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Jonathan Moya Nov 2019
With the sound of sirens screaming outside,
ten knocks on the door, the shout of authority
flooding in from the red steel,
would Joe American give up Anne Frank
hiding in the attic among his dusty relics,
the crawl space shared with a family of rats,
living under the loose floorboards among
the stacks of hidden zombie apocalypse cash?

What if Jane American found Anna Franco
shuddering with her dos hermanos, madre, padre,
in the dark corners of her garage?

Would she give them 2 vests, 3 pair of pants,
two pair of stockings, a dress skirt,
jacket, shorts, lace up shoes,
wool cap, and scarf?

What if her daughter Sarah saw a black hijab Anah
patiently hidden in the foliage of their old oak tree?
Would she gift her her favorite blue fountain pen?

Would she embrace her, or if ordered,
break the neck of her rabbit?
Lovely May 2017
I was sitting by a lake when i saw her
a girl in the water
she looked as if she were drowning
she tried saying something to me
i couldnt hear
i ran to the closest person to me
i scream at them shes in there help her shes drowning
the man cant seem to hear me
i move on to the next people
a couple i tell them
please help her she is drowning she needs help
no matter how loud i scream no one can hear me
i decide to help her myself
i cant swim
but i do it anyway
i jump in
im am able to walk until im half way to the girl
theres a drop i almost fall and go under but i get up
and to my surprise
im swimming
i get to the girl and realize why no one could hear me
the girl
drowning in the lake
is me?
ungdomspoet Jan 2016
kom med mig
bare bliv i nat
du siger alle de ord jeg engang ville høre, men det føltes ikke rigtigt
hvad forventer du at jeg skal sige
du ved jo godt at det er lidt for sent
du tager min hånd
og siger du har ændret dig
men søde, dine undskyldninger narrer mig ikke
fordi for dig er det hele bare et spil
så bare forfør mig nu
for tiden har gjort mig stærk
jeg er begyndt at komme videre
jeg siger det her nu
du har haft din chance
og du ved jo godt at det er lidt for sent
en lille smule for forket
og jeg kan ikke vente
men du ved lige hvad du skal sige
du ved jo godt at det er lidt for sent
du siger at du drømmer om mit ansigt
men det er ikke mig du savner
du kan bare godt lide det du ser nu
men for at være ærlig
er det helt ligemeget nu
for du ved jo godt at det er lidt for sent

jeg var ung og forelsket
jeg gav dig alt hvad jeg havde
men det var aldrig nok
og nu vil du pludselig have kontakt
du ved jo godt at det er lidt for sent
gå hjem til din kæreste
jeg slipper dig fri
jeg elsker mig selv
du har et problem
men kom nu ikke og spørg mig om hjælp
for du ved jo godt at det er lidt for sent
en lille smule for forket
og jeg kan ikke vente
men du ved lige hvad du skal sige
du ved jo godt at det er lidt for sent
du siger at du drømmer om mit ansigt
men det er ikke mig du savner
du kan bare godt lide det du ser nu
men for at være ærlig
er det helt ligemeget nu
for du ved jo godt at det er lidt for sent

jeg kan elske med hele mit hjerte
jeg ved jeg har så meget at give, jeg havde så meget at give
men med en player som dig
der har jeg mistet troen
det er ikke den måde jeg skal leve mit liv
det er bare lidt for sent
det er bare lidt for sent
en lille smule for forket
og jeg kan ikke vente
men du ved lige hvad du skal sige
du ved jo godt at det er lidt for sent
du siger at du drømmer om mit ansigt
men det er ikke mig du savner
du kan bare godt lide det du ser nu
men for at være ærlig
er det helt ligemeget nu
for du ved jo godt at det er lidt for sent
du ved jo godt at det er lidt for sent
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
As I ran down the stone path
The cold snowy ground below me
The snow storm raging above me
I couldn't help but save them
I had to help Annie Janna Billy and the families Saint Bernard JoJo
To the family car
Not my family but theirs
As we heard the sirens from over yonder
JoJo barked
Shhhh's filled the night
I drove as fast as I could
While Annie sat beside me with a horrified expression
While Janna wept
While Billy tried to keep JoJo quite
While JoJo snuggled into the young boy for warmth
I turned on the heat but the car wasn't getting warm
It's an old car
It takes too much time
Not that we had any
They would already be at the house
Burning it most likely
Can't have a house that my kind have used
To them
We were a disease that needed to die
Those *******
As I made a sharp turn
I gasped for breath, shirtless sweaty and in tears. Freezing cold from my fan blowing on me. Who were they?
So I had a dream this morning about these kids and their dog, apparently I was saving them from someone or something idk and I felt I needed to tell you all. I dedicate this to those three kid and their dog, where ever they are I hope their safe...

— The End —