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Jennifer DeLong Oct 2020
Sometimes , I feel lost
Sometimes , I wonder where I'm going
What becomes of me
It's truly a anxious thought
We don't know
The future is unknown
I sure hope it's rather good
Well whats good ?
It's well plenty happy
Full of laughter at least some
And maybe someone to hold my hand
Yea that's good
Sooner then later
So , I don't get lost
At least before it's to late
© Jennifer L DeLong  🦏 10/2020
Jennifer DeLong Feb 2021
Its time to ******* rise
Rise above all the *******
Rise above this pain

Let yourself soar
Go after your desires
Make it happen now

We have had our wake up call
So make it happen
Fulfill your wants and needs
Say what you need to
Be unafraid

******* rise up
Be whole my spirit
Bless me with the good
Fullfill me
Release any fear

Rise up
Its now
Its time
Let us be whole
Time is now
Rise Rise Rise

© Jennifer L DeLong  🦏2/27/2021

— The End —