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May 2015 · 1.9k
Sir B May 2015
Sleep is magnificent
its powerful arms,
gripping us. holding us.
furtively. enclosing us.
in its vast embrace of solitude.

We were sleeping
regardless of the time, and the heat,
emanating from our bodies.
Our bodies, cramped onto a bed
with legs intertwined
and pillows everywhere and
blankets hiding our faces.

The serenity, the solidarity
amongst us.
To simply sleep.
Nothing more, nothing less
simply to lie in the embrace of the other
with eyes closed, but bodies closer.

Such is the power of sleep.
To bring two individuals together,
to bring two souls together.
Aligning their heart, their minds, their bodies
to love each other.
Another poem for english class
May 2015 · 1.9k
A star filled night
Sir B May 2015
We sat together,
upon a hill with dew on grass,
against a tree
with glowing city lights ahead of us
We waited patiently for night fall
to stand witness to the beautiful starry night

The wait lasted a while but it paid back.
It paid back through the beauty,
the awesome power,
and the sight of the stars.
These stars were unfathomable
even while we stood witness to them.

The city lights took notice
of the star filled night sky
and dimmed their lights ever so low
Making visible the huge spirals of the Milky Way
emanating a white glow
but so peaceful, oh so peaceful
it calmed the entire human soul

The night was still so young
so much had yet to happen.
She sensed the serene silence
understanding our time was complete.
The world would wander
and locations would change
but our experiences would remain.
An expression poem for my english class..
Apr 2015 · 680
Electric (10w)
Sir B Apr 2015
Your smiling face

is like a diamond

in the rain..

This one song, Electric Love by Borns is just to good.
Jan 2015 · 740
Heart (10w)
Sir B Jan 2015
My heart twisted and turned
Convulsing erratically with acidic love
Hello. Its not that grotesque, just a break from midterms.
Nov 2014 · 788
Does this relate?
Sir B Nov 2014
Being so happy for once
on a monday that too,
that you forget about everything
actually get work done
and talk to people
but then end up lying
and talking about things
and breaking promises

On a monday too,
and realizing the grave mistake that you have made
just before sleeping
and then staying up all night

Going to school on tuesday
understanding the full extent of the mistake
and then refusing and preventing yourself
from talking to anyone
you know!
that you will ***** something up
be in worse trouble

just the magnitude
of the mistake is unrecognizable
unless seen from the eyes of the person
that actually spoke to you
and seeing tears, barely
about to fall and understanding
that you ****** up
and its not the first time either
I ******* up again, like **** it. November 18th 2014
It was a great monday, until I realized my mistake at 11pm.
Oct 2014 · 512
These dances
Sir B Oct 2014
That night
It was so cold
But i was so warm
We had just finished dancing
Had a hug after
And more and more
I didnt feel like letting you go
But i knew i had to

But that dance
Your hands on my shoulders
Mine around your waist
Just us slowly turning
While watching others
Its a dance to remember
And the picture after
One that shouldnt be forgotten
October 18th 2014 - Homecoming
Sep 2014 · 536
I am just not
Sir B Sep 2014
everyone is meant for someone
And people find them

But not me
Because i am just evil inside out
Knowing what needs to be done
But not acting on it
Knowing how it should be done
But failing at it

I am but evil inside and out
Just emotions. This refers to things like XC, Homecoming, exams, everything
Sep 2014 · 542
Sir B Sep 2014
The world is a weird place
once you believe in thrashing your body up for a day*
other times
you just don't want to risk it

sometimes you want to punch through walls
sometimes you want to just sit next to people
and talk

other times you just want to be yourself
and sometimes you dont want to be ostracized
the world be a weird place
*This refers to today's Cross Country meet, I wanted to just go all out and see how badly i would get injured (I didn't) but this week's been so crazy with emotional pain (at times), psychological and physical (full time) and just broke me down this time. Can't let this happen..
Sep 2014 · 508
Nothing Worse
Sir B Sep 2014
There is nothing than
A purposeless man

Who is lost and dead
Just some poetry, i maybe talking about myself…
Aug 2014 · 598
Sir B Aug 2014
I feel like running,
till my heart is going to die,
till my lungs ache, muscles burn, adrenaline still racing,
I want to run from this place to nowhere in particular
Just somewhere else
Late night sunday poetry, school starts soon…
Aug 2014 · 628
Sir B Aug 2014
I think i have realized
That everything is out to get you
And it stings badly
But movement is the way of life
And considering every one of us as stars
Of our own little shows is the most important aspect
Of understanding the way of life

