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Jul 2019 · 192
Butterfly heart
A bouquet from my lips to yours
Dearest David
I am so grateful for your love, understanding
and presence

Life can worldwind by like a hungry vacuum
******* up precious moments we can never restore...

...a dance in the moonlight
with your flushed cheek next to mine....

...Sunrise awe on Beacon Street...

...3 sweet breaths...

Butterfly heart dancing around mine
I Love you my darling
you are a timeless gift from God
Jul 2019 · 254
I am in my cave now...
the concave walls of solitude
Arms of God
enfold me...
A light burning in the Splendor
Jul 2019 · 188
While humming Guru Deva...
Just the way
the leaves fell
at that moment...

Divine cascade from heaven
golden chimes sprinkle
across the summer wind

A gentle gust lifts my
straw hat with the
origami pink, yellow and orange blossoms

Barely clutching the tassel brim
I look towards Your Invisible Presence
shimmering beneath that lucky tree

O Bhagavan!
"Not a leaf a falls without it being the Will of God"
Jun 2019 · 702
Wisdom Shack
My grandson Alex said something very profound and intriguing after his graduation ceremony.

I was complaining about how thin my hair had become and blamed it all on growing old. Alex looked at me with quizzical eyes partially covered by a mop of black sheepdog hair and declared,
"Well, Grandma you are an old lady."
I gave him a piercing look and said,
"True, but, remember this: The Soul is Eternal."

In that moment, my 14 year old grandson said that I reminded him of an old lady living in an off-the-beaten road shack. As I listened to him and the evocative images he spun I took the liberty of embellishing his description:

"Hidden by a dense patch of wild crafted herbs, a hint of mint, diamond needles darning their way around the bucolic scenery, a peculiar little hut comes into view.

The round oculus amethyst windows appear as portholed eyes to another world. If you pause and listen keenly you can distinctly hear the hum of otherworldly chants echoing from its eaves. Indeed, everything about this strange occult cottage exudes magical charm, you'd think it was inhabited by a priestess or something of that nature.

Slowly, I open the creaking door, puffs of rose moss incense and pooja camphor burn in small brass pots. Countless multi colored bottles, all different shapes and sizes, antique knick knacks, curiosities crowd the musty shelves. And a soft, rainbow mist floats through the room. This enigmatic Shack oozes wisdom......My Granny, her hair thinning, bits of silver creating a halo of stars, welcomes me. She gazes at me with a wise, weathered elderly smile while applying a red *** *** dot on my third eye and says:

"You know Alex the Soul is Ageless."
May 2019 · 250
Ancient Tree Hugger
I'm really trying
to grow old gracefully
People say things to me like,
"Getting old *****"
"Growing old ain't for sissies"

I look at the stately, elderly pin oak
in my backyard
strong, stout, knotty brown trunk
weathering Florida hurricanes
and lightning zaps
willowy, winding branches,
leafy emerald arms ever embracing us with
the O2 kisses we need to survive

Dashing Sir Oak tree
Playful, Surfer Palm
Lovely Magnolia
I'll grow old with you...

May 2019 · 585
A Bowl of Diamonds
(Dedicated to our dear bhakti friend and kindred spirit
Catherine Jansen)

Catherine dances
around the cremation grounds
with the Nagi, Sadhus of Lord Shiva
skulls and snakes dangling from
their fearsome necks

Her unique eye is able to
behold beauty in the
dreadful and sublime

Cat's heart belongs to Banaras
also known as Varanasi, Kashi
City of Temples and Light
to die in Banaras is considered auspicious
and augers salvation

With Love and Compassion of the
Divine Mother
Catherine showers happy gifts
on orphaned street children
Clutching Barbie dolls and flashing
brand new dental smiles
they dance with her along the Ganges

Catherine dances with an all seeing camera
in her hands
Zooming in
Zooming out
of the sacred, human, transcendental experience
May 2019 · 253
Kindred Spirits
Kindness is natural to
our nature, in fact it's a
Natural Law

The Dalai Lama says:
"Kindness is my religion"

We are not so gruff and tuff
as we think and act

Our heart melts into itself
with every random act of Kindness
every warmly kindled smile

We feel an instinctive, innate kinship
akin to kindness
because we sense that
kindness begets kindness
May 2019 · 199
Love is in the air
Love bugs crazy in love
are everywhere
dozens of tiny ebony stars
cover the nebula white rose bush
glowing at the corner of our house

