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Nexus Apr 2022
Going to work just isn't working,
Coming home all alone,
and still feel like nothing.
You get to sit on your throne made from the flushings,
again all alone in the smoke and the ashes.
You thought you could do this alone but you're struggling to stop it.
Are you pained by the pain you caused, is it constantly throbbing?
Thoughts that just can't be ignored cause your head to spin violent.
Taking each day as it comes.
PSR Nov 2016
For the soothing of the soul
For the resting of the mind
For the pumping of the blood
and excessive beating of the heart
For those journey's to somewhere else
For that welcome reprieve from reality
I can always rely on you
My all time favourite album, the lamb lies down on broadway by Genesis
Ronjoy Brahma Apr 2015
गाबदोँ एम्बु एब अं एब अं
दैज्लां हांख्रायना हाखर हाब्रां,
जोमै दाखा दाखा अख्रांआव
आंनि गोसोआ सान्नायाव
नंगौ एम्बुआ अखा लेँहरदोँ।

— The End —