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m i a Apr 2016
her words are slurred
and her vision's nothing but a blur
she begans to think
maybe it was an after effect of a couple of drinks,
but no this was different,
her drunken thoughts were interrupted when an unknown man links
arms with her,
he slowly began to lures,
her closer and closer
towards him,
her mind started to swim,
with ***** thoughts,
she tried to scream,
but her voice was caught
in fears,
and streams of tears,
he whispers in her ear,
telling her don't worry dear,
i'm not going to hurt you,
i promise you, you hear?
she nodded
in surrender,
as he plotted
ways to ruin her,
and into the dark,
they dissappeared together,
and in the night, a thief was born,
as a innocent girl was
and mentally,
no one should have their purity and innocence, taken away because of ****. although this hasn't happened to me, i write for the voices who are still scarred and torn from it.

— The End —