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Maria 2d
I swear to you, I’ll be up soon!
I’ll go up! I’ll spread my wings!
I’ll start forward up to the moon!
I’ll live fast without any dings!

I’ll live in whole without a hitch!
All delays in my life are taboo!
I’m alive! That’s how I’m rich!
I’ll live full force! That’s my true!

I’ll run on my life off-the-road!
All by myself! No pain, no fear!
If I have to, I’ll turn on a flight mode!
I can do! You know! Despite it’s severe!

You just believe, and I’ll be up!
I’ll get a star from the sky by myself!
There’ll be headwinds. And who knows but
The world around may be cleaner itself!
VanillinVillain Jul 2023
Hear the voice of their god as they twitch
Somnolence and discomfort prevail
Silent bones in a crumpled display
Peaceful corpse of a deadly poison

See them locked in the pose of defeat
snoring nose- still’d eyes- silent voice
Thousands frozen in corpulent time
As they wait for their planes to arrive
7-22-23, experimenting with anapestic trimeter

— The End —