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Sofia Kioroglou Feb 2016
Death never forgets.
Your sins will find you out
and come home to roost
So, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked:
for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap
Sofia Kioroglou Feb 2016
I go around in circles
around myself
having lost my destination
I am stuck in my mind's morass
so icky and gooey that
every time I try to find my way back home
Laistrygonians and Cyclops
will always pop up on my mind.
Sofia Kioroglou Feb 2016
Woe betide the unwary
engulfed in worldly pleasures
Accustomed to seeking the material well-being
For if we had been blind
we would have had no sin.

Woe betide the complacent
basking in evanescent earthly delights
Thereby adorning ourselves with a millstone
instead of raiment white as snow
reflecting the effulgence of God's glory
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016
In a deep and narrow gorge
the wadi winds its tortuous course
in a cliff face pocked with caves
monks ensconced in steep enclaves

Elijah was fed by ravens
praised the Lord, beheld the heavens
Down a steep and winding path
What good is being a polymath?

Wadi Qelt a holy place
I feel God's serene embrace
past are now my life's transgressions
I embrace my sins as lessons.
The wadi winds its deep and tortuous course for 35 kilometres between Jerusalem and Jericho — for most of the way providing a route for the Roman road on which Jesus set the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37) .
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016
Sound no trumpet before you,
man's praise a hollow reward
what good is giving alms
like the hypocrites do in the streets?

Practice your piety in secret
The grandstand play holds no sway when you die
Be humble and you will be blessed
Be Simple and you will never perish
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016
What a weighty name
I must live up to!
A martyr and a saint
a widow and a mother
back in Roman Times
just as dystopian as our era
when Faith, Hope and Love
are tortured and burned over an iron grating,
then thrown into a red-hot oven,
finally into a cauldron with boiling tar
before bending their necks beneath the sword.
A grievous torture indeed to watch
the suffering of your daughters.
How could anyone
so little and small
like me be worthy of that martyr’s crown?
The poem is published at
Sofia Kioroglou Jan 2016
Love is like the measles.
Once you catch it,
it starts spreading like wildfire.

First, the itch,
then the ugly zits
and finally the scars.

Those nasty pockmarks
reminding you that getting bitten by the love bug
can cause serious damage to the patient.
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