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“What is treading on eggshells”
(I’m trying to define it)

Maybe it’s:
When a question is perceived as a judgement?

This is the point in a relationship where, you first sense, that you’re views or actions are not entirely welcome;
The moment where mutual trust evaporates, and you realise that acting in someone’s best interests, has become an intrusion; not necessarily because you overstepped the mark; but because you were perceived to do so, and that this is the moment where joyful innocence, morphs into trepidation and uncertainty.

From this point on, you’ll probably be spending a lot of time, being hyper vigilant of your own words and actions; so not to be perceived as intrusive or offensive.

In conclusion, what you’ve lost!…is your freedom!
and what they’ve lost!…is your honesty and innocence.
Talia Feb 2023
Camouflaged amongst
chaotic crowds
Eyes with a ****** range
Target detected.
Locked in                              
since you weren’t
Locked up.
Heart rate raised. Enraged.
I check my calibre.
explored using ****** terminology

— The End —