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  Feb 2017 Dr Strange
Poetic T
Something even though we try to evaporate,
                    We linger in the air....
Even though not solid,
            the vapours we still inhale without consequences....
  Feb 2017 Dr Strange
Poetic T
My well of thoughts have dissipated,
beneath the murky waters
the afterimages of what had evaporated.
repetition now swims in the vapour
of reflection.
of a droplets that seem to be deja-vu on the
surrounds of my reflections that are evaporating.
  Feb 2017 Dr Strange
Poetic T
Savour the taste of the ink,
                                        and like wine..

let it breath on your thoughts....
Dr Strange Feb 2017
How did we end up in this place
Trying to survive a war that exist because of greed
Living a life that is consumed by hate
Attempting to find joy that has eluded us for centuries
How did we end up in this place

We were once simple folks
Once upon a time we saw the rainbows and the unicorns that skedaddled in the wind
Now all we see is the dull black and white world
As we chose to focus on the corruption, the deception, and the perfect complexion
Completely ignoring the beauties in life
Forcing you to ask how did we end up in this place

We were once from a world where the little children can go outside and play in peace
Didn't have to worry about them ducking and covering praying this bullets didn't have their names written all over it
Didn't have to worry about mysterious people trying to ****** them up and force them into the *** trade
Once again forcing you to ask how did we end up in this place

We were once a family
If not by blood by relations
Starvation wasn't a thing that existed in our communities
If food was something you could not afford your next door neighbor had your back 
Offering you a four course meal even putting close on your back
So tell me...if this is where we came from
How did we...end up in this place
  Feb 2017 Dr Strange
Arcassin B
by Arcassin Burnham

On rainy days like this one here was just a wreck
in a short distant memory that only i can recollect,
i had to process the problems in my head to really
check on the thoughts in the air of my forehead to
break a sweat,
And you would have thought i pepped,
the people that push up my problems in a flash while
thinkin' back in this reality a man,
That i am more than them in every way to be exact
and not cocky but very optimistic to say i can.
  Feb 2017 Dr Strange
Mike Hauser
As I strolled down  Beaker Street
A neon sign flashed in front of me

That said "Only Serious Poets Need Apply"
(Blink) "Need Apply" (Blink) "Need Apply"

So it was I thought to myself
I can think of noone else

As serious a poet such as I

I looked to the right and then the left
Feeling pretty confident about myself

And decided to take a gander inside

The room it was totally dark
In the corner was the tiniest of sparks

I did a stately poetic stroll in that direction

Feeling I might have made a mistake
This thought occurring a little too late

But of course this whole scene might just be window dressing

A voice said we don't need a poet at all
Just someone dumb and gullible

That's the moment in my pants I started messing

Turns out it was a mad scientist
With a masters degree in craziness

What were his dastardly plans I could only be guessing

I was grabbed by a couple of thugs
Who highly dislike deodorant and mouthwash

******* and flown off to the smallest of islands

Where they did unspeakable experiments on me
In the first, second, and third degree

All because to insanity they took a liking

When it was they were finally done
With what those nut jobs consider good fun

Don't know how many walls they had me climbing

Daily now I plan my escape
I only hope that I'm not to late

When the opportunity arrives I hope I don't blow it

I find it so hard to believe
That this all has happened to me

And Why?
Because of me being such a serious poet
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