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Ashwin Kumar Mar 10
You are an absolute gem of a friend
By nature, very kind
But at the same time, seldom do you not speak your mind
Whether it be good or bad
A wonderful colleague, you were
And an even better friend, you are!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
Once you start talking, there is no end
So up-to-date, on a variety of topics
Cricket, movies, music, food, religion, politics
I can go on and on
To humankind, are you a veritable boon!!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
Always, do you stand your ground
Irrespective of the situation
Beyond your capabilities, is no complication!!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
And one of a kind
Very sharp, is your mind
You use your wits to no end
No wonder, are you such a good judge of character
You are as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar!!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
Vivek and you share an amazing bond
So happy am I, to know him as well
The faith you both have in Jesus is surreal!!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
And your children are pure gold
In you, do I forever place my trust
Sharing things with you helps get a massive load off my chest
Well, hopefully we will meet soon
May you keep shining like the Sun!!
Poem dedicated to Rene, a very dear friend and former colleague of mine.
Ashwin Kumar Dec 2024
Lucky am I, to have you as a friend
To me, always have you been kind
A very supportive colleague, you were
And an even better friend, you are!

Lucky am I, to have you as a friend
A relationship with you, has absolutely no end
True are you, to the tee
Around you, is almost everyone happy
You call a ***** a *****
And yet, to all are you unfailingly good!!

Lucky am I, to have you as a friend
You possess a heart of gold
Hence, did you give me a chance
Even when I probably deserved it not
In fact, that's when we became friends
Never in my life, shall I forget this golden moment!!

Lucky am I, to have you as a friend
Forget you I will not, even after we both grow old
You are a gem of a wife and a mother
May your lovely children have a fantastic future
Blessed am I, to have been at your home thrice
A haven for love, happiness and peace
So proud am I, to have you and Vivek as friends
Your entire family, may Jesus bless
Now and always!!
Dedicated to Rene, a colleague at my first job and a close friend of mine.
Ashwin Kumar Nov 2024
My best friend are you, forever
Leave you will I, never
Unconditionally, have you always loved me
Never, have you not been there for me
When have I really needed it
Our relationship is nearly perfect!

My best friend are you, forever
Never can I forget our ride in my scooter
Thrilled were you, like a child
The memory was absolute gold
Truly, do I love you as a friend
In fact, are you actually a family friend!!

My best friend are you, forever
Rarely in you, have I seen anger
Extremely thankful am I, for your sheer patience
Again seldom, have I seen you tense
Certainly, are you the definition of "uber cool"
And almost never are you dull!!

My best friend are you, forever
Not valuable has been your advice, never
Almost always, are you caring and sweet
Yet sometimes, quite strict
And sounding like my mother
Though, actually are my unofficial sister!!

My best friend are you, forever
For you, a lot do I care
Sometimes, have I not given you enough space
Sending message after message
At other times, have I bored you
Or demanded a bit too much from you
For all these, would I dearly love to say sorry
I won't repeat it, don't worry!!

My best friend are you, forever
Your mother is nearly like my mother
Love and affection oozing from every bone of hers
Not to mention, are you and Pradeep amongst the cutest couples ever
And he is a good friend
Grateful am I to him, to no end
For encouraging our relationship
It is indeed a beautiful friendship
May God bless you, dear sister
Have good fun and take care
Here's hoping we meet again soon
In the meantime, may you shine like the moon!!
Poem dedicated to Shruti, my no.1 friend in the universe!!!

— The End —