Millions of miniature helicopters, blimps
polka dot the heavens
hanging out on street corners, in yards, lawn chairs
honeymooning on warm, fragrant vernal breezes

One woman in Walmart parking lot
squealed, exasperated,
"Oh no! they are in my hair and car!"
vigorously fanning them away with
her Zanzibar scarf

Love bugs literally living, loving, dying
in their mad, mating frenzy
dance obliviously around
Spring's merry maypole

Love bugs drift past
David and I standing in the doorway
two lil' love bugs
"nose to nose
toes to toes"
as only true
Love Bugs do
Apr 2019 · 296
Solar prince
Your golden sillhouette
dances towards me
the window sill with
brilliant footsteps
...One Golden Kiss...
the shadows and cobwebs
gathering in the corners
of my mind...
Apr 2019 · 129
Sweet Swoon
I swoon
a thousand times
or once
its always the same
whenever my tear filled eyes
meet Yours

I swoon
Apr 2019 · 513
A Crown of Lilies
Easter lilies
regal, porcelain goblets of nectar
enthroned on my Kitchen counter
remind me of the Master Jesus'
ascent into Divinity

Pain, torment, gloom of Good Friday
Dark moment when He pleaded with Elohim
to remove the cup of poison from His lips
have passed away

Surrendering His mortal dread,
physical identity
He knew in the nucleus of His being
the Mysterious Truth
we shall alll come to know

Our inherent, indestructible
immortality and divine status

Instead of a crown of thorns
we place on Sweet Jesus' head
A Crown of Lilies
Apr 2019 · 368
Halo of Stars
I danced with my Lord
in all the holy places of
the earth

His golden flute
constant companion of
those rosebud lips
suffused the atmosphere
with inexplicable charm and ananda

Skipping with sheer abandon
of children romping through
summertime meadows
we whirled far from
the riverbanks of the Yamuna

Twin stars, inseparable, indistinguishable
On a clear night, when heaven empties
all her treasures
you may see us with the naked eye
dancing on the star kissed shores
of Eternity
Apr 2019 · 565
Flying Saucer Eyes
I sat with my Lord under
a shaded oak tree in sweet solitude
a cool breeze blew through the halo of His hair
and the butterfly flutter of His soft saffron robes
gently blessed the pining earth
every now and then the intoxicating aroma of jasmine
wafted from His holy skin
luminescent swans in His lotus orbs, floating on
the pure, pellucid streams of Eternity
sailed straight towards me as we gazed
transfixed into each others flying saucer eyes
He laughed at my dazzled enchantment
and whispered in coaxing tones
"Sing for me little one"
pressing the melodious murali flute to His
dainty lips
transported us to the Highest Heavens.......
Apr 2019 · 447
A Thousand Mothers
Tenderly, I kiss my mala beads
crystal spheres of Light
echoing, radiating, reflecting
the myriad prayers imbuing
each solar gem
a starry umbilical cord connecting
me to You
Beloved Father

In this spacious network
all Your children
every bit of life
unfurl their arms
like Tibetan prayer flags
unlock tight, thorny
forlorn fists

Hearts unchained
reach out for the purest Love...
Morning Star splendor
Dearest Mother, Father, intimate Friend
clasp us to Your vast *****
comfort us along this hard and rocky
journey home
Mar 2019 · 371
I bow to Life

I prostrate full body at the sacred feet of Nature

Willowy branches of trees swaying, bending
in the spring breeze
their hearts overflowing with sweet sap
I am so grateful
You gladly share the boughs of fruit
abounding on my oak wood kitchen table

Wild forest daisies don their
vivacious, yellow Easter bonnets
dancing with rays of sunlight
nod Namaste
Salaam, Salaam, Salaam

I bow to my furry friend Rama,
to the red and black poka dot lady bug
seated by happenchance
on my folded palms

I bow to you dear reader and lover of poetry

I bow to the Light within You
Mother Mary's tears

As Easter approaches all the great Saints
shed profuse tears
for the Lamb of God

In a world where
the flower of love is crushed under
heavy black boots
stomping with long jagged swords
through the night
And tender kisses met with
snake hisses and sharp venomous fangs

