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 Jan 2015 Stephanie G
nia fox
I hurt myself
once again
I brought the blade across
my skin
I never wanted anything from you
you'd paint me purple, I'd paint you blue
I wanted your heart
you wanted mine too
but you shattered me, and all that was left
were the broken pieces, one big mess
you destroyed me, I destroyed you
everything we had, a candle
that has long been blown
everything we had
no longer ours to own
what I did to you
what you did to me
I scream at night
because of what we could never be
I'm not going to tell you there is no God.
But, I AM going to let you in on a little secret.
God believes in the faithful.
God stopped believing in me,
the exact moment I stopped believing in him.
I was 6 years old.
Nobody told me much about God.
just to pray every night
and thank him for what you have got.
I called out for him to make it okay again,
and he returned my calls with silence and dialtones.
I wish I knew then
what I know now.
God is not a wish granting factory.
I wish someone had told me sooner
We roll back and forth
From side to side
Looks so needy
Grips so tight

Unbuttoned shirt, ripped dress
Will soon end up on the ground
With all the rest
The gentle touch or the hard hand

The screams for god
The squeeking bed
This night, I may never forget
 Jan 2015 Stephanie G
Backdrop of hues from heaven's palette
Two silhouettes stood hand in hand
A pair so in love on their deserted islet
Only witnesses were the sky and the sand

Two silhouettes with roles of lovers
Frolicked forever in the setting, evening sun
Only they'd know what laid under covers
Secrets of pure passion in their blood did run

Their merriment presented bare in a playful dance
Two silhouettes engulfed in their own private universe
Kisses and embraces offered in a reciprocative trance
Dark lips matched the other's voiceless whispers

Two silhouettes then dissolved with the set of sun
Strained my eyes to unravel this sweet shadow clad mystery
Last few moments pierced through like a shot from a gun
Because I realised that one was you while the other wasn't...

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