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May 2015 · 357
Madison May 2015
I talk and talk and talk,
yet you don't seem to listen.
Staring blankly at the screen,
I feel you slowly slippin'.
May 2015 · 1.2k
Madison May 2015
You told me you loved me,
but it was just a lie.
My hands? They shake.
My eyes? They cry.

My heart? It hurts.
I feel empty inside.
My legs? They won't work anymore,
the pain inside is to abide.

My voice is so rusty, I won't speak anymore.
I can't believe you said you won't speak to me,
my heart, it tore.

i miss you.
i miss you.
did i mention?
i miss you.

I miss you..
i miss you
i still miss you.

I miss your hugs.
I miss your kiss,
I miss the way you'd look at me,
everything there is to miss.

I need to stop,
I need it now.
You are just a lier,
now take a bow.

for making me hurt,
for making me cry.
God, I hate you.
Get out, goodbye.
This was just in my head, still in a happy relationship :)
Mar 2015 · 687
Madison Mar 2015
Shining star
up in the sky,
can you tell me why?

I can see,
what you can see,
Up there in the sky.

Planets unaligned,
everything is pretty,
showing a beauty of its own.

Stars are shining,
anywhere, everywhere.

and a stranger floats along,
inhuman, undone,
floating through space.
Aug 2014 · 664
Madison Aug 2014
I jump into knee deep water,

But Im sinking, 

Trouble on every corner,

But your all I need now.

You give me something,


I don’t know. 

But I feel like a time-bomb

And with out you,

I might blow.

You give me a feeling,

Give a hiding place,

Our love is bitter,

But I love the taste.

Who said it was easy,

Taking it day by day,

But just always remember, 

Ill love you anyway.

Just tell me when.

Ill be there for you.
Even if you say Im just a friend

As I stand close to the edge,
I feel discouraged,

I feel I should take the chance,
and go for it now.

I want to be with you,
around you,
I don't know.

I feel like a time bomb,
and with out you,
i could blow.

I have these feelings,
and no hiding place,
I could be with you,
and I hate the chase.

Who said it was ok?
Taking life one step at a time.
I hope he will soon find out,
My love, he shall be fine.

Just tell me when.

Ill be there for you,
Even if you say I'm just a friend.

As you hold another,
I feel weary,

My love for you is strong but
I'm exhausted by now.

If i could just hold you,
Feel the love,
I don't know.

I feel like a time bomb,
and with out you,
I WILL blow.

I have had these feelings,
And still no hiding place.
I know you don't want me,
I should just close the case.

Who said it was better?
taking it day by day?
I hope to see a better thing,
an even better way.

Just tell me when.

Ill just go now,
I wont be more than a friend.
This was written by my friend! Credit to her! :)
May 2014 · 596
Madison May 2014
When on tour,
I always find my self doing stupid stuff.
No matter what it is.
Like acting tough?

As you can See im not very good at rhymnes,
or spelling for that matter,
I will update alot on here,
did you know I like toeat cookie batter?

After each even, Ill try and post a poem,
but for now,
Ill sleep in my bed,
in my home.

— The End —