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Nov 2016 · 409
Stevie Knight Nov 2016
As much as I
Reach for the sun
You keep pushing me
Back into the dirt.

Why can't you
allow me to blossom?
You fertilize me,
Water me.

When I begin to finally grow,
You take away
The sun.

And you open
The skies.
It pours and pours.

Will the rain ever stop?
Nov 2016 · 402
Stevie Knight Nov 2016
I have never felt whole.
There has always been
This gaping hole living,
Growing within me.

It was filled once
I found the hole
That I would fit into,
and he into mine.

I am full when
He spreads my legs,
When we are flesh to flesh.

I am full when
he parts his lips,
and speaks words
full of love, love love!

Oh god, so much love.

When I want to
Cease my heart
From beating.
When I ask
My heart to stop singing,
I think of his hole,
In the shape of me.

How could I
Take away his completeness?

How could I
Be so cruel?
I have to endure
the pain, the aches.

For he would ache
If I were to end
My own suffering.

I am so selfish!
Today I must be selfless.
Nov 2016 · 340
Stevie Knight Nov 2016
The leaves looked like strawberries as they sun filtered through them. I want to pick them and sink my teeth into it's soft, pink flesh. I wish someone would sink their teeth into the soft, pink flesh between my thighs.
I want to be a strawberry. Growing, reaching for the sun. Until someone picks me and kills me with their mouth. They will make me quiver and shake with every bite. They will look up at me with my strawberry juice dripping from their mouth. Sink your teeth into me. **** me with your tongue. **** me! **** me!
May 2016 · 452
12 am
Stevie Knight May 2016
Its 12 am
And I'm dreaming of your eyes
How I wish they were peering into mine
Instead I'm peering into an empty bottle of *****
Wondering when things got so bad
Where did I go wrong
I blame myself
I wish you would miss me
Like I miss you
I wish you were still around
So our bodies can tangle and twist
An wind into a mess
of lost love
May 2016 · 589
Two Thousand Years
Stevie Knight May 2016
How old is our love
Has it been years?
How many?
Or two thousand.
I’ve known you across
A hundred lifetimes.
As a different person,
But my love is unchanging.
My soul
Will forever search for yours.
Over and over
We will fall in love.
Only we aren’t really falling
For we have been in love
For two thousand years.

— The End —