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Kuvar Feb 2018
I don't need a geographer
To take me round the world
I don't need a compass
To direct me south west east north
I don't need a sailor
To sail me in the dark light seas
I don't need a pilot
To fly me all way above the earth
Let me whisper the truth in your  ears
My lady is the world
Inside her is the map
She takes me round the world
She magenetizes me to the paths
She sails my heart through the storms
She flies my mind out of the earth
And she whispers the truth in my ears
You must travel round me my Love
(c) Kuvar
Jillian Elcie Dec 2014
He cranes tiredly over folds of parchment
As sunlight falls across his ashen features
And the restless night becomes lost
Within a sea of fading maps and broken compasses.

Worn pencils collect on hardwood like dust,
And discarded errors in calculation fall into the corners.
He stumbles weakly between varying levels of consciousness,
And exhaustion claims an inch more of his body
With each exasperated flutter of his eyelids.

He spins the globe to his right with a lazy hand
And catches Africa with his finger
Wishing that he could’ve been anywhere but here
Because it is immeasurably heartbreaking
To have the entire world at your fingertips
And to have never seen any of it.


— The End —