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Tansy Roake Jul 2017
Language is luscious,
Lascivious and lustful.
My infantile attempts,
To adorn it with adoration,
Can only fall a thousand times short.
Wistfully I can wish,
That my words,
I will be able to harvest Its’ honey.
I have no other need,
Than to know that which has,
infinitely intrigued me,
And yet still alludes me.
Mike Virgl Jul 2017
Centuries stretch into decades
Decades crumble to years
Years dilute to months
Months spoil to weeks
Weeks transform to days
Days pass through hours
Hours scramble to minutes
Mintues fall onto seconds

And it goes and goes
With a logramthic speed
While I stand still
To contort some truth:

Man made measurments meticulously made
May mark mere moments
With words witheld within
Wallowing waves wash white, "whys?"


I speak in riddles as I should
When faced with nothing
But left with the word "could?"

Could of? Of course. Could I? Yes.
I could do anything, definitely
But no I would never
It is a hopless endeavor

And death ushers who it will
And brings their heart to a still
As we all look to how old
To comfort us
From death's hold

For his grip is unrelenting, arbitary, overreaching and perpetual
Nonsensical greatgrandmother you inspired me

I swear im crazy *** is this
janelle Jun 2017
I live in a bleak block of butter,
And then I wonder suddenly of the splendor
d r a p e d  
in dehydrated dandelions
I call my home

As I saunter inside my sweetcorn shell,
I  s w o o n
over the scent of my dad’s cooking,
and over the symphony of laughter resonating
within these four walls
so I could call it home

I’m entrapped in its grasp
since it ensures my ‘safety’,
it’s a prison that entertains,
but never enlivens me
Filled but  e m p t y;
this is not my home
I wrote this while I was home alone because it feels foreign without anyone around.
PSR May 2017
The monotony of a mundane Monday morning
Can be alleviated by the allure of the amorous amazonian from accounts
Zinging the zen-zone I was in
A zany request zig-zagged my way.
Princess Zinnia from the Zuider-Zee
Required a zippy line or two
To paint the zeitgeist of our times.

With the strength of a Zamboni-
With the power of a Zeus-
And an uncommon zeal I set out
To zap the doubt that slowed me.

With the flair of a Florenz Ziegfeld
And his zoftig choir of beauties,
I morphed into a zealot
Gamboling in the zephyrs
That wafted in from Zurich and Zaire,
Not to mention Zanzibar.

I felt like a Zacharias
When my zealous work went bust.
The writing turned into a zonk-
The accolades were zilch.
I felt like I’d been zippered up
Like a zebra in a zoo.

I lost my zest for going on
And slopped around in old Zoris,
Listening to zydeco’s beat
And feeling like a zit.

But then the Zodiac-
My zinging-singing sign
Came to my rescue
And I was marching off to Zion.

I was one wowie-zowie-zucchini
As I zipped across the pages
And zoomed from one idea
To an even zippier one.

So here, Sunprincess, is your verse
I’ve used up every letter zee
And gone from very bad to worse
But of this challenge, I am free.
After I posted "The H Words", Sun Princesschallenged me to do one using 'Z' words.  Took me a while to do it, but I only had to resort to the dictionary once.  And here it is.  Please don't give me any more letter choices to work with.  My brain is fried.
Cheyenne Feb 2017
Catch me in catastrophe
Tossed in turbulent debris
Dangling so dangerously
Forgetting how to flee
Chrissy Jan 2017
Like lions licking lacerations
Limp-lipped, lucid lamentation
Loyalties lax, love's liquidation
Lapping lust's lye lemonade

Like lemmings, leaping liberation
Loose-limbed, lurid lachrymation
Learning love's lone limitation
Life: liars lie, lovers lay
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