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Prachi Oct 2020
What can be bigger a crime,
Than abusing someone;
Who has a heart as you have,
Who is as much alive as you;

Their inability to express,
Through words doesn’t give
You the rights to harass them;
Let alone taking undue advantage.

True utilization of your voice
Would be to speak for those who can’t,
And do not forget that you are
Nothing but a social animal yourself.
EP Robles Sep 2018
l o v e.    elephants too.  

  .  ants. /\ R doing all that

couldn't be done.  Smiles Making

All that’s unmade  and her SHE’s

best with peanut’s butter so LOVE

show me  EASY not a thing so undone

        save all who cannot be saved

      hug the porcupine and the insane

     and in the end it’s the moon or maybe

    even Mars — where they inhale

Laughter and breath out NASA emblems

     while teaching rovers to catch a star //

love love love ALL ||

:: 09-01-2018 ::

— The End —