My trembling hands will forever
anoint your raw and bleeding wounds
wash your holy feet with my tears

Light a candle on Easter morning
for the world you so sought to save
Mar 2019 · 95
Wedding Nectar
The flower of my heart,
opens a little each day

You know, Beloved,

it's been blooming for
many lifetimes
Mar 2019 · 173
Three sweet breaths
Nectar on my lips
a sweet kiss for you

Thich Nhat Hanh says
3 breath hugs
are bliss for
body, mind and spirit
Mar 2019 · 265
Winter weary crinkled leaves
dance on the windswept streets

Robins have returned
their shimmering red *******
bursting with song

Sun's long flaxen arms
gathers roses, lilies and gardenias
from our fragrant garden
Blithely, eagerly I clip clusters of spiky purple, verduous
Okinawa spinach for my lunch
adding in fuzzy bright green leaves of Thai spinach
squatting in the corner of the garden

David, AKA, Farmer Brown has certainly been busy
planting, fertilizing, cultivating a miniature farm
in our backyard

Delicate rain kisses fall lightly on my brow
and Day hides her bonnie blue face
in soft gray veils

Gathering the fresh, vibrant bounty
I feel so very blessed
surprising a garland of yellow finches
sipping water at the bird fountain
lofty wings of my heart
joins them as they take off
in golden flight
Feb 2019 · 759
The Holy See
Those days, Those days
in Prashanti, not a care in the world
waiting for the Lord of the Universe

Rainbow sequined saris flutter like
colorful prayer flags
in the sultry, warm breezes

Women devotees, buzzing honeybees,
breathlessly squeeze into granite window openings
outside the mandir
straining to see, hoping their adoring eyes
will be blessed by the nectarine vision of Sai Avatar

Seva Dal angels in vivid orange and yellow scarves
manage to bridle the swooning, burgeoning, euphoric
crowds with spirited "Sairam, Sairams"

O Baba
what we wouldn't give for a chance to once more
see your airborne Lotus feet floating towards us
on the golden sands of Puttaparthi

Reverently, I press my fingertips to my eyelids
taking padnamaskar
these orbs, these orbs
once gazed upon the holy sight of
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Feb 2019 · 762
Glimpses of Heaven
My hubsy and I went for a moonlit stroll
graceful billowy branches gently ripple above us
Black swans sailing in the moonlight

Squawking sounds of katydids, crickets, frogs
sawing zzz's and occasional loud drone of
rap music cut through, punctuated the
brisk night air

As we meandered our shadows
grew taller, towering temple steeples
stretching across patchy luminescent streets

We even caught a fleeting glimpse of our
silver sillhouettes superimposed
like Milky Way gods over the heavens

I looked at my darling spouse, heart palpitating
my hand tucked cozily into his

"We are Vast Beings David," I whispered tenderly
"So much more that we realize."
Feb 2019 · 263
Snow in the Sahara
The crystal ball is clouded in misty veils
but sometimes a soft wind
rattles, blowing the beaded curtains aside
and we glimpse the enigmatic, the mysterious

In one such revelatory dream:
I was dressed in a black crepe abhaya with
gold Kashmiri trim

My face shrouded in skeins of muslin cloth
there was a knock on the door,
shyly I peeked from behind my niqab

A group of friends gathered outside
encouraging me to go
out with them
Refusing, politely, I explained that I was
fasting for Ramadan.

As the dream faded, I later mentioned it
to a Muslim saleswoman whom we purchased
incense from.

Her eyes grew big as the crescent moon and star
Surprised and startled, excitely she revealed:

"We are celebrating Ramadan right now!"
Feb 2019 · 225
Sacred Geometry
Glass spheres glide
smoothly over my fingers
one shining rosary bead
at a time
my prayerful palms

I hear crisp swoosh of Buddhist nuns
kashaya robes
inhale resinous frankincense
from Catholic monk's
as they circle their chosen deities

Like the earth revolving around
the Sultan Sun
trillions of incandescent solar systems
realms and lokas unknown
swirl perfectly, sublimely round
the One astonishing Beauty
that is God

We stare starry eyed
through a colossal, powerful telescope
with eyes like moons

How fortuitous are we
to be on this heavenly trajectory
Divine Cosmonauts
spiraling mandalas
eternally orbiting
The Great I AM
Jan 2019 · 1.5k
Golden Lord
Surya Lights the blazing candle in the sky
and our day begins
on a pillow of clouds my spirit
bows at His vast blue altar