Sometimes movement
Sometimes support
Sometimes being a support
Just something after band camp
Jul 2014 · 608
Its an armor.
Sir B Jul 2014
I found out today
That I carry around chainmail
Similar to the Knights during The Middle Ages
But its more unreal
It protects me
And tells me not to spill my emotions
Similar to protecting the knight

It holds everything throughout the day
And at night
Everything within me crumbles.
I take off this "chainmail"
And i go into those dark alleys of my mind
Some with no escape
I try escaping with my plentiful books
They sometimes work

Other times its hell upon myself
My friends, and i regret it every time
But its a cycle I fail to stop
Unlike my real bike which failed me yesterday

This chainmail, its good and all
But I wish I didnt have to remove it
I dont want to make my friends suffer
But they still do.
I learnt to bottle it up…
Like thats going to help.

Just, need kevlar or something
This thought came to me this morning July 1st 2014, so yea. US lost in FIFA, guess that could be expected.
Jun 2014 · 575
To my many nights
Sir B Jun 2014
To my plentiful nights
Where i shivered
Even with a blanket on

To when i cried
Because i understood my flaws and irrational thinking

To when i forced myself to sleep
So as to prevent further harm

To when i thought of you
Because you are you.

To those nights and more
Constituting me and my celestial being
Emotions, emotions, emotions.
Jun 2014 · 1.9k
Sir B Jun 2014
I realized a lot of things
For one- Running helps
Two- late nights are reserved
Three- summer is here
Four- i cannot rhyme
Five- what am i doing

Six- i shall see you later
The worst thing i have written. Ever.
Jun 2014 · 652
C'est La Vie
Sir B Jun 2014
I want to be alive and not be indifferent to love, but c'est la vie.
I want to love a wonderful person but they do not want me around them but c'est la vie.
I want to be an amazing person who is really nice and fun to be around, but my negativity brings everything down and c'est la vie.
I don't like myself for that but c'est la vie.

But I still hope to make it through
just for 4 more days
until the end of the year
so I could run
and try to forget my emotions for a brief moment
C'est la vie = that's life.

4 more days until school ends.. then its a whole summer of opportunities and late night talks with friends and family..
May 2014 · 419
Sir B May 2014
i really just want to leave,
May 2014 · 550
War of worlds
Sir B May 2014
Here was a world
a serene world, calm
with an eternal summer
where trees have leaves year round
the sun shines silently
people fall in love and
its never a heartbreak
only a successful story
failure isn't in a dictionary
and tropical paradises are resorts for people

There however was another world
a world within the minds of people
it lay inside those who hadn't been so lucky
it was chaotic, upsetting
with an eternal winter
where trees stood naked
looking dim
the sun couldn't illuminate it
and people felt more heartbreaks than successes
failure was a regular occurrence
and therapy hospitals always had a long line

The war, was more of an exchange
similar to where
both sides exchange prisoners or
let families reunite
it was a quick war really
the "darker" side gave up
"lighter" side won

With the lighter side winning
there came great festivities
great power and honor
therapeutic centers didn't have long lines
tropical paradises grew exponentially
and it the end

It was a peaceful exchange
and a pleasant dream.
A poem that I wrote for a school magazine and if it gets published you get extra credit points in your english class. i don't know what will happen but its a try..
May 2014 · 2.3k
What is love…?
Sir B May 2014
What is love?
Its such a simple question
With a much complex answer

What is it?

Is it something that holds two people together?
A mother and her child?
Or is it something
Between a god and his followers?

Is it an unbreakable bond constraining or freeing people
Something someone people are indifferent to?

What is this thing "love?"
I dont understand it
Is it magic, fiction, surreal?
Real, live, active?

What is love?
What does it do?
I sincerely don't know the meaning and can't fathom if either.. This one is out of my reach…
Apr 2014 · 493
its like nothing
Sir B Apr 2014
Its like nothing
I am always insulted
Always told how I ****
I am horrible
Don't listen
never understand
know nothing

But I do know things
i am better
i listen.

but its all a waste
because inner part of me
wants to crumble and die
to end the suffering.
just, don't console me.
Apr 2014 · 412
One cut too far
Sir B Apr 2014
You told me was suicidal
And i tried helping
It was tough
But we persuaded him to live

Later, yesterday…
I saw him in the hallway
And was going to ask him
"How are you feeling?"

