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 Nov 2013 Skye Applebome
Sir B
I have a story to tell
It's a tragic one as usual

A day goes by. Silence reigns and birds cuckoo
While this happens..
Two people sit under a tree
Using it as a rendezvous
For usual meetings
They met...
In ten days

They enjoyed it
I helped another person
and he tried to help me
I did a better job of helping him
that's what I think..

Anyways, once they met
they enjoyed it
they would talk together
and climb a tree
Play with a dog, which was a
golden retriever
They are big!
It was a lot of fun
Often playing Videogames
Mario kart..?

That was a day
and it happened on
an occasional basis
when both of them could spare some time
from their daily *time consuming


One day however
A bright sunny day
A sunday afternoon
filled with birds flying about
nearly the end of the school year
It was all going by wonderfully

We had met another time
because you called me
and told me to help you out
and just to relieve the stress
that the school year had put on us

We climbed a tree
with a rope on it
it was pretty tall
about 10 feet high

I remember talking about self harm..
..and ways to **** oneself
and I gave up climbing and jumped off
the rope
6 feet
straight down
on my back/ankles

It hurt like batshit crazy
but i told you I managed through it
then later
when talking to our friends
I let it slip

I told her about my failed attempt
I was really depressed after that
It actually FAILED!

Well, now more people knew about it
and these rumors spread fast
as you would know
I was still fine with school
just.. I  became more depressed
My grades were fine
I was nearly at the end of the year
nearly there.

And then
I realized
are similar to humans
they don't talk much
at the time of crisis
but they remember
it, and pass it onwards

They don't lie.

*Mockingbirds dont lie
A possible true story, also a possible last poem. Unlike the other one.. which was a horrible one. This could be the last one for a year/maybe not. Also posting on my birthday, 2nd Nov, woohooo!
Breathe in,
Breathe out,
I'm lying in bed
Honey-sweet sleep is pulling my eyes to unReality, dark and velvet and purple
But I got these words tossing in my belly
Roiling and churning up my throat
Trying to spill out
And burn the pale ****** air
at the same time
Trying to crawl back down
Scraping with just-cut claws down to my toes curling up in plush-snugly socks.
Scared to be born.
I'm lying in bed
Ready to spin truth wrapped in fibs sprinkled with simile
I just feel frustrated
Because I'm saying the same thing over and over again
But it's just NOT RIGHT.
Here's the deal:
Or rather, I might be real, but my existence is highly improbable.
I feel weightless,
like I could jump off a bridge and fly
But I can't even convince myself
I just hover on the knife's edge of uncertainty.
Am I real?
Or can I fly?
I know it's one or the other.
And I know it's double or nothing.
Either I'm real- just a person
(but- here's the rub- one who knows her limits...)
Or I'm not- I can fly and dance and
love men and **** dragons.


This knife blade is anguish.
I'm not suicidal.
I just want it to stop.


I need someone to prove me wrong.
I need you to look me in the eyes
And know that I am yours
And know that you are mine
And know beyond a doubt I exist
And maybe

just maybe

I'll see myself in your eyes
And you in mine
And some of that reflected certainty


*do you love me?
Time Machine

  Sweet sunshine spreads across your bed as you breath, breathe scented with Playdoh and black raspberries from the front yard. I watch your chest rise, fall, rise, fall.
“There’s my boy. Time to get up. Rise and Shine.”
That grin, before you even open your big blue eyes, those windows to your soul, those orbs that reflect my own face back to me.
the softness of your young skin, freckled from long summer days.
Here we are content in this solitary moment.
I have a desire to dive head first into a black hole to stop time.
Growing up means girlfriends, heartache, peer pressure...*** ( frankly I am not ready to have that conversation)
Growing up means getting closer to the time when you won’t really need me anymore. It means understanding that the world  out there has teeth...
Then you will get your driver’s license, freewill.
I want to dive head first into that black hole to stop time so maybe we can hold onto this moment forever.

