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Graff1980 May 2015
What moral magistrate
Monster of mediocrity
Makes a model citizen of me
Even if I don’t want to be

All upright and uptight
Humorless jackboot
Goose stepping toadstool
The fascist conservative fool
Who pedals misinformation
Counting on fear and stupidity
To turn strangers into tools

Yep that one eyed sheep
In the blind herd
Who wants to tell me
What I should or shouldn’t do

Why bother
With that proctor
Of indignity
Who counsels
The talented
To remain dormant
In their humility

Doctor of docility
Prescribing conformity
Storming the cities
Bleeding us of our individuality
To make more metal cogs
For the culture machine
Akemi Aug 2014
this veil over your dreams
may as well be a guillotine
8:50am, August 11th 2014

'death of an individual' or 'invisible deaths'.

Be a person, not a puppet. Chase your dreams to the ends of the world. At least you'll have spent your life following your passions, rather than conforming to miserable social standards.

Material wealth means nothing. Find purpose inside yourself. Love people for who they are, not what they have.

Shallowness is a epidemic. Don't wear a mask to fit in with the ill.

— The End —