Only to pull myself back
Because my question would have
Made him, lose trust on you
For revealing the world about his suicidal intentions

So I didnt ask him
So that he will continue talking
Talking to you, and you could help

It would be one cut too far
And nobody informed beforehand...
The person should be okay, as far I know. But just analyzing the situation told me this…
Apr 2014 · 727
I want to melt
Sir B Apr 2014
I want to melt away
anything but live

I have done no good
troubled people
hurt them
been cruel to myself
nothing right

I just want to melt
in the shadows
the lonely places
on the tennis courts

don't want to live
I want to melt
Realized I troubled her, a lot. Realized that I should leave and not bother anyone. Realized I should just give up on it. Realized I am never getting to my goal. Realized that I am just a waste. Realized a lot of things.
Apr 2014 · 8.5k
Dead imagination
Sir B Apr 2014
You know
I found out
I have
dead imagination??

This is a serious problem
someone killed it
I don't know who
But someone did
and that's a problem
Need to revive my imagination
need to draw, paint, play

Revive  *it
Chatting with a friend and they ask me to draw something/anything on my hand.. and then I realize I have a dead imagination.. now, I have to change that
Apr 2014 · 658
So patient
Sir B Apr 2014
I have been so patient
For so long
I dont understand

How was i this patient?
What and how
Just how exactly?

Guess, i have to be patient
Just thoughts again
Apr 2014 · 596
Lost in thought
Sir B Apr 2014

About you and death
about love and indifference
about life
about the world
about myself
about everything

it doesn't feel good..
i have started feeling more "empty" and lonely and i have to control myself from doing idiotic acts. It's a struggle now... but, again, it always has been...
Apr 2014 · 776
I am a bad friend
Sir B Apr 2014
I let my friends cry
help them cry

depress them
everything but make them happy

i am a bad friend.


I wish i changed some things
so i was better
just thoughts..
Mar 2014 · 741
Heart is painfilled
Sir B Mar 2014
My heart hurts
But this time
I know the reason
Was playing tennis and my wonderful, no sarcasm, opponent accidently hit me with a tennis ball.... Ouch…
Mar 2014 · 7.0k
Sir B Mar 2014
The worst form
of a dystopia
is the utmost
While talking to Jack, the subject of utopias/dystopias came about and then we discussed and came to the point where the worst forms of dystopias are unfortunately utopias.
Mar 2014 · 498
Lost in love and dreams
Sir B Mar 2014
I fell again
From the mile high city for her
Then realized she was elsewhere
And started my journey west from US
Wen across the pacific
And found everyone making love
But not the person who i fell for
Continuing west
I reached Europe
And found beautiful
Landscapes and wondrous cuisine
Wonderful people
And stunningly beautiful natural history museums
Still not the beautiful lady

I then realized she was probably close by
Near where i started
So i made the daring flight
Across the Atlantic
While flying
I became even more lonely
And pondered
"What would i say to my lady once i meet her?"
I left those thoughts aside and
Looked around to see if i was close to home
And in that moment, my heart fell away and went into the enormous ocean..…

I continued now without hope
Reached my place
And looked around
Sure, i found her
The beautiful person
So stunningly wonderful
Artemis would be jealous.
I tried to tell her my emotions
My ever powerful love

Which took me around the world
But when she asked for my heart,
I couldn't contain myself
And told her of my tale
She listened and sympathized
But couldn't help
And then
I fell down
Only to be revived by her
Who told me, she still loved me
That revived my soul
And i found my heart
Quickly after
Only to realize

It was a dream…
Easily weird. Do tell me if you have a better title. Otherwise. I have to sleep and Beware the Ides of March!!!
Mar 2014 · 503
This is my problem
Sir B Mar 2014
I don't know what to talk about
my insanity?
my horrible lack of confidence?
my beautifully hated self?