In fact, gods, goddesses, earthlings
and all the inhabitants of the Cosmos
kneel and prostrate at His glorious, life giving Feet

Today Lord Surya ascends to His northernmost
temple in the heavens
Courtly tablas boom, traditional Indian trumpets blare

Sweet sticky aroma and flavors of
sesame and jaggery confection
overflow in banquet halls on earth and in Kailasa

Colorful kites, bits of starry confetti
drift downward from the celestial celebration

David and I, our hands folded in prayer
stand on the front lawn offering our salutations
to the Golden Lord

By Serendipitous good fortune, my brother Chris just happens
to pass by at this moment and stops to join
us in our Sun worship

Happy Makar Sankranti
May Surya Deva's auspicious saffron rays
bless you with Peace, Love and Prosperity
Jan 2019 · 169
Jewel in the ashes
Funny, how after a long protracted illness
everything in nature is so acutely
radiant and refreshing

The fountain grass crouching near
the French trellis
shakes his lime green mane
and roars: "Good Morning!"

The little sparrow chirping his
**** off in the pin oak tree
permeates my ears with
rhapsodic melody

Golden eyes of Cape May daisies gazing
giddily up at the sun
lights up the garden

Egyptian roses swinging their
fragrant censers
march in stately procession

Divine Mother, Goddess, High Priestess
with eyes the color of sunrise reflected
on aquamarine ocean waves and sea foam
taps her healing wand over Winter's
crystal head

And the terrestrial world, all that is
mortal, morbid and subject to decay
springs to life....again...and again.....
Dec 2018 · 106
Totem Mom
Tiptoeing out the door
onto our dew soaked lawn
tiny diamonds waves
lapping at my bare feet

.... I give thanks....

"The Earth is our mother
we must take care of Her.
The Earth is our mother
we must take care of Her."

This iconic Native American ballad
hums over and over in my head

My gaze takes in the wintergreen garden splashed in sunlight, turquoise skies, and even the stinky garbage truck, snorting and groaning by the roadside

"Thank You Divine Mother Earth"
I whisper prayerfully

Sun moves towards its zenith
at the opposite end of the garden
lacey black shadows veil
sacred mother's beauty

A pair of perky cardinals
swoosh past me surprisingly close
Their wings covered with
bright red kisses

"Thank you too!" I declare
with arms outstretched

Looking up into Her
marvelous vastness
my face a glowing morning star
I wait expectantly, for my
bright red sunrise kiss
Dec 2018 · 296
Ancestral Flute
Swami Krishna's eyes flashed
lightning bolts illumining his round, brahmin
raincloud colored face.

Igniting logs in the huge fire pit
for our ancestral puja
he chanted ancient vedic hymns,
it was a beautiful offering on
this venerable Sunday morning.

Rites for remembering ancestors
is a tradition in many cultures,
not so much in the west.

Swami Krishna elaborated on its
We thank them for the good,
for laying the groundwork and support of
our lineage.

We remember them with
love and gratitude,
he stated, wrapping the yellow and red
priestly shawl closer to his body.

Strong, musky, acrid, odor of wood burning
stung our nostrils
one by one, ritualistically we added
ghee, incense sticks, flowers, herbs
and rice to the auspicious serpentine

I could sense my mother near
spicy whiff of curry and channel no. 5
mixing with clouds of smoke

A secret door slowly opened in the heavens
as a procession of ghostly relatives
took their place around the blazing havan

It was almost high noon
and Surya, the Sun God
halted His brilliant chariot
driven by 7 rainbow hued horses

Hovering mid-air over our holy gathering
He raised His Golden Hands in Blessing
Nov 2018 · 208
Farther than the stars
Winter nuzzles His chilly
Ivory cheek
next to mine

Puffs of frozen air
hang like heart shaped clouds
around us

Crystal eyes gaze directly, clearly
into my night sky orbs

His kiss is cold
but laser true

Together we skate
though colorful Christmas lights,
sequinned landscapes

Across constellations, borealis
and the Great Beyond
Loving it all with
vast polar bear hugs
Nov 2018 · 194
Surya's Chariot
I stepped outside my door this morning
a flock of snowy egrets soaring above
greeted my eyes, also in the distance
two stygian vultures added to the yin/yang
of the moment

