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Khaab May 2021
It felt like a nightmare...
I laid in a dark room...with no door
Just a ray of light falling on me through the window
Making me feel like...the only star in the universe
And the other day....the window was smaller than before
But I did I laid on the bed the whole time
The days flew if they had got wings
But...made the window they went by
A hole was all the name of the window
so weak...I couldn't even reach
out for the last ray of hope with my hand
The window was gone...the hope was gone...
Not even a quark of strength was inside me...
to collect some light for myself
I laid there...paralyzed...on the bed
It felt like...a never ending tunnel with no lights
As I began to forget the colors of the sky and the flowers
I had lost myself...infinitely lost
It was getting hard to breathe in there
Until one day...when I got chained to the bed
the radio was broken...just silence...biting me hard
the air filled with sadness
laid there...hugging me all the time
My heart drank poison everyday
As the pain was unbearable to take
My voice got trapped in my throat
My own words choked my neck
Couldn't even shout...or ask for help
I just laid there...all the a living dead.
I apologize for this kind of poem as it has no hope or positivity...but I just felt like sharing the condition of mind during depression.

This is my it is inside the mind...when a person is depressed.
The dark room with no door is the mind, The window which gets smaller with passing time through which the light enters...are some of the left positive thoughts that vanish as the person gets more depressed.
And the chains are the negative thoughts...that just don't leave.

Depression to me feels like getting trapped in our own mind...but it's okay...i guess if someone is trapped...just please ask for help...because nobody deserves to live in we all have a motive to's hidden...let's find it!
alexa Mar 2018
it's the little things about you that make me go crazy.

like the way you bite your lip when your nervous or flustered. or when you laugh you cover your mouth because you hate your smile.
i love it. it proves that you're happy.

but you can be sad. you can be putting a fake smile on just to please others. you can be hurting but not want others to.

you need to understand that, you're not gonna be happy all the time. you're not going to to be able to please people all the time. you can't stress yourself over nothing. you can't always look outside the box.

you can't always focus on the big things. sometimes the little things are the best things.
this is gonna make me sound so full of myself but i just really needed a confidence booster so i wrote this about myself. holyyy, i'm sorry but i actually really like it.
i feel bad :(

— The End —