The problems come
after I figure out a way to overcome
the aforementioned things

Once they are good
I don't know what to talk about
and I am left lonely again...
...and I lose myself
and become insane
and oh joy!
*we are back at square one.
I don't know what to say.. I am lost in the endless sea emotions again.
Mar 2014 · 1.3k
Sir B Mar 2014
we have to be the light and burn
and help others burn
and show them the way
because sometimes
we are their last matchstick
and they are stuck in a cave,
unable to find their way out
we should help them out
and be their light in their times of duress

because sometimes
we have to burn away
to let others prosper
and often times
they will credit you for it
for being their last resort
and also for being their light out of the tunnel

But, they will miss you
for you were the last one
and now if they go back in the cave
then they can help someone else
who is lost there
but will not be able to get out of it
because you were their last hope
and now you are
not the best, don't even know what i was thinking when I was lighting a matchsick. Anyways, here's a poem, have a good day and enjoy the one less hour of sleep. :(
Sir B Mar 2014
Its always the conclusion that matters
because if you don't have a strong conclusion
then you won't have a strong effect
on the people who just read it

and thus;
in the conclusion

It was I
who ruined me
I messed with the minds of me
while myself was busy being myself
it ruined itself too
myself hurt himself
so badly
it was never to be his own self again
myself became suicidal

while I kept ruining me
me was getting bullied by I
but myself did nothing to help me
because it had his own self to worry about
I tortured me
with thoughts of unrelenting pain
and loss of memory
me had to oblige because it
couldn't overpower I without the help of myself

In the conclusion,
I ruined me
myself ruined himself.
*Might not be the best*

I found a quote on tumblr and I took inspiration of it..
I have homework and school to manage
write another poem later...

Have a good day!

*March 6th 2014, 20:44*
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Don't you find this wrong?
Sir B Mar 2014
This whole system
hating yourself
or trying to **** yourself
is more accepted
than loving yourself?

I am not just being cynical
I am trying to provoke thoughts
no-one is taking any action on this
that people find it more
socially acceptable
saying you are suicidal
than they do when you say
"i love myself"

I find it wrong
but i can't do anything about it
can i.
Though this poem highlights the things wrong, I am actually knee deep and just cannot control my emotions. I feel suicidal too often sometimes. It's not good, but I really don't know what to do...
Mar 2014 · 518
Worst nightmare yet.
Sir B Mar 2014
I imagined that you jumped off a cliff
with a smile on your face
and telling me
I can survive this fall
but i knew you couldn't
it was too high
told you to stop, but you jumped anyways
the whole world turned dark and
spirits invaded my mind
I awoke and didn't sleep again
and it was hell all over.
This dream came to me around Late November 2013. It's my worst nightmare till record because that person who jumped off the cliff was Jack...
Sir B Mar 2014
It is hard
living for another person
knowing that if you lose hope
then they will as well
You are their lifeline
The external soul
of a dead person
trying to keep them
alive and make sure
they are good and
don't try anything stupid
That's tough.
And to top that off
you only have one chance
and you cannot afford to fail at your job
one mistake and both of you tumble
and it might result in the end of one of you
It's hard living for someone else
But some people still do it
and we need to help them

easier to die for someone

Its actually easy saying you will jump
in front of a bullet or a roof
to save someone else

**Hard living for someone else
I don't have anyone to live for.. this poem was not the desired end result, but I just wanted to put it out there that its hard living for someone else.. the post was on tumblr
Mar 2014 · 1.5k
So cynical
Sir B Mar 2014
You are wonderful
and interesting
and just so intelligent

I know!!
I understand
and i know its wonderful
talking to an interesting person

But I don't believe in myself
I don't trust myself
I am cynical
Doubting myself
preventing myself from gaining my power

Just being cynical is preventing me
this is not good
I am cynical of my own powers and I don't realize that I have the power, voice, and inspiration to help others and myself.
Mar 2014 · 472
What is the matter?
Sir B Mar 2014
The matter starts with the way the country is
No blame going to anyone

You see
America has established itself
as a country that works forever
tires out, stresses things
which are unnecessary
The people work
till they fall down dead
They aren't given as many
have to work, remember?!!?
This leads them to more stress
harms their health
creates a place which is unfriendly
where, you cannot show up
at someone's house without calling before
You don't do that in other countries
you just knock on their door
and they let you in and its friendly

America, oh noes
You have to call to let them know
you are coming over
its friends
its family
its supposed to be informal
they are part of you
they make you
they needn't take an appointment with you
  meet  you

I find too many things wrong in America
Once I have noticed them
I cannot remove them
and just keep seeing more faults
It's not like something is wrong with me
Not anymore.