Facing eastward, Surya, the Sun God
stretched out His long burnished arms
yawning away starry remnants of night

My neck has been giving me trouble lately
I asked Surya to give me a solar massage
standing barefoot in the jeweled dew and
damp grass

Surya's life giving warm rays penetrated
the gloomy, dreary alleyways
of my mind and body

Smiling up at our beautiful,
radiant Sun God
I blew fairy kisses toward the sky

bright faced cape may daisies
and disneyland roses
scattered petals
at His most auspicious, splendid
lustrous lotus Feet
Nov 2018 · 170
On Jeff's Porch
While gallery sitting
amidst colorful paintings,
jeweled and sculpted objects
I chatted with fellow artist,
Jeff Filipski

Always on the edge, raw, bleeding
and alive!
Jeff does not mince words, tells it honestly
like it is...
beneath the dark blue rumblings
brilliant electric flashes of intuition
a loving Soul flowers on the
world pond

During a rare glimpse of the Truth
not given to many
Jeff's words struck my Soul

As he lay in the verdant arms of Nature,
gentle currents caressing his spirit,
swooning under the vast blue kiss
of the sky

His heart cracked open
gazing upward
with a raspy voice, tears streaming,
and a choir of infinite echoes
he declared:

Nov 2018 · 459
Red Tears
When will we
walk again
my Love
by the turquoise sea
under a blue rose sky

Starfish weep, dolphins sob
on the rotting dead sea shores
of Florida

All the sea Gods are angry
with bloodshot eyes
they throw their tridents down deep

The fathomless bitter tears
and red tide

Nov 2018 · 2.1k
Sunrise Footsteps
We walked in beauty at daybreak
a cool breeze blew through our arms
like long feathered eagle spirit wings

Sky pressed its cobalt palms
together in prayer and
bowed to the four directions

Stopping to commune with
the new baby across the street
round, gurgling Buddha face radiant
as the sun glittering above us

His mother expressed concern
over a recent viral infection he'd
just gotten over, her greenish gray
eyes beaming with maternal devotion
in the morningstar light

We continued our beauteous trek
I paused just off of Island street
to take a pine blossom bath
Thanking the noble, handsome pine
I immersed myself in the aura cleansing
prickly, tickling pine needles

A dark blue car ambled slowly pass me
wondering, "What the heck?!"

Laughing, I wandered on...
singing to the sun dancing higher in the heavens
showering the earth and all my
brothers and sisters
in Golden Beauty
Nov 2018 · 806
A Thousand Petals
The petals of a rose
are a soft kiss from God

Droplets of rapture
dark honey
fall quietly

Inside suffering and joy
behold so much beauty
we emerge from our pain
amidst love's first blush

Skintight, crushed crepe
buds unfold
tiny white tombs crinkle open
cashmere flutter of a billion butterflies
kiss the sky, kiss the day, kiss the universe

We pause in the expanding bliss and ananda
falling deeper and deeper in Love
Oct 2018 · 215
Those days in Prashanti
devotees cue up at
that time
when dew and God's sacred
presence saturate the dusty
red colored earth
soft chirp of birds just awakening
and the Islamic call to prayer clings
to mogul clouds gliding serenely
over the ashram
our anxious minds pray for the
precious chance to enter the Mandir
cloistered in that sublime sweetness
faces glisten with bliss and the
holy sound of Om orbits the earth
Oct 2018 · 163
Star Chrysalis
Beloved God

Stars from your eyes

fall into


I find my way back
to You
Oct 2018 · 148
Prayer Petals
I pray to the God whom
I adore

The God with no face and a thousand faces
The God with no name and a thousand names

The God who is in me, around me, above me, below
and behind me

I pray in a mosque, church, temple, or cathedral
I pray in sacred circle of the Great Spirit
whirling wind of sufi skirts
I pray sharing love, peace and good vibes with
with my earth family

I pray to the God whom
I adore
Oct 2018 · 295
baby's breath
I breathe in
azure air, silk clouds,
ponderous pin oak
tipping his hat of branches
on our morning walk

I breathe in
sudden sound of
dogs barking,
funky sandals, and
sweet kiss of my hubby

