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Dr Strange Oct 2016
Let my heart write from my soul
And soul be relinquished from the chains that buried it  beneath the ashes

Let my mind speak for itself
And not hide behind the diamond walls that glimmers in its wealth

Let the raging fires burn
And dry up the tears that drowned thee within the shadows of the darkest abyss

Let tho be free from the tyranny that posses thee
And not be the pathetic slave society expects him to be
Dr Strange Oct 2016
Hiya gramps,

It's been a long time since I said hello
Not that I forgot about you though
It's just that things have been going kind of slow
I miss you, you just don't know
Honestly wish you never had to go
Life would have been so much easier wouldn't you say so
These tears wouldn't be flying like rain drops in the sky
Wouldn't be clinching this string so tight
Struggling not to say forget it all and just die
Belive me it's rather tempting but I could never bring myself to do it 
Always thought about that deathly frown you'd give me
And that judgemental shake of the head
Followed by the famous "I love you, but you got to try again"
Well anyways I just wanted to say hi I'm doing fine
You'd be so proud of me if you were still alive
For you and I I'll survive
Rest in peace grandpa I love you so much
Dr Strange Sep 2016
They never told me that it would be like this <br>
They only told me that my freedom would come out of it <br>
So I said hell yeah for my freedom I'd do anything <br>
Thinking it wouldn't be too extreme <br>
But I was wrong <br>
This is an atrocity <br>
A blood bath of the epic proportion <br>
I didn't sign up for this <br>
Didn't agree to hear their screams on the other side of the seven seas <br>
To turn on the tv and see the catastrophic event I  caused with my own two hands <br>
All I wanted was to be free <br>
Not to be chained to hell's gate with restraints made of my own flesh and bones <br>
What have I done
Dr Strange Sep 2016
It's not over <br>'s seriously not over <br>
It's amazing how defiant we truly are <br>
How we somehow manage to channel our inner stubbornness no matter the circumstance<br>
No matter how ****** up of a situation we slowly drowns ourselves in<br>
And we are the key to the future <br>
The truth is we're nothing but a joke <br>
We are supposed to be great all mighty being that achieve greatness in its purest form <br>
Ones who are supposed to bring forth a new era of prosperity and tranquility <br>
Yet...we can't even get pass killing one another for the hell of it <br>
What greatness we turned out to be <br>
Then we turn our backs chanting our hypocritical speeches <br>
Saying we demand peace and equality <br>
Completely ignoring the obvious solution <br>
The world can't won't change unless we change ourselves<br>
So let me end with this a question<br>
Are you willing to change...<br>
Or are you just that contempt with the failing reality?
  Aug 2016 Dr Strange
Just Melz
If the person you love
Is truly
Holding you up
Then there's no way
You could fall
For someone else
Dr Strange Aug 2016
I swear I haven't gone insane <br>
But it seems insanity is what the world is accustomed to <br>
Allowing hell to roam freely through our streets <br>
Flooding homes with nothing but darkness and despair <br>
Killing off the innocent <br>
While allowing the wicked reign over all with an iron fist <br>
It all happens so often <br>
It is as if this was how life was meant to be <br>
Plunged into chaos <br>
As it paints mother nature red to resemble that of a <br>
Rewriting a story that always ends the same <br>
A story of no mercy <br>
Not even to the children who now lie lifeless in their own beds <br>
As a mother holds their severed heads close to her ***** <br>
Hoping they'd hear the sound of her heart beating and rise from their own ashes  <br>
But even she knows it is too late for their poor innocent souls <br>
Causing her to cry blood tears as red as a
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