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Solaces Jan 2020
The light here was different..
I knew the day..
But only today..
I did it..
I took a step back in time.  
And I went back to one minute ago.
Time travel and its apocryphal meanings were proven wrong..
The past runs on the memory of light..
On the same light that illuminates our dreams..
The stars were leaving to the future..
I could see them..
Even light had a hard time keeping up with time..
To travel forward to my time I did not use a machine..
All I had to do was remember what today looks like..
The present as flowing..
And thus my soul returned to the missing tessellation piece it was a part of..
As the gear that makes time flow.
t   i   m  e
  Dec 2019 Solaces
Gabriel burnS
The light tail of the tail light leaves me blue in the dark hues
… when it carries away what I belong to…
Unfolding the tar-black sky of asphalt, the longest arm of missing you…
My body is now the distance between us, big and empty,
The bigger, the emptier, thinner than air…
As time piles up, my ladders turn into pointless meters
Measuring the ratio of nothing in everything
  Dec 2019 Solaces
And she painted the sky with her poetry
Calm but misty
Still dark and heavy
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