I breathe in Love

I breathe in.... God
Oct 2018 · 355
Sea Garland
The countless times
I've left you for this
fleeting world

Ancient Love

It's a sin you even
take me back
always with the same
tender gaze
warm inviting kiss
ardent ambrosial embrace

Standing on the shoreline of my Soul
Mighty Breakers rushing toward us

Take me now
Ancient Love

Sea petals and a thousand promises
scattered across the empty beach
Oct 2018 · 100
Summer Swallows
Evening wind chimes, misty laughter
tug wistfully at bamboo flute strings of my heart

Garden oasis, gorgeous geisha maiden
Robed in red kimona
opens Her moon blushed fan
Delicate tea blossoms
and nightingale's song

Wise Buddha fountain
carrying a lantern of hope
gushes soft slippered through
smokey black topaz shadows

Resting on the garden jhoola
cocooned in white netting
I close my eyes
search the ink brushed

Returning home
Summer Swallows in flight
follow a starry trajectory
Kohl black tears
mingle with garden watercolors

We will meet again
Ancient Love

When plum blossoms awaken
on jade green boughs
and crown us completely in
lovely lavender umbrellas
Sep 2018 · 312
Nefertiti's Lament
My beloved body
How many hours have I toiled over you

Washing, scrubbing, ironing out the wrinkles
so inevitable

Straightening, dyeing, styling crown & glory
destined to burn like logs on a funeral pyre

Every ache, every pain, every bump on the road
attended to with meticulous obsession

Pumping in vitamins, all 18 caps,
hoping to live forever
and lets not forget the apparel runway
my walk-in closet a testament to that

Sunlight falls across the altar
a small star illumining dark corner
of my room
my Soul calls softly

Suddenly I remember
Who I Am
Sep 2018 · 1.2k
Soul Trek
I sprinkle holy water
over the crown of my head
as I enter the sacred heart
of Our Lady of Lourdes Church

Breathing in peace and tranquility
of this blessed church, lighting a few candles,
I kneel at rose petaled feet of
the Divine Mother

My Soul enters a heavenly portal
I think of all Her suffering children
and pray She alleviate their pain
with voice cracking:
"So many afflicted, in anguish, please
help, have mercy"

Healing, gurgling fountains of Lourdes
flows unceasing
Misty visions drift through
the quiet atmosphere

Rose of Sharon, His gentle hands outstretched
appears and the soft face of His Mother swims towards me
my tears mingle with the miraculous waters
a garland of lotus blossoms floating
on the Cosmic Sea

Hymns gush forth from my grateful heart
echoing through the empty church:

"Joyful, joyful we adore Thee
God of Glory, Lord of Love
Hearts unfold like flowers
before Thee, opening to the
Sun above"
Sep 2018 · 188
Krishna's bouquet
My heart has flown away
I run to the end of my wits
a jagged precipice
in search of the throbbing
red breasted one

Tracking through
mental wastelands
sense ridden dumping grounds
endless cycle of birth and death
I wonder where it might be hiding

O heart why have you forsaken me?
I wait desolate and utterly alone

Sweet heart I think I know who you
have run off with....

Who can resist the tender love song
of Murali's flute?
Wine warm embrace of His sapphire arms?
enchanting gaze of His bejeweled eyes?

I press my ear to heaven's *****
listen to the pitter patter of Gopi hearts
eternally eloping

Beloved Krishna
Celestial Bridegroom
my heart belongs only to
Sep 2018 · 20.2k
O Heritage Highway
Rolling down St. John's Heritage Highway
after Sean, my grandson's birthday party
I belt out my pioneer song with vigor
echoing across the vast beauty,
wide open, sacred spaces
pristine vistas

Norman Rockwell cows grazing
in bygone pastures happily
moo along

Driving past the yellow deer crossing sign
Florida woodlands giddyap near the edge of the road
long brown antlers prancing to
a timeless rhythm

I hope and pray that I can somehow
kindle a spark of appreciation
in my niece and grandsons
so that they may behold
the baffling greatness
and mystery that is our universe

These young'uns are mighty attached to the
virtual reality, world and landscape
of computer technology

A sprinkling of cowboy stars flash
an omnipresent wink
Sunset bonfire explodes across
the frontier horizon

