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Guntang May 2020
by sinews
amidst dreams
slow beam
the raging swell
the sullen veil
Stephen Starr Mar 2019
You came to me
white calloused soles
soft on dry Spring leaves,
skin braced against
the cool haze
now burning off.
You wore your naked skin
bravely, bearing scars
inside and out
shy, afraid
nothing left to give up
but simple approach.
I knelt, kissed your feet
falling instantly in love
with your awkward knees,
the stub of your ***,
the sinews in your shoulders.
It was this. A meeting
and the world was
not the same.
Poetic T Oct 2017
Collecting on the emaciated
entails of what is mummified,
it falls.

What cracked under the sinews
of momentary starvation,
now indulges on the fallen sweat
of obscurity hanging aloft.

Immersing what was once fragile
moments of decayed reactions,
now drink deeply within the
tears immersing senses of rain.

— The End —