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Ashwin Kumar Feb 1
Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
For the late wishes, am I sorry
However, extended family you definitely are
And for you both, greatly do I care!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
God made a wonderful discovery
When he created you two
As human beings, you are so true!!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
We are a beautiful family
Sharing joys and sorrows in equal measure
Our bond is something to greatly treasure!!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
May the pair of you always be filled with joy
Blossoming with deep, unconditional love
Very special indeed, is the number thirty-five!!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
I hope you had a memorable day
You care so much for others
It's high time you did the same for yourselves
And for that, what better day than today?
May you keep all worries at bay!!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
May you share many a sweet memory
Take care, love you to pieces
And see you soon, this time at our house
After all, so often have we been to your lovely little place
It's time you returned the favour
Again, hope you had a day to savour!!
Wishing my unofficial parents a very very happy 35th wedding anniversary!!!
Ashwin Kumar Jan 11
A very dear brother, you are
Warm and friendly by nature
Also, are you quite street smart
You would make Ravenclaw proud, with your quick wit
So happy am I, to have you in my life
Greatly dependable are you, in times of strife!

A very dear brother, you are
For me, a lot do you care
Fun to talk with, all the time
I can remember not, when we had not a splendid time!!

A very dear brother, you are
Almost nothing, do you fear
From kid to teenager to adult
Always, have you been difficult to beat
In many a debate
Irrespective of the topic
Trains, Harry Potter, music
Animals, food, cricket, politics
The list is endless!!

A very dear brother, you are
A fantastic bond, do we share
Your patience and fortitude, I can forget not
When we once missed a flight
Owing mainly to my behaviour
Really, are you quite the saviour!!

A very dear brother, you are
And will be forever
May you have a **** exciting future
Come true, may all your deepest desires
Have fun, take care and soon I'll meet you
Forevermore, may the Almighty bless you!!
Dedicated to my very very dear cousin brother Aparajith.
Ashwin Kumar Dec 2024
What a wonderful sister, you are
For you, a lot do I care
Not all the time, may we talk
However, when it gets really dark
You are the light I badly need
Your words of advice, are always to be heeded
And interacting with you is so much fun
That it makes me forget all my pain!

What a wonderful sister, you are
With you around, is there nothing to fear
Indeed, do you have a very calming presence
And gifted are you, with oodles of common sense
No wonder, are you such a fine lawyer
A lot of trouble, do you often have to bear
However, every test do you end up clearing with flying colours
For you, are no circumstances too adverse!!

What a wonderful sister, you are
Grinning was I, from ear to ear
When you arrived a few weeks back
Brought me some respite from work
So thoughtful, was your gift
Truly, do you possess a golden heart!!

What a wonderful sister, you are
And will be, now and forever
Keep smiling and take care
And may you be blessed with a glorious future!!
Poem dedicated to my dear sister Shreeja, who works in London and visited us at the beginning of this month.
Ashwin Kumar Nov 2024
Dear Amma and Appa, wish you a very happy anniversary in advance
May the Almighty grace the two of you with his presence
And shower you with many a blessing
Without your presence, am I nothing!

Dear Amma and Appa, wish you a very happy anniversary in advance
The two of you strike a beautiful balance
Made for each other
For Shreeja and I, so much do you care!!

Dear Amma and Appa, wish you a very happy anniversary in advance
May you get a wonderful chance
To relive all your precious memories
And celebrate till the Fat Lady sings!!

Dear Amma and Appa, wish you a very happy anniversary in advance
Slowly and steadily, may this beautiful couple dance
Till all their worries are buried
And love is spread far and wide!!

