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 May 2018 z
 May 2018 z
we all have habits
they make us who we are
they’re what makes us unique

the twirling of her hair
the nibbling of his nails
the tapping of their foot

you used to do this little thing
you’d touch the tip of your nose
in the peak of your amusement

you would fidget
usually with the hair tie at your wrist
you’d snap it constantly

you ran your fingers
through your hair
nervously working the nerves

sometimes when you were deep in thought
you’d chew on the inside of your cheek
i could always tell by the sour look on your face

and when you got embarrassed
you’d smile and bite your lip
and turn bright red

or how right before a performance
you’d thump a hand over your chest
a harmony to the heavy thudding of your heart

those were the things that made you you
the things you didn’t notice
the things nobody would unless they knew you

the way i knew you
before everything changed

you’re still the same you, though
for the most part
people change, habits don’t

you still touch your nose when you laugh
you still snap your hair tie on your wrist
you still run your fingers through your hair

you still chew the inside of your cheek
you still bite your lip when you’re embarrassed
you still thump on your chest before a show

you’ve changed
but you’re still human
and humans are creatures of habit
 Mar 2018 z
Ugo Victor
I can't sleep
Everytime I remember your words
They snap and recoil
And hurt me awake
Next time when someone
Promises me forever
I'll just smile
Look them in the eyes and ask
How long is forever to you.
 Feb 2018 z
Vinnie Brown
 Feb 2018 z
Vinnie Brown
Seems I found a muse
Was an accidental stumbling
Golden romper and all
With an angelic title beginning
And ending with A’s
I’ll call her AA, for she’s a lot stronger
Than any drink I’ve had hit the lips
See if they know who they are

— The End —