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Sky Oct 2019
Why did I get the unlucky gene?
I didn't want my words to be seen
By your abandoning eyes
Which were my demise

I found a way to make my peace
Write it all down, my thoughts in place
Now that you know what I have done
You'll make **** sure that I'll be gone

But we both know, I have a weapon
So let me be, my head's unstable
I won't tell her what really happened
Behind her back, while we all suffered.

These words are all that's left for me,
Just let me be, just let me be.
Abigail Jul 2019
With each passing hour I grow more cynical
More accepting of my death
And more accepting of our synthetic world
How can I preserve the sweetest part of me?
My innocence?
I cannot

I’d cross seas
I’d battle warriors
I’d climb mountains
If I knew that there was hope for me
Hope for my soul, but
There is not

So I float
Hoping the waters at least take me painlessly  
Please drown me
Please leave me numb and unmoved
I submit myself to drowning
Maybe then and only then
My soul will rest

— The End —