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Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
Paso a paso. Oh Mujer, el Ángel Guardián de mi corazón
Yo te seguiría por el camino de la felicidad
Haría enormes sacrificios para unirme a tu camino
Te imploro que no tengas ninguna duda
Te volveré a encontrar porque te amo mucho, te amo
No me importarán todo tipo de problemas
Recuerda la hermosa canción de Alain Barrière
Yo cruzaré fronteras y romperé barreras
Para exhumarte, apreciarte y amarte más
Como se ha hecho a lo largo de los siglos
Si tú no volviste a mí, si tú no volviste
Tú y yo nunca jamás tendremos paz
Paso a paso, poco a poco, pequeño y gran paso
Tú y yo estaremos juntos bajo un nuevo techo.

A pesar de mareas, vientos y huracanes: te amo
Y no voy a gritar y vociferar que yo te amo.

Mujer, mujer de mi corazón, si no volviste
Paso a paso. Yo buscaría en las enciclopedias de secretos
Para encontrar la puerta de tu corazón y la llave de tu alma
Yo cruzaré valientemente todas las fronteras. ¡Oh Mujer!
Mujer de mi ser, estoy listo para ser criticado
Castigado, censurado, cañoneado, incluso crucificado y clavado
Como se ha hecho a lo largo de los siglos
Para resucitar el amor y amarte más
Por favor alimenta no, sin duda
Ya que estarás sola en mi camino, en mi ruta
Si tú no volviste a mí, si tú no volviste
Tú y yo nunca jamás tendremos paz
Paso a paso, poco a poco, pequeño o gran paso
Tú y yo cargaremos juntos la misma cruz.

A pesar de la lluvia, el viento y los truenos: te amo
Y me reiré, cantaré y sonreiré porque yo te amo.

P.D. Homenaje a Alain Bellec (Barrière), un gran cantante y poeta.
Traducción de mi poema en francés “Si Tu Ne Me Revenais”.

Copyright © diciembre de 2004, Hébert Logerie, Todos los derechos reservados
Hébert Logerie es autor de varios libros de poesía.
quando o teu olhar caiu no meu,
me encontrei de novo em outro céu.

descobri o portão da alma
e toquei teu coração com calma.

nos teus olhos eu me perdi
e me apaixonei pelo que vi.

apreciei estas cores,
para quais não existem nomes.

nem nos meus sonhos achei estes tons.

e naquele segundo,
estava olhando nos olhos
mais lindos do mundo.

- gio, 23.07.2017
Me duele el alma no se por que
me estoy muriendo sin saber,
Es el virus de la duda
que me reclama el no intentar.

Me han dicho que no tengo remedio
que tu me estas matando por dentro
yo se que son mis dudas
yo se que es tu ausencia.

¿Quien te a querido, queriendo, quererte como yo?
o ¿Me he callado, queriendo querer mis penas?

Es mi silencio el culpable de no tenerte
no es mi culpa que te quiera más
cada vez que dices no.

Es que somos tan masoquistas
queriendo lo que esta tan lejos
¿soy idiota por no saber si tu también
mueres de amor por mi?
Nis Jun 2018
Entre escaques de cristal
perdida está mi alma
entre el azabache y el mármol
mi atontado corazón se halla.

Ven a mí rey de marfil
y libérame de esta desventura.
Corre reina de caoba,
necesito tu abrazo en esta hora.

Venid a mi, oh piezas de cristal,
pues entre escaques me hallo
y sólo vosotras sabéis
cómo encontrarme.

Y sólo vosotras sabéis
cómo he de encontrarme,
cómo he de ubicarme.
Entre la caoba y el marfil,
entre los escaques en que me hallo.


Between cristal squares
lost is my soul
among black amber and marble
my numbed heart is found.

Come to me ivory king
and free me from my misfortune.
Run mahogany queen,
I need your hug this hour.

Come to me, oh cristal piezes,
for among squares I am found
and only you know,
how to find me.