At bedtime last night you confessed you are scared of the those dark pockets in your room.
“What are YOU afraid of, Mom?”
I think I said fire, spiders. it was a lie.
I couldn’t bare to tell you about the funeral today.  You would ask the question that doesn’t have an answer:  Why was he driving so fast, Mom? And I would have to admit that I don’t have the answers this time.
Telling you would be like telling the moth about the flame, crushing your own dreams before you could even imagine them. I can’t tell you what it was like to watch his friends huddled in a circle, holding each other up to keep from throwing themselves into the grave beside him.
Past the circle, stood the body of his mother. Only her body. Her mind wasn’t there, It couldn’t have been. Because I am a mom. I have you, my boy and I know.I know that ****** created a vacuum for her hopelessness. Otherwise she would be ripping out her hair, screaming, clawing, jumping in the casket with the body, trying to forget that his lifeless image is now scorched into her brain for eternity.
That brain works like a time machine, gears turning, visiting the day at the ocean when he flew his first kite, seeing him in the photo next to his first bike, his first missing tooth, his first school dance, his first crush, his first basketball game,  his first car...   Memories upon memories turning brown like old photographs.  Her time machine now searches for the memory of his last dinner at home, his last words on the phone, his last basketball game, his last breath....
My boy, I hope I never need that time machine. But that black hole will not keep you here with me in this moment, young and innocent. That biggest fear you asked about last night.... is losing you forever, my boy.
Stay alive. Erase all other words of wisdom ever parted from my lips. I don’t really care if you use the word “ain’t”. I will cover my ears. Leave your jammies on the floor, forget to wash your face, leave your bike in the rain, play baseball instead of walking the dog, lie about finishing that essay, come home past curfew because it took awhile to gather the courage to kiss her. I won’t be mad. You will be in this world and I can look into your bright eyes again tomorrow...without that **** time machine.
 Oct 2013 Skye Applebome
Our conversations are so

E                                                   M
P                                  T

We are just talking because we have too
to try to act like nothing has changed
but everything we say is

M                                             E
A                                   N
I                               N
G                          L
E                 S

So we just continue to talk about nothing
trying to fill this new

V                                       V
O                                 O
I                              I
D                      D
struggle and hell are part of life
happiness and heaven are part of life
heaven and hell are life
and if you feel like your in hell
and hell is real to you
then you have to believe heaven true
and the journey through hell
is the struggle we do
the challenges we face
and decisions we choose
a journey of yourself and your world
that is deep inside you
whatever your hell, your strong enough to fight through
but to give up, heaven wont find you
rather to not look behind you
to find love in the journey
and let your pursuit of happiness guide you
time brings the new seasons
time brings new emotions
time brings heaven inside you
time brings hell inside you
time is the journey where love will guide you
time is the struggle that strengthens you
time holds lessons that will grow you
to love your self and your time,
to love your time you share with all
We are all but dancers
In the rhythm of life
While some seem to dance it perfectly
Some can't get the steps down right

Don't let that stop you from dancing
We each have our own heartbeat
Whether or not you are sure footed
Or if you were born with two left feet

Though we often feel that life can be
A large gymnasium at times
Waiting for someone to dance with us
As we sit on the side

Instead of waiting to be asked to dance
Like so many often do
Where ever it is you are right now
You can dance just for you

Perhaps a ballerina floating gracefully
Across life's massive stage
Giving your own rendition
To the beauty of swan lake

Or dancing to the river
Perhaps something in modern style
Whatever dance it is you deliver
How ever far it is the mile

Dance like there's no tomorrow
To your very own rhythm
For no one else can dance like you
The dance that you've been given
And I
Was so stuck
On my own
That I totally
That you were
 Oct 2013 Skye Applebome
just six minutes. that's all. hold it together.
stop. do not cry. please don't cry. they'll all see.
bite your lip. choke it back. be stone-faced.

five more minutes. you might get kicked out of school.
your parents money will have gone to waste.
they're going to be so mad. but please don't cry. don't.

alright, four minutes. keep your composure.
stop shaking your legs. your eyes are watering.
don't cry. just look out the window.

only three minutes now. breathe. don't cry.
do not cry on this bus. cry in your room. don't think about the fact
that you might've just ruined everything. more importantly - don't cry.

just two more minutes. that's all. the sky is so pretty.
look at your nails. ignore the lump in your throat. do not cry.
i'm begging you not to cry. don't. please, please, please don't.

one more minute. almost there. breathe. stay calm.
they don't know what's wrong. don't think about the fact that you ******* up so bad.
hold it in. alright. you're home now. you can cry, but you might not stop.

*(there's a stupidly long story behind this that i honestly don't have the time or desire to explain to anybody so don't worry about it i just really needed to distract myself on the bus.)
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