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Donna Mar 2018
Today the air fell
through the roads making hopstotch
into bowl of oats

Was then she noticed
the horses in a meadow
Seemed to stand so still

The world had slanted
Yet through her house window a
moustache of a man

one of ancient age
sat and wrote a letter to
his wife in heaven

Tears rolled down his face
As he dabbed his pen into
his tiny ink ***

He climbed through a crack
in the sky and sat on a
floating fluffy cloud

Tis there he saw his
wife plant seeds in a garden
She gave him a smile

She told him she was
happy and he needed to
be happy as well

The horses began
to gallop jumping over
the wire fences

Her window shattered
And his ink dripped into the
deepness of the ground

She woke the next day
And saw a pretty flower
Standing all alone

Lying next to ground
A small white enevelope blew
into the big sky

landing right next to
the flower , she knew then his
loved his wife truly

A few days later
The flower had disappeared
And the clouds had rained

Blue ink coloured the
sky leaving one fluffy cloud
to float aimlessly
Never really know if my stories truly make sense but like playing with words :)
Donna Mar 2018
I saw a mouse in
a hat on the stairs smoking
a big fat cigar

I rubbed my eyes to
look again and it sang 'I'm
forever blowing

bubbles'  , I sighed and
blamed my alcohol intake
Now where's the coffee!!
Happy Sunday :-)))
Donna Mar 2018
so the drink was on
form and it didn't want to
stop flowing at all

Fizzy dizzy pop
brandy and Coke happily
enter my big mouth

So there we were me
and my lovely Deano
havin a great good dance

we took over the
dance floor , o it was so nice
we giggled and swayed

to 80's music
Big balloons hues of universe
Floated delicately

Pretty names blossomed
Happy Birthday wishes bloomed
Lots of lovely food

okay so we had
a few shots , *** we
now have dragons mouths

we taste aniseed
It was rather revolting
But it made us smile

I danced with my great
kids we had such a lovely
time we all smiled lots

O the food was so
scrumptious , chicken in wraps dipped
in chilli silly

red sunset sauce o
it tasted divine , me and
Dean ate it all up

Oh no my daughter
puked it over my sons van
Oh dear she's collapsed

*** I've put
my hand in her puke , oh jeez
The joys of a mum!!!

Hey I go indoors
Albie our pup as pooped twice
in our living room

Two large parcels on
my floor bless him and he
waggled his cute tail

My neighbour is in
a right old state too , they are
our lovely sweet friends

O the night is dark
The moon as just disappeared
And pavements are dark

The air is chilly
The trees look like big shadows
Cars parked silently

House is so quiet
Dogs are all dreamy sweetly
Everyone is drunk

But not nasty drunk
Merrily drunk with 'I love
you' cuddle kissy

Frizzy pop wizzy
Nizzy dizzy lizzy pop
Jazzy mazzey lop

Sparkling champagne
Bubbly gently softly
hic ups a big burp

White silky table
seat covers looking rather
dashing dreesed on chairs

Gives a really nice
authentic feel of kindness
filled with magic stars

I close my eyes and
my mind is spinning around
And I feel sick too
Oh jeez a goodold  ***** not good for u but. Once in awhile it's nice to just have lots of fun ***;**
Donna Mar 2018
She gave a big yawn
But no noise came out , she just
pouts like a big fish

You'll never hear her
sing out loud , she stays hidden
The way she prefers

Her feet so tiny
Wrapped in summers ripe green leaves
Laced with springs tree bark

She's bestfriends with the
dandelions , gently she
tip toes to the sky

She stops manic noise
with her shiny white teeth and
permanent sweet grin

She hangs upside down
in the sky painting colours
To pretty the world

She gets caught up in
all moments , a surreal bliss
of wings that don't fly

She's like a flower
Never will you hear her , yet
her beauty prevails

She's the peace in the
sky when the moon awakens
She helps dreams come true

She's creates a cloud
But a fluffy peaceful one
She's called 'Ms Silence'
I thought of the word silence x
Donna Mar 2018
She laid in bed in
her own pity lying
to her own music

A little girl with a
ego so big that one day
it will learn to calm

An angel sat there
Watching her from a distance
Gently flapping wings

She knew if she told
her or even advise her
it would be wasted

on music notes that
would never make a song sing
upon a white sheet

O the sky thundered
Lights flashed on and off behind
a cracked heaven door

Little butterfly
Still a caterpillar no
matter the warm spring

Change will take time but
it's up to a person
to change no one else

The angel grew a beard
Even got a tatoo drawn
To mark her anger

She flew away back
to her peaceful land of
kind gentle kinships

But she never gave
up watching the girl , once in
awhile she flew back

And kept her fluffy
cloud going until the rain
ignored a rainbow

And just like a clock
Tick tock tick tock back and forth
Until an hour

felt like time was a
good Samaritan and the
little girl would kick

back her bed covers
Put on her slippers and gown
And open her door
A story **

— The End —