And only you know
how I shall find me,
how I shall locate me.
Among mahogany and ivory,
among the squares I am found.
I couldn't find a good replacement for "escaque", which means "chessboard square" so I just put square.
Ileana Payamps Aug 2017
así como la lluvia toca la tierra
en un dia soleado.
así llegaste a mi vida:

así como el arco iris
abraza el cielo con sus colores.
así llegaste a mi vida,
para pintar mis dias.

así como llegaste aquel 25 de Agosto
a robarle un pedacito de corazón a tus padres.
así has llegado a mi vida,
a robarte mi alma entera.
for a special someone.
No dia em que a terra
A lua
E o sol alinharem-se
Quero estar abraçado a ti
Talvez assim
A magia do universo unir-nos-á por uma vida
Talvez assim
Dançássemos ao mesmo ritmo
E eu provar-te-ia que
Não sou dois pés esquerdos
Quando minha alma dança com a tua
The Trust is the Work, the Safe Thought Form a stable Construct,
a Safe Land of leading untamed horses innocent Brave and her will to ,
A maze so kind and effortless in its unfolding trap ridding,
rat catching, soul nursing.
What a Place for one to find a mind to construct in loving labor and toiling to offer the glass reflective, two and more can exist and all be real, right and true in their self none an insult to each, yet redefined the definition of what we place and taste of and into the world through the things we except and effect for and for others through the self and our responsible creations. and no snake river canyon  today, but a huff and a puff a dark horse did bluff and ***** to cluster a holds barred and loves scars so beautiful and ever changing in its radiance and blazing brilliance of smarts , so pains to comfort the tang of the moon landing so true and without *******, lets love the creations we make and show our loves that we indeed do hear them truly, just not so much the pained ego, but the breath of spirit caressing the soul in need and loving sight so honest and right. never shall I judge your tasks so diligence, for mine are a dangerous sort to build yet a place and ease of pace for her true swings of wild,
for the work that makes it all worth working for.

Say Love  YHVH  Alma
Work To Make It Work Lyrics

from Pressure Drop
"Work To Make It Work" is track #1 on the album Pressure Drop. It was written by Palmer, Robert.

Push it along, work, work, work to make it work
Push it along, work, work, work to make it work
Push it along, work, work, work if you want to improve it
Push it along

It's all there for you to feel it
Help your self to one that you can't deal with
Ain't no way that you could steal it
You misunderstand if you get greedy, ah push

Work, work, work to make it work push it along
Work, work, work to make it work
Push it along, work, work, work to make it work
Push it along, work, work, work if you want to improve

Don't confine your dreams to bed
You'll get scared if you get lazy
If you can't take enough to satisfy yourself
Then you'll go crazy

Won't do no good thinking, you got to do it
So it don't come easy the first time
Practice makes perfect, you know that I'll try hard
Use it or lose it, you got to put your heart and soul into it, yeah

Push it along, work, work, work to make it work
Push it along, work, work, work if you want to move it
Push it along, work to make it work
Push it along, work, work, work if you want to improve

It's all there for you to feel it
Help your self to one that you can't deal with
Ain't no way that you could steal it
You misunderstand if you get greedy forget wishful thinking

You can do it, you just need a push to make a start
If you don't succeed the first time
Try and try again, use it or lose it
You got to put your back into it

Work, work, work to make it work
Push it along, work, work, work if you want to move it
Push it along, work, work, work to make it work
Push it along, work, work, work if you want to improve

Work, work, work to make it work
Push it along, work, work, work if you want to move it
Push it along, work, work, work to make it work
Push it along, work, work, work if you want to improve
All in the audio of our room and what was said.

but for those who could hear, here is a parting gift.
Love you all.

Carolyn Wonderland performs "Victory of Flying" on The Texas Music Scene

(thank you Carolyn Wonderland for the "keeping my head Low." and keeping Lo in the heart where she belongs.)
Carolyn Wonderland - Victory of Flying Lyrics

When I was younger I had a great hunger
Desire that yet had no name
Then I grew wings, left the branch and felt the sting
I found the nest and the ground aren't the same
I kept my head low, tried to walk with the crows
While they cut my head and took all my scratch
It no longer burdened me, thieves they had set me free
I needed lightness to stay on my path
I need lightness to stay on my path

An open wing always gathers more wind and rain
But can you live without fear of dying?
The price I've paid, and all the beds I've made
Were worth it all for the victory of flying

There was mud all around, covering all that I've found,
Mostly trash that was once someone's treasure
I built a home. When it rained it was gone
So I stretched my wings for good measure.
The pull of the sky had me dream I could fly
I would watch and learn, but I couldn't wait
So I did my part, took a running start
And dove head first into my fate
I dove head first into my fate.
Lord, help a girl who can't wait

An open wing always gathers more wind and rain
But can you live without fear of dying?
The price I've paid, and all the beds I've made
Were worth it all for the victory of flying
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