Dear Amma and Appa, wish you a very happy anniversary in advance
I love you both to pieces
Please have the time of your lives
And when finally cometh the big day
Please don't forget the treat, come what may!!
Poem meant as an advance gift for my parents' wedding anniversary tomorrow.
Ashwin Kumar Oct 2024
Dear Patti, it has been three years
Since you left us
A lot of things have happened
Many more have changed
Yet, never can I forget you at all
Always, did you stand tall
As the head of our family
Under you, were we all happy
You were the kindest family member
Your sheer compassion, will I forever remember
My friends were your friends
No relationship with you ever had an end
Really, were you the height of altruism
Through you, did God speak humanism
You have appeared, in countless dreams of mine
When you were alive, never did I feel alone
At times, when all hope seemed lost
You reminded me of my best
Thus, did I develop resilience
Very well, could you understand my silences
Throughout my life, were you with me
The good me as well as the bad me
Your goodness had absolutely no limits
Yet, rarely did you sugarcoat things
Every time, did you speak your mind
And let me know what I had to amend
In order to become a better human being
To you, could one go on listening
And learn a lot about the world
In spirit, never were you old
Tremendous courage, strength and determination
Provided you the ammunition
To go on working, in spite of your numerous health issues
Now, badly do I need a box of tissues
Let me say it once more
Never can I forget you at all, Dear Patti
Rest, not in peace, but in power!
Remembering my maternal grandmother "Kalyani Patti"; who had left for her heavenly abode 3 years ago.
Ashwin Kumar Aug 2024
I love you, dearest sister
And am exceedingly proud, to be your brother
**** cool, you are
For your family, deeply do you care
No doubt there is
That you are a very special person
From whom, can one learn many a lesson
Often, do you seem to have all the answers!

I love you, dearest sister
Beautiful, is your character
Very smart and funny
Never in a hurry
A variety of interests, do you have
Above all, though, do you love
Your profession as a lawyer
Always, do you strive to be crystal clear
In words as well as action
And achieve a balance between risk-taking and caution
Quite strong, is your conviction!!

I love you, dearest sister
Of course, I haven't always been a great brother
However, when you need help the most
I will do my very best
To ensure you get everything you need
Capable are you not, of even a single bad deed
Extremely pure, is your heart
No one, do you ever hurt
Hence, do I love you so much
Certainly, is your personality quite rich!!

I love you, dearest sister
And for you, will I forever care
Whenever has there been a crisis
Risen have you, to the occasion
Done your very best to diffuse the tension
And ultimately saved all of us
Never, can I forget your help and support
During one of the worst phases of my life
When you rescued me from my cunning ***** of a wife
And played a major part
In ensuring my life returned to normal once more
Again, I love you, dearest sister
And may Jesus bless you, now and forever
With every single thing you desire!!
Dedicated to my dear sister Shreeja, who is working in London.
Ashwin Kumar Jun 2024
You are a wonderful sister
Proud am I, to be your brother
And glad to know you're doing quite well
Working in London is so cool
Especially given the present economic situation
To the winds, were you willing to throw caution
And worked it has, like a charm
Always big, do you dream!

You are a wonderful sister
And though I haven't exactly been the best brother
For you, do I greatly care
Also, though blood need not always be thicker than water
To me, are you and always will you be dear
Supportive are you, to the core
And willing to see the good in everyone
Never, will you be alone!!

You are a wonderful sister
And take after our mother
Very shrewd and level-headed
Many a difficult situation, have you handled
With a surprising ease
Which seems to come to you as naturally
As flying a broomstick does, to Harry Potter
For anyone and everyone, do you care
Because, are you just and fair
Not to mention, was it you and Tamil
Who rescued me from my disaster of a marriage
For that, forever will I be grateful
Certainly, is your heart large!!

You are a wonderful sister
And a **** smart lawyer
We've been through good and bad times
But I remember mainly the good times
If you're happy, I am happy
Unfortunately though, often have I been snappy
However, deep down, do I always love you
And want only the best for you
Please take good care of yourself
Also, surely will I work on myself
Hopefully, will we visit you next year
And may the Lord bless you, now and forever!!
Poem dedicated to my dear sister Shreeja who is working in London.
Ashwin Kumar May 2024
I love you, dear brother
And for you, will I always be there
Always, have we been close
Right from our school days
Playing a lot of street cricket
Having loads of entertainment
In the form of masala movies
Listening to AR Rahman classics
Debating on Harry Potter-related topics
Playing carrom and chess
The list used to be endless!

