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 Oct 2013 Skye Applebome
I'll weave into your sleeping form and lace into your dreams; when you wake I'll be the light behind your eyes and the softness in your smile.
With sharp words and gentle intentions I will shape and guide this story. I am cunning and honest.
I'll get inside your head, but more importantly, your heart. There I will spin my tale and make you begin to wonder and learn.
I design and I scheme, I am crafty and clever. I create and I intertwine, I am fabricated and beguiling.
I am the sin and savior of imagination, I am the inspiration and the hollow ring. I am the advocator of make-believe and visions of passion.
I am the lessons of joy and strife, I am the morals, I am the parable of simplicity, I am the myths and legends that have withstood time.
I am the fallacies and disappointments, the misconceptions and outdated lore.
I am; I create. I entwine, knit, construct, contrive. I invent these allegories, bringing things into being.
(So who am I?
...I am love, for "love is a cunning weaver of fantasy and fables.")
 Oct 2013 Skye Applebome
Every step he took,
Was with a careful kind of grace.
His lips were soft and warm,
And never would anything pass through them,
Other than words of kindness.
I miss him,
And his accidental beauty.
And they wonder why we have higher rates of suicide.
Maybe it's because we get kicked out and have to suffer the streets like a cold we can never get rid of.
Maybe it's because they ignore us while they spend hours preaching that we will go to hell.
Maybe it's because we are shoved into closets and forced to open then get shoved back in
Why would we have higher rates of suicide?
Because society as a whole doesn't like us.
cover up all the mirrors in your room.
you may not be perfect but you are ******* beautiful and you are so much more than smoke in the mirror.
you are more than just bones and muscle.
you need to know that you are more than your three dimensional existence.

throw away all your knives
and your lighters
i know you think that sometimes you need to cover yourself in artwork made from red ink and pink rubbery skin to remind yourself you can still feel, but remember "the red water of the bathtub cannot change the color of the sea at all".

your body is a temple, not an abandoned house.
you do not get to starve it of happiness or demolish it with your hatred
you cannot crucify your own skin just because you feel like its getting hard to breathe
stop using the excuse of wanting to be health, or vegan because every time you do that, you're letting your demons win

its okay if you go to bed without him
i know you think that you need him to save you
that perhaps he will heal all your wounds
but he won't
sometimes, there is no prince and you need to be your own savior
because sometimes we, are all we have
and that
is completely **okay.
 Oct 2013 Skye Applebome
I've come to terms with a few things:

Sometimes life *****.
Sometimes life is unfair.
Sometimes isn't forever.
 Oct 2013 Skye Applebome
I listen to loud music,
On full volume.
And I like it.

People ask me how,
Or what I hear in that yelling.

It's quite simple.
After being so lost, for so long,
Sometimes it takes literal screaming to crack my surface.

So I listen to loud music,
On full volume,
And I like it,
Because I can feel.
 Oct 2013 Skye Applebome
 Oct 2013 Skye Applebome
Hey guys!
It's been awhile, but I'm back. I've come to terms with the things that were troubling me. I started a new account but I never really wrote anything good on it...

Well that's all.
I'll be posting here again.

gliding over the piano keys
hitting all the right combinations
the receiver drifting off helped by smoke circles
wiping the face
settling in
sitting deeper
circle the glass edge
soaked in oak mixed water
burning wood crackles
fire a visual trap
slowly sifting trough the past
regret and pride equally rememberd
the ghost visit one by one all before midnight
ding **** the old clock answers the tears
the journey been long
Early today I went on a walk
My brain started to babble and it started to talk
It said Cameron, I want to be heard
So I let it out, set it free
And I gave it my word
I said I'd speak my passion
And maybe you'll listen
Like any burning passion
It starts with ignition.

I though I could ignite a flame
I thought that perfection was my middle name
But perfection's not from heaven, it's from hell
And my middle name's not perfection
The middle name's Michelle

I thought I was an angel; I was wrong
Every **** thing I thought that I knew was gone
Everything I thought was from heaven above
But what did I ever know of love?
Maybe I'm an angel, just an angel who fell
But my middle name's not angel
My middle name's Michelle.

Now I feel nothing that I thought that I felt
And maybe perfection's not from heaven it's from hell
And maybe I'm an angel, just an angel who fell
But my middle name's not perfection
My middle name's Michelle.
 Oct 2013 Skye Applebome
I wish sometimes that people could be in real life as they are online
That I could just block them to clear my head
or delete them from my contacts so I wouldn't have to deal with them

It would save the cold shoulders
the tense atmosphere
and lives could change for the better

without having to spend it avoiding problems
If only
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