Turning the corner onto Emerson Drive
smoldering scarlet orange embers
reflecting lights
shoot fireworks, launch rockets
through an ever expanding field of vision
Sep 2018 · 310
We infinitely adore our darling
flame point feline, Rama
He blends so perfectly, peacefully
with furry early morning shadows
and prayerful dawn solitude

He's a Spirit Animal
luminous lanterns of his orbs
tiger eye portals to panoramas
that transcend space and time

Ramaji our baby sphinx
meditates with us in the opaque stillness
as Mother Goddess Bastet
rises just east of our little
garden in Palm Bay
Aug 2018 · 343
Ravi Part 3 - Resurrection
Our dear, beloved Ravi returned home to his precious parents and
India. Jai Ma! Jai Ma! Jai Ma! It certainly was a victorious homecoming.

The festive faces of his parents lit up as they beheld the celestial vision of their only son alighting from the aircraft in Bengalaru, India.

For six months Ravi's Mom coddled, cherished and doted on her only son, taking him to temples and making rounds to relatives who hadn't heard from him since he disappeared without a trace over three years ago.

After his joyous reunion with family, Ravi returned to the states. We welcomed him into our home for one month, after which he had the option of seeking refuge in the comforting arms of the Buddha
with a room reserved for him at the temple.

However, the warmth and coziness of family, friends and a loving home, stirred a longing in him for normalcy, progress and hope for a brighter future.

Ravi knew well the horrible pangs of being homeless. For five months he endured the terrifying experience of living out on the streets. The halfway houses in this area were full to capacity, so, he slept across from a hotel, where a kind manager offered him breakfast every morning. He was alone, vulnerable and frightened,
meanwhile in India, his parents lit candles and prayed for his safe return.

I thought about all the homeless people living in tent cities throughout USA, one of the most wealthiest countries in the world,
their plight and suffering certainly a humanitarian crisis. Over 500,000 people currently homeless.
Home Sweet Home my heart breaks for them.

Ravi, myself and David sat for prayer early Monday morning. The quiet, suppressed euphoria of a new beginning, streaked intermittent blue lightning through the atmosphere.

Ravi's beautiful prayer rang out like cathedral bells as we gazed at the shimmering brass idol of Lord Ganesha, Remover of Obstacles:

"O Lord
Please resurrect me
Make me whole
so that I can serve You
and others"
Aug 2018 · 239
Valentines in August
There was a kind breeze
in the sweltering inferno
of an August Summer day
in Palm Bay, Florida

Penelope the climbing orphan
rose gazed up at me gratefully
as I trimmed away the last of
the blue sky vine
Now she could ascend in
all her purple glory

The breeze followed me to the jhoola.
As i sat swinging on the soft comfortable
cushions, I was thrilled to observe that
our white French trellis was finally adorning
herself with romantic red roses

Like a little love chateau in gay Paris
climbing Don Juans serenaded her vinyl bodice
in bold, flamboyant, valentine red

Out the corner of my eye I spotted the
handsome but shy red cardinal swaying between the
branches of our hibiscus bush located close to the
lantern shaped red bird feeder

Dewy sweetness of the moment filled my heart
leaning back in the swing, I thought to myself:

"This is certainly turning out to be a bright Red-Letter Day!"
Jul 2018 · 99
Vast Kiss
I wake up with You,
Vast One

Your Name on my lips

And the Day's
Dazzling Embrace

(One of Lord Krishna's names is Mukunda, meaning one who grants liberation.
Murari is one of the names of Lord Vishnu. Since Krishna is one of the incarnations of Vishnu, he is also known as Murari.}
Jun 2018 · 297
Blowing Kisses
I blew a kiss this morning
I blew a kiss to the
sun drenched lawn
smiling cobalt skies
tall, dark and handsome pine

Fluffy cotton candy kisses
swirling, sufi dandelion wishes
scattered to the four winds
across the face of sadness and joy

I blew a kiss to you
Jun 2018 · 558
Red Bridge to Heaven
I'll meet you at the footbridge of my heart
Beloved Sai Krishna
Sleep has abandoned me
Amrit is flowing
my heart too full
white moon comes in sweet waves
Lotus blossoms open shyly
Silver swans glide past peacocks robed
in mermaid blue
Chitta Chora
We'll light puja lamps and set them afloat
like a million twinkling stars
on the Ganges
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