I love you, dear brother
So much fun, have we had together
As children, teenagers, adults
Indeed, have we had many a memorable moment
Playing cricket inside the house
And creating a fair amount of chaos
Racking up highly unrealistic totals in book cricket
Going up to the terrace in the evening
And in the process, watching bats
A fair amount of travelling
Especially when it came to trains
Playing the game "20 Questions"
In regards to both cricket and Harry Potter
Going on talking and talking till the wee hours
On a variety of topics
Seriously, were those days epic!!

I love you, dear brother
For me, have you always been there
Advising me from time to time
Always managing to stay calm
Whenever have I gone on ranting and ranting
Taking time out for me while working
Being a shoulder to cry on
Checking on me often
Bringing out the best in me
Not to mention, I'm sure you will agree
It was thanks to you
That I became such an ardent fan of Harris Jayaraj!!

I love you, dear brother
You are going to have an exciting future
So happy am I, for you
Now, is a treat due
Soon, will we meet
Wish you all the very best
And may God bless you
With a truckload of love, happiness, peace and prosperity!!
Poem dedicated to Anirudh, one of my closest cousins.
Ashwin Kumar May 2024
You are my sweetest aunt
However, actually it is true, NOT
Because you are more like my cousin
For anything and everything, do you plan
Always, are you in charge
Very gracefully, do you age
You are a superb dentist
To that, can your patients certainly attest
Also, are you a very loving and caring wife and mother
So happy am I, to be your little brother!

You are my sweetest aunt
Always, do you lead from the front
Especially when it comes to family
A lot of sacrifices, do you make regularly
In fact, patience is your middle name
In order, do you always keep your home
Very mature, have you been
Right since your teens
However, still do you manage to look quite young
Which is saying something!!

You are my sweetest aunt
Rarely, do you drop hints
Always, are you direct
However, you mind not, being imperfect
Of me, have you always been very supportive
Never are you negative!!

You are my sweetest aunt
Help and support, have you always lent
To those who have badly needed it
No one, have you ever hurt
Your advice is extremely valuable
On the whole, are you thoroughly lovable!!

You are my sweetest aunt
Never do you taunt
We have had some fantastic times together
You have been boring, never
I totally love your voice
It’s even sweeter than candy floss
Also, are you multilingual
There is nothing, of which are you not capable!!

You are my sweetest aunt
Always, do you put up with my rants
Rarely, have I seen you angry
Most of the time, are you happy
Anyway, wish you the happiest birthday in advance
And may God bless you always!!
Poem dedicated to my very dear aunt Barghavi, who will be having her 40th birthday tomorrow.
Ashwin Kumar May 2024
Thou art my creator
Not to mention, my first teacher
From you, have I learned so much
That it has made me rich
Not in terms of wealth
But in terms of character
Always, have you kept me in good health
And assuaged my doubts and fears
To the greatest extent possible
Thanks to you, do I really believe nothing is impossible!

Thou art my creator
There is so much you have to bear
In order to keep me happy
While I often get snappy
Certainly, have I not been the best son
However, rarely have you been wrong
Always, have you been there for me
Constantly coaxing and cajoling
Scolding and admonishing
And finally
Encouraging and praising!!

Thou art my creator
To me, are you extremely dear
The perfect example of unconditional love
However, at the same time
Rarely have you treated me with kid gloves
Many a time, have you taken the blame
For mistakes I have made
Nevertheless, you are the main reason
For me having a strong sense of right and wrong
You are my moral compass
And whenever there is something amiss
You point me in the right direction
Equally important, are your words of caution!!

Thou art my creator
Not just a mother
But also a friend for life
And my strongest companion in times of strife
With me, have you sometimes been patient to the extreme
You are the beam
Of light that surrounds me from all sides
And ensures I never fade
Often, have you been a mixture of strict and lenient
Sometimes, downright blunt
But you can also be exceedingly sweet
All in all, as a parent
Quite hard are you, to beat!!

Thou art my creator
And quite a colourful character
You are the most precious person
In my entire life
From you, have I learned the most important lessons
Thanks to you, have I been able to ride the rough
And ultimately emerge successful
Finally, I love you above one and all
May God bless you
With loads of love, happiness and peace!!
Poem dedicated to my dear mother
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