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 Mar 2014 jessalynn
Ann Voge
You love me.
Whats wrong with you?
You say it every time you hug me.
Why cant i say it ?
I'm afraid of it.
Why am afraid?
cause it could destroy me
if i were to obtain it.
Do I even contain it?
I don't believe I do
because if I were to
I'd love myself, and
Let's open a book
and read the first page.
Once upon a time
in a long forgotten age
there lived a young girl
she didn't possess any magic powers
and she lived in a house
not locked in a tower
in fact that girl
why she could even be you
let's imagine she is
and make this story come true.
You could be my Snow White
the most beautiful of them all
or you could be my evil queen
your jealousy will be your downfall.
You could be my Cinderella
your true beauty will be revealed at midnight
or you could be my Rapunzel
your hair truly is a magnificent sight.
You could be my Alice
lost in a wonderland inside your head
or you could be my sleeping beauty
exploring new lands while asleep in your bed.
You could be my little mermaid
with your enchanting voice
or you could just be yourself
because honestly that would be my choice...
 Mar 2014 jessalynn
skyler molina
I tried to tell you how it always never ends,
I tried to tell you what it always feels like;
Never push you, never pull you,
Never bend;
Cleaning up my act, yet never feeling spotless,
Draining my thoughts yet still so anxious,
Pulling all of my hair out yet still feel so beautiful,
Calming my nerves yet still jumping into the deep end;
The one thing i've been good at all my life was knowing for a fact that you were meant for me, but I will always and forever be a random bystander as you pass the local coffee shop at 7:36 a.m. on your way to work; but i'm okay with that, because at least I know that i'm breathing the same air as you, & maybe we even swim in the same ocean water every now & then, & hopefully step on the same cement patterns twice in a lifetime.
I would be an idiot to not live the rest of my life with you.
I would be an idiot to let you go so effortlessly.
I would be an idiot to watch you hold someone else's hand on your way out of your apartment, and not say or do anything about it.
I would be an idiot to write this knowingly that you will, for a fact, see it.
But i'm not an idiot, i'm a man with no more hair, and anxious thoughts, and nerves that act up way too often.
 Mar 2014 jessalynn
Joe Cole
Where do I start?... Its taken me over fourty years to write this

Half a bottle of scotch taken each night to drown out the fears
the heartrending sights
Yeah half a bottle is just about right to dull the dreams and the nightmares that still linger
PTSD they call it this day, councelling given to help them get through
what they did see, things they did do
I remember clearly after such a time being told I wasn't a soldier I wasnt a man for being sick with fear, tears in my eyes at the bloodied remains close to my side.
Yeah well I was a soldier but not yet a man, at 19 my life had hardly begun but I still had to survive at the point of a gun
Yeah half a bottle of scotch is the crutch I have found because I'm still alive... Not just another name on a hole in the ground
thousands of miles from home.
Patrolling the paths in the in a land burnt and harsh not knowing what would come, the bullet the bomb or mayber the mine placed or shot by the oft unseen had
OK so I still did my bit in spreading the ****.... Yes I've had their blood on my hands but I still regret the things that I did in that harsh barren land.
Did I hate them? Those men who killed the ones I called friends. No they were only doing what they thought was right in protecting their home and their lands
Yeah so half a bottle of scotch is the friend I now have, it helps to stifle the dreams of the places I saw, the things that I saw and also the things that I did.
Don't check this for litary correctness or punctuation because about them I just dont care. Injust felt its time for you to know the real me

I gave you my breath

But you took it away

Now I’m left here suffocating

Trying to escape, gasping for air

And yes I am aware

That this is mostly my doing

I betrayed you

But is my punishment just

You leave me here drowning

While you take air into your lungs

What I did was unjustifiable

But could you please let me breath

Instead of ignoring me

While I’m stuck here suffering

— The End —