It's the society now
They have to take blame for ******* over thousands of people
They manipulate you,
It's about time that they take blame
for telling how
has to live and be a total working place

It shouldn't. Its just another country. Even Europe is better off!!

I have exhausted my topics, but in the end
its just that America might need to change
maybe, for the better

I know my voice will be unheard, but I want to express my opinion
now, I have finally realized.
I am fine, its the society
This new culture
This new standard of living

*This isn't for me.
*Might need more work, criticism is appreciated*

If this write is controversial for you, please mention how. Otherwise, try to help out the other poets who are in similar and worse conditions than me. I don't want to let go unseen. I have to make an effort to make the snowball effect happen.
Feb 2014 · 387
Still a kid
Sir B Feb 2014
i am a kid
i will remain a kid..
Feb 2014 · 607
shall stop now.
Sir B Feb 2014
i should just stop at this point
                                          m        y         

                 p            o              e        t         r             y

                                i                     s                  

               f     a       l        l         i         n          g

p             ­                                                          a
                   r                             t

I shall stop it
because its more depressing
and i would rather not talk more
and depress more people about it.
that would be another ending for me. 3rd one so far. I shall stop.. though you may still see me occasionally or never.
Sir B Feb 2014
We need to have
another word
for saying
"I am sorry for everything I have done"

It kind of gets repetitive
and then the meaning is forgotten

We need a new term
This idea just came by randomly… I am sorry for so many things and I feel repetitive saying "I'm sorry". I feel like a new term would help alleviate the pressure off of Sorry.…
Feb 2014 · 676
The Shadow
Sir B Feb 2014
I have become the shadow
that i definitely didn't want to become
well, that's just outright depressing.
True shadow now. Nobody is going to miss me, i am a true shadow now. Hardly have anyone left to talk to.
Sir B Feb 2014
We all want to be immortal
and want to be remembered
but what people
fail to understand is that
if you do become famous
and if you do become
known around the world
you are hurting this world
and you are scarring it

the only way to be remembered
is unfortunately by scarring the world
and scarring hurts the world
so in the end
people who want to be remembered
are finding it necessary to harm the world
to be remembered and that is not
remembering a dead person
that's remembering their
deeds, which were wrong
and which hurt the world.
Inspiration from TFiOS. I am just lost and enamored by the whole book. Apologies for this excessive introduction or remembrance of TFiOS.
Sir B Feb 2014
"My thoughts are stars that can't fathom into constellations."

“You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices.”

“Some tourists think Amsterdam is a city of sin, but in truth it is a city of freedom. And in freedom, most people find sin.”

“I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.”

“What else? She is so beautiful. You don’t get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you: You know she is. She is funny without ever being mean. I love her. I am so lucky to love her, Van Houten. You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers.”

“You do not immortalize the lost by writing about them. Language buries, but does not resurrect.”
Oh the book, its a wonderful creation. I appreciate its existence.
Feb 2014 · 798
To love or to be loved?
Sir B Feb 2014
Should I love you
and send you an
blush of roses
just a box of chocolates
or maybe
just a simple card
expressing my deep desire
to love you for an infinity


I could just hope to be loved
by you
and expect roses
and chocolates
or just a sincere card
expressing your love to me
for an infinity

But we both do know
that it won't happen
we are "forever alone" people
nothing good happens to us

so the end question becomes

should we love?
just wait to be loved?

Hard question that is.
A poem made for valentines day. I expect nothing from anyone, i mean. I have no reason to.. unless someone is generous enough to.. I don't think they are.. Well oh well. Hope you guys have a nice valentines day with whomever you are planning to spend it with. Its beautiful that its on a Friday, you can go on a movie night or something. If you are just going to be alone like I will be.. Send a message, maybe we can chat...
Feb 2014 · 808
Feel dead
Sir B Feb 2014
I feel dead with the pain
that i am going through with
no dreaming
no sanity
only pain
relentless and numbing pain

I am going dead
I am dying with this
i don't want to die.
The pain.. its troublesome and I don't know what its doing to my mind.
Feb 2014 · 927
Please walk with me
Sir B Feb 2014
Do so,
I require of you to
to keep me sane

amongst the shadows
and feel the cold and haggard

amongst the real humans
and feel warmth and joy
from their wonderful and perfect selves

Walk with me
we can go on a journey
maybe it'll help me
recover from the crazyness
and help you too...

