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Tetra Hachiko Jul 2019
These days i used to know
They've all but come and go
These streets i used to roam
They all dont know me now
I made all new friends
With all new sidewalk ends
Spent days and nights
Learning all the new lights
After all I have done
I cant let myself shun
The hard work put
Into getting my foot
Started in a fresh direction.
Deepa Ravi Jun 2018
I hope you don't seep through my fingers like water
I hope you don't disappear like cotton candy in the wind
I hope you don't crumble like the powdery remains of a pillar
I hope you don't burn out like a dying candle
I hope you don't dissolve into the night like a black cat

New girl in the city

I hope I make it
It's hard to make it with a negative headspace. At times I think very little of me. Chasing a life I have wanted forever. Now that I am closer, doubts and insecurities takeover.
Meg B Jun 2014
The raindrops felt refreshing
As they splattered gently
Down my arms
That loosely gripped
My half-busted umbrella.
My shoes splished and
Not even bothering to
The puddles,
Ruby red of my moccasins
Dyeing the skin on my feet
As the liquid
Soaked in.
The rainwater felt cool,
But my flannel hugged me tightly,
Breaking up the
Onset of goosebumps.
The trees and grassy lawns
Illuminated a bright green,
Lapping up the raindrops
Thirstily into their wide mouths.
With no guide,
My dampened feet lead their
Own way
Down streets and roads,
Diagonals, bobbing and
Through the city limits.
No fear, stomach dropping,
For I knew
I would find my way.
Peaceful afternoon,
Rain dancing down from
The cloud-filled sky;
I wandered deep into a
Blissful promenade.

— The End —