this is the story of how i break free.
a bright white light
pours on my face
as i open my
i wake up
in a room
i hear faint voices
barely audible
i touch the
white walls and the soft
carpet floor
there are only
one thing here:
a recording turntable
this whispering sensation
as i put the dial
on the vinyl
it buzzes
and cracks
and pops
then finally,
one whisper
emerges from the record
"im afraid to die"
" blood on such a *blank carpet"
this piercing voice
only sounds once
faces emerge
like blankets of
empty white void
made known to the world
"im afraid to die"
the intensity grows
i scream and wail
mourning the lost souls
i turn off
the tape
thinking it
would all go away
i only wanted
it to go away
but wait, why
am i the one always
running from who i am
what i want
what i love
piercing waves of
just constant screaming
in the dead silence
im afraid to die
i look
to the tape recorder
it was off
it had always been like this
all the time
i soon realize
that one voice
was always my mind
1 year of reflection and now with 2k views strong i feel proud.. i wrote this poem in memory of the change i went through