Romance it was,
when I thought
that in this country
I would feel at home.
When I boarded that plane,
headed for the future.
A promising future,
full of trials
and many successes.
I crossed borders,
both physical and emotional.
I never thought my life
would fit into a suitcase.
In my suitcase,
only a few clothes,
but filled with everything
that pushed me forward.
The rest was in my mind:
the embrace of my mother and father.
Will this be the last time I see them?
Longing and nostalgia,
a feeling in my chest.
I don’t know if it’s sadness or love,
pride for doing
what many cannot,
and yet, I dare.
Now I find myself here,
I am the different one,
the one who speaks with an accent.
Strong in life,
wondering what I’m doing here,
searching for my path.
Not for an earthly purpose,
but because the universe
needs me here.
It seems like a terrestrial journey,
but it is an astral journey
to another reality.
Many times I cry,
other times I comfort myself.
I am no longer from here,
but neither from there.
When I say,
"I am from the world,"
I find myself.