2016
(I don't really hate pantoums, but once, when I wrote about the rules for repeating forms like pantoums and villanelles, one girl commented "I hate pantoums and villanelles. I guess I get bored easily." But this only provoked me to write a Pantoum using her words, just a little edited.)


I hate pantoums and villanelles
because I'm very easily bored
when a poem goes on and on, and tells
the things that have been said before.

Because I'm very easily bored,
I get impatient for lots of stuff.
The things that have been said before
don't need repeating. Once is enough.

I get impatient, for lots of stuff
I get to hear throughout the day
don't need repeating. Once is enough
to understand what you have to say.

I get to hear throughout the day
the same old news again and again.
To understand what you have to say
should not be hard. Intelligent men

and women don't need those extra lines
when a poem goes on and on, and tells
what it's said before, too many times.
I hate pantoums – and villanelles!
Ignatius Hosiana Jul 2015
So all of them knelt down to pray
For their comrades who were gone too soon
In the soggy swamp where they lay

Weaker and weaker they grew, day after day
Cause battle had intensified throughout June
So all of them knelt down to pray

They wished to rewind time least to May
With the rhythm of their Heartbeat out of tune
In the soggy swamp where they lay

Clouds had cast a thick canopy allowing no single ray
To touch their bloated bellies threatening to balloon
So all of them knelt down to pray

From a distance they heard a Donkey in horror bray
Sending shock-waves through the battered platoon
In the soggy swamp where they lay

They'd agreed to wait for aid on a tray
'Course help would come but they needed it soon
So all of them knelt down to pray
In the soggy swamp where they lay
Niamh used it, so I decided to give it a try because I like the style
Thanks Niamh :))
D Apr 2016
I selfishly await my own demise,
While fearing death of those who are around.
It’s only for others that the heart cries.

A cruel joke the world plays, love dies
Ensuring all the mourning heads are crowned.
I selfishly await my own demise.

People around me try to dry my eyes,
But I know tears are meant to stay. I’ve found
It’s only for others that the heart cries.

Our final dreary rest is food for flies.
As others meet that cold and final ground,
I selfishly await my own demise.

Life claims my will, in my casket it lies
With memories in which their deaths are bound.
It’s only for others that the heart cries.

No faith on which that I rely, the skies
Are holding out on heaven so profound.
I selfishly await my own demise,
It’s only for others that the heart cries.
Emmeline Mar 2016
A drug is not like a candy
Displayed in a grocery store.
It's just a short-term remedy

To control your symptoms quickly.
I think you would have heard before-
A drug is not like a candy.

Ever heard of drug allergy-
Like rashes or blisters which tore?
It's just a short-term remedy

Not to cure disease totally.
Some take it like everyday's chore.
A drug is not like a candy

To rid pain and make you happy.
Think of those side effects and more!
It's just a short-term remedy.

Try to learn pharmacology,
I bet you will find it a bore.
A drug is not like a candy;
It's just a short-term remedy.
i s a b e l l a Mar 2016
Broken glass shards poke out from healthy hearts;
Reopening wounds you assumed closed up.
Okay, okay, it’s fine to fall apart.

Overthink and make your mind want to dart;
Keeping thoughts hidden in a tight lockup.
Mornings are brand new, refresh and restart.

Always to blame but never question art;
It takes time to find a way to buildup.
Okay, okay, it’s fine to fall apart.

Positivity, easy to kick start;
Negativity, easy to blow up.
Mornings are brand new, refresh and restart.

Back to a place you thought you had depart;
Yourself will come back to fill up your cup.
Okay, okay, it’s fine to fall apart.

May be lost, but you are not a spare part;
Darkness just crawls back for a quick checkup
Okay, okay, it’s fine to fall apart.
Mornings are brand new, refresh and restart.
Rat Mar 2016
Was made of blood stained blades and tear stained cheeks,
Bated breaths trapped between warning footfalls,
The silent echo of your helpless shrieks.

Children locked in church bathrooms, circus freaks,
Disgraced, oh how laughter mentally mauls,
Was made of blood stained blades and tear stained cheeks.

We were called horrible things, worthless, weak,
They drowned it out, those noisy know-it-alls,
The silent echo of your helpless shrieks.

And oh, the way my thoughts, they used to leak,
Like poisoned water, roaring waterfalls,
Was made of blood stained blades and tear stained cheeks.

But you, so fierce despite being so meek,
Pushing down all your words, you used to crawl,
The silent echo of your helpless shrieks.

Today, I fight the words I didn’t speak,
And I’m sorry, I sat by, watched you fall.
Was made of blood stained blades and tear stained cheeks,
The silent echo of your helpless shrieks.
To an old flame, a lost friend.
ShirleyB Jan 2016
I made a blog that no-one wants to see.
I might as well have stripped and posted ****.
I should’ve baked a chocolate cake for tea.

I twittered, face-booked, tumblred, endlessly,
but still it languishes in quietude.
I made a blog that no-one wants to see.

I promised video with poetry;
no cliché, hackneyed rhyme or platitudes.
I should’ve baked a chocolate cake for tea.

My blog is but a trickle in the sea
A place of literary solitude.
I made a blog that no-one wants to see.

I treasured all my followers, all three;
and yet, with heavy heart, I must conclude
I made a blog that no-one wants to see.
I should’ve baked a chocolate cake for tea.
A Villanelle
and the blog is
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