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Brent Kincaid Apr 2018
A passel of rascals;
The cause of the hassle,
Guilty of the catcalls,
Would normally have pratfalls.
Never suffer from blackballing;
Their ethics are appalling
But greed is calling the shots.
In the end what have we got?

We have a den of thieves
Rolling up their sleeves
To count the loot they stole
Fulfilling their roles of criminals;
Not the least subliminal,
But right out front to be seen
And pictured on magazine covers
With their blow-dried lovers.

Hair and ******* by Mattel
They perpetrate their hell
On all but their rich buddies
And fool the fuddy-duddies
With their rancid ballyhoo.
Yes, they rob some rich too,
But some never knew it;
Rich, not smart, they blew it.

Every generation, this nation
Sires a new batch of vermin
And we have to determine
If this is the new litter or a loner
But instead the fools get a *****
Over some new crook or other
That can afford jet planes to fly
But claims he is a regular guy.

Once the country is a toilet
They’ll keep trying to spoil it
By boiling the bones of the dead
And murdering us in our beds
Because they don’t need us
Except when they want to beat us.
They can just pay each other.
But the country won’t recover.
Brent Kincaid Mar 2018
It was an awful time
In a regime of crime;
Of robber barons who
Increased the taxes to
Barricade their homes
And set thieves to roam
So they could all carve
The poor and let them starve.

The poor, so sick and dull,
Felt they were being pulled
Between half-truths and lies
That were all disguised
As the loving benefactions
And the word of some god
From ancient lost times
Imported from The Land Of Odd.

It was a scary times of idols
With feet of pond slime who
Confused the people and
Took their civil rights too
And stole their pensions
And their insurance away;
Would not protect them
No matter what folks would say.

The poor, so sick and dull,
Felt they were being pulled
Between half-truths and lies
That were all disguised
As the loving benefactions
And the word of some god
From ancient lost times
Imported from The Land Of Odd.

It was a horrible time here
When leaders didn’t lead
Or see to what those who
Had elected them might need.
The stupid poor watched as
The nation slowly eroded away.
What a sad tale of a sad land.
The land is us and it was just yesterday.

It was an awful time
In a regime of crime;
Of robber barons who
Increased the taxes to
Barricade their homes
And set thieves to roam
So they could all carve
The poor and let them starve.

— The End —