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Joe Adomavicia
Connecticut    My name is Joseph Adomavicia, I am a licensed CNC Toolmaker full time, I also attend college part time at Naugatuck Valley Community College in ...
Jamie L Cantore
The Land Of Flowing Hair    J.L. Cantore: Poet. Author of the minor epic poem Dristig Trekk, Poems Of Expression and The Art Of J. Lawrence Cantore
give me a pen with paper and I'll love you till eternity immerse me in a sea of words and I'll gladly drown because poetry ...
NC    Life provides the contours, poets provide the shading and color ~ r All rights reserved.
33/M/Ontario    D. A. Juneau
wes parham
Atlanta, GA    Infrequent Poetry to tell stories, express a feeling, hopefully to entertain or inspire. Cover: “ Memorial for Karl Liebknecht” by Käthe Kollwitz. Wes writes, he ...
The Anonymous Joker
I love writing and reading. Ehh. I believe in tolerance above almost everything else. I am quite lazy. Started a blog recently. Do check it ...
LJ Chaplin
22/M/United Kingdom   
"Even though I do not know you and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you I ...
Paul Hardwick
64/M/England    Woke up this morning sniff a few flowers, did not feel lonely until I followed you, and you have to keep running till you get ...
Donny Edward Klein
Milwaukee    “Some lose all mind and become soul, insane. some lose all soul and become mind, intellectual. some lose both and become accepted.” “An intellectual says ...
Tom McCone
Wellington    writes from dreams and sorrows, predominantly.;=PLJVQPU_oFOwuG6HEaoVOQenGicQScx1yw ^me
United States    I like being alone, but not being lonely. Being in the quiet outdoors is probably the most comforting thing in the world to me. I ...
Born in my native country and forced to transition into a different culture as a child. Today, I see life through a very unique perspective ...
Micheal Wolf
On the edge of reason, UK    You Can't Polish a Turd so don't waste time trying! Male White to avoid confusion! Brain fitted as standard on this model but it plays ...
The Road
A desert    This was me.
Andy Cave
27/M/Hillsboro, Oregon   
Nestor David Armas
37/M/OC    Just Another Poet.
Paul Morgana
Merrick, NY    PAUL Born to middle class Italian folk, Always loved to laugh and tell a joke. The early year's mom loved to feed, Supplied all the ...
Taylor Stein
Someday Our sorrow will end And our hope Will spring anew.
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