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JacquelineCalla May 2019
Ich schätze
Ich bin blind

Denn ich konnte nicht sehen
Einfach nicht sehen
Diesen kleinen Unterschied
Zwischen dir
und mir

Ich dachte
Wir sind gleich

Aber du kannst es nicht fühlen
In dir drin fühlen
dieses eine Gefühl
Ich tue es
du nie.

Ich sah
Und du nicht

So wie ich dich sehen will
Uns sehen will

Darum weiss ich
Ich bin
Dark Smile Feb 2015
this is just a self-reflection of sorts. I was looking bak at the first poem I wrote basically 2 years ago and I've realized how much I've grown as a person. I wish I still had my first account on here, where I was not anonymous but I had to delete that due to personal reasons. Upon thinking back to the circumstances under which I wrote my first poem on this account, I realize that my problems are actually smaller than I perceive them to be. At the time of said poem, I was facing some stuff at school that I though would be the end of the world but look; I'm alive and healthy 2 years later and I'm doing much better. I've just been too busy recently to write poems because I have some really important national exams this year that basically determine the outcome of the rest of my life.Thank you to everyone who follows me or who has read a single one of my poems in the past, even if you didn't really care about it or even like it at all because you were are part of this process of self-realisation and discovery that I went through and you've honestly changed my life 180 degrees around. I'm definitely much happier and positive than I was 2 years ago. For those who care (if any) : I'll still be writing poems as writing is my passion and I hope to do English or Literature at University (college) level, that is, if I manage to convince my parents (who seem dead set on me doing law) .

— The End —