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Khaab Sep 2021
Some magic runs between the golden hours of 3 to 5...
Everything is feels divine
A time...I meet myself...
My place...hates the presence of light
But the awfully stubborn sunlight sneaks in secretly
through the thick curtains...
lighting of my dark room
And there I am laying on my bed...
I feel so complete, with my soul in high spirits...
Old songs playing on the radio...can be heard.

It's that serene part of the day...I live for
The whole house is in deep slumber...
As I dance through the hallways...celebrating my afternoons
The seasons change...but the loyalty of these afternoons surprise me...
constant...from the day we met .

The hot summer afternoons...drown me in siestas
jumping like a dolphin from one dream to another.
There is something about the stormy rainy afternoons that makes me feel over whelmed...
bathing me in memories of someone I've never met.
The autumn afternoons see me fickle
As I lose myself completely...for a new change.
The darkness of my soul rises during the winter afternoons...
As I dance through them with my demons.
Vintage melodies fill the fragrant air of spring afternoons
as my camera captures Nadar's smile under the big white clouds.

The silence of these afternoons...rests like roses in my soul...
Only for them to the harsh evenings.
There is something about this time of the day...I can't deny.
Natalie Mar 2021
Today is a good day.
It’s better than the rest.
I don’t have all the stress
Hanging over me
Like I did yesterday.

I feel good today.
I feel better than the rest.
I don’t have depression
Lingering around me
Like I did yesterday.

I have had a good day.
Everything about this day
Has been better than all the rest.
Again, I don’t have all the stress,
I don’t feel as depressed
Like I did yesterday.

Today I finally feel okay.
plum Dec 2018
To think you were actually looking for yourself
How stupid can I get?
I kept thinking we were the same
but we’re not
you are someone else
and I am glad I’m not you
you will always be a mystery
but I’m growing tired of trying to solve you
I’m no longer going to play with fire
I don’t want to get burned for you
I will make sure you won’t come my way anymore
You never did to begin with
I’m going to look for the person in the mirror
and make sure that she finds herself
i'm tired of hoping. it's time to move on.

— The End —