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the wealth of your life
is in the love that you sow
and gently nurture
I get it now
Those were the hard realities
I could never understand
How you could be so cold

No please
I don't like hugs...

You were right
I wouldn't let go
Of all the loss
Oh what a load

But one day
I realized
I was either going to live
And be happy
Or **** myself

So I just shut it all off
My feeling's
Like a light switch

Ya I heard he died
I don't go to funerals...
Traveler Tim
I think it's stupid
How I refuse to use straws
Because of a video I watched one time
Of one stuck in a sea turtle's nostril.

Or how there is really only the illusion of choice
And statistics from unreliable resources
Making us feel better or worse
About our decisions.

I tell myself to quit sugar
But honestly I just like my lattes
Like the love stories I thought could be under nooks
Around the corners
Of everyday life.

I like ice cream on winter days
Hot tea in the suns of summer
A walking talking irony

A bulb on its way to burning out
Sputtering in the half-eaten room
No one wants to go in to change it.

It's not my fault
The walls dissolve
And that same chord is continually played on the piano
In the corner of the upstairs closet.

It's not my fault
Cameras don’t bring me security
But sensitivity to my own identity.
Dissolution into absolution
Abolishment of egocentrism

And always,
The illusion of choice
Hanging in the rafters chattering.
Disjointed musings in a coffee shop.
No amount of poems
No amount of words
Lyrics, songs, verses, or novels
Can adequately express how much you inspire me.

No amount of grains of sand,
Droplets of water,
Leaves on trees or feathers on birds
Can enumerate my absolute adoration for you.

No amount of days
No amount of hours
Months, years, decades, or millennia
Can appropriately describe how ardently I want you in my life.

And no amount of time
No amount of dark or light matter in this universe
And no stretch of imagination
Can comprehensively express
How much I love you.
 Oct 2016 Stefan Michener
i wanted to think that life would be perfect
the farther i drifted away
but the moon always rises at sunset
and i could never get away

as long as the stars are out
reminding me of the days
i'll never be able to run
or take away the pain

i've always seen the clearest
when i'm lost in my dreams
 Oct 2016 Stefan Michener
i'm so bad at falling asleep

love isn't a destiny, it's a disease
festering deep inside of me
manifesting in every part of everything
taking over the blood of my weak being

love isn't the beauty of a stolen lover's kiss
it's the reconciling of the moments eternally gone amiss
stuck in the the past life, true lover's heartbroken kiss
what did i do to deserve this?
Hey-o. I came up with this when I thought of the line "love isn't a destiny, it's a disease // festering deep inside of me" and then the rest just to me after that. I like to focus on the way words go together, and how they flow together. I hope that makes sense.
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