Please, Walk with me
I require this of you.
Something I thought about in my English Class today, certainly wasn't paying the usual amount of attention, not feeling right either. Headache is getting more frequent... that's strange.
Feb 2014 · 948
Mortal amongst Immortals
Sir B Feb 2014
That's who I am
I feel like
and probably will remain

You don't read about mortals
becoming Immortals
you remain a mortal
and die as one

is a walk like Mortal
amongst Immortals
who are better than you in everything
Goddy Omnipotent freaks

I won't ever be an Immortal
I will be just another
derogatory mortal


Whil­e the Immortals will steal
all the glory that I give them
and they will shun me more
because you know

You cannot live in a world
like this.
You just can't.

It's too much

The Immortals are just good
at everything
and will remain so
and be jealous of a mortal
a foreigner
a regular
If the poem is not able to express my emotions of being left out and always being considered a person in the wings of a stage who has the glory but is stolen from him.

I don't know how else to express this mess of emotions which hurt me everyday and the pain which I just have to trudge through because no one wants to listen. Just another regular mortal in a world of Immortals.
Feb 2014 · 1.8k
Literal Heartache
Sir B Feb 2014
My heart is hurting
every. single. day.

That's unfortunate
I thought I taught myself
to live without talking to you
for a while...

Guess my heart
just adores you..
and misses you
My first poem with this new format, February 7th 2014. I don't exactly love this format.. I guess its fine though.

Anyways, I do have this pain and it hurts a lot, so much that I cannot focus. Happens way too occasionally. I jokingly say that its due to the absence of love, but we know better right?
Feb 2014 · 899
This is the ultimatum
Sir B Feb 2014
I... lied
for the first time in my life
a true lie

I regret it
and want to cleanse myself of the guilt
and this horrendous evil

This time
my lie was not a deceiving answer
I saw the pity in her eyes
and I knew that she already had her information
she was trying to confirm it
and i lied.

I. lied.

I didn't even look at her eyes
Like i usually do
I just
looked down and around

She knows
She knows
She knows

I cannot hid it
the guilt will ****** me
but the lie

oh, such a stupid one

but the way she asked me

"is everything alright?"
It made me jump
I knew it would happen
I knew she would ask me
not come close and whisper with sympathy

I have never lied before
and this is the last time
i will lie

the guilt is unbearable
I cannot keep it from her
but also
I don't want to do anything stupid
but the only way to clean this guilty
feeling off

is to tell her
I will not lie
because the sympathy and kindness
reflected in her eyes so brightly
a quasar would be dimmer

oh, this guilt
it truly is the ultimatum
The way she perked when she saw me
close enough to come bounding to me
then to say a whisper and leave

that just killed me
i wanted to break down and cry my heart out
but i couldn't
not in that place

February 4th 2014, 14 years old. I told my first lie. First true lie. I have never been this guilty of lying, but this time. When I saw her face and read her expressions and her eyes, I saw that she knew already about me... but yet came to talk to me, and I refused it. I am no deservant of her sympathy anymore, she shouldn't be suffering and worrying over a shadow. But the point is she will.. until i can either a) lie more and cover up or b) say the truth...
Feb 2014 · 861
Closed Eyes
Sir B Feb 2014
I realized that
i am becoming this
attention requiring
love desperate kid

only because i am letting myself

what about those who do
love you? you are doing them an injustice

to those people
i know i am
i have messed up
so much of that
that i cannot face it
i cannot
which is why
another conversation with my friend, a real friend
Jan 2014 · 831
No more fantasy, please.
Sir B Jan 2014
I need to stop thinking in fantasy
and stop with the books
they provide an escape
to a different reality
where everything is better and good
but it's only for a short time

I come back to my own reality
and cannot face it

The problems,
my dreams, which will never come true
they just become snow
and stay there forever
and it starts to get cold
and hurtful

I cannot keep living in fantasy
it starts to hurt
but fantasy is the only true

*its the only highway
that starts where ever you want
and goes where ever you want
Thursday poem.. TFiOS becoming a movie and its official trailer has been released. Very excited, because its a wonderful book and will be a wonderful movie. Stay warm, another snow storm expected!
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