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Sir B Jan 2014
I love you too much
too much

head is filled with moments
i could and would
have done differently
greeted myself better

but that's the past
not to be confused with the present
I am similar to an
who you know
loves her

but is too scared to do anything
because he doesn't know how
and because he doesn't want to
hurt you

he just wants
to love faithfully

from a teenager?!
what are we reading here?
science fiction?

but it is true
i **** at telling you
that my heart aches
at your thoughts
and when your name is uttered
tears me up

because i know
i did nothing to help
or did nothing to show my love

I just

let you sit there and cry
shame on me
for not doing anything
for ruining his moment
i cannot do much
to change the past
but i hope
that after you move
or I move

you will find someone better than me
I am not the best
cannot be
never was
I was just a re-incarnation
of my soul
who is very kind to people
and just as protective and shy
lies in my birth sign

Just never wanted to do anything
but love someone wholeheartedly
that's not something that will
happen so I need to let that fantasy go
but its a hard habit to break
when you are already knee deep into it
This is a repost, sorry for deleting the first one.Wrote this when my headache was on. I truly am sad for not doing anything and for ruining his moment. I just have this bad luck, that when something good will happen to someone, i break something 10x worse to them. Just my bad luck which won't leave me. I can apologize all I want, it won't change the past, which is the most depressing part. I just, **** at loving and telling someone I love them a lot.
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Just another Burden!
Sir B Jan 2014
That's what I have become

If you just suddenly stop talking
and then you realize that you have hurt me
you show up to apologize profusely
yes, i understand
but I know why you left
and i know you have things to attend to
that's why i don't take it to the heart
but everyone just apologizes

I understand
I really do
I don't want to become a burden for anyone
where you have to apologize
every. time.

I feel being a burden
and i don't like that feeling

I hate being someone who is freeloading
or not contributing to the effort
I don't want to be a burden
I can carry tremendous loads
I have enough intelligence to detect
me being a burden

Don't keep apologizing profusely
I understand your reasons
It was partly my fault for not replying
which is why you left
You shouldn't apologize
I should!
Just a rant, and me being me, committing mistakes and forgetting things way too often.
Jan 2014 · 652
Forever late
Sir B Jan 2014
I will always
be late to the party
Just because

That's human nature
No, I am actually punctual and forever on time, just that today was very hectic, (it's a Saturday! Guess what happened) and I didn't win anything, nothing, I felt from the start I wouldn't, something was off about today but I didn't have the courage to tell my partner, oh well. First time all losses for me…
Jan 2014 · 1.7k
left behind
Sir B Jan 2014
I am afraid
To be told that I am not cool enough

Call it societal conformity
i thought i already told it a no
but i think it didn't hear me correctly

But those thoughts keep haunting me
not to be left behind
don't do stupid things


its a huge mess
and can't clear it
but I just feel like a
seeker of attention

how much worse can it get?
very. much.
i would recommend... nothing really. I won't recommend anything because then it sounds like a command and I already have enough commands to follow and sort out, hope you have a better day.

good morning and its friday, Jan 24th 2014
Jan 2014 · 531
Not afraid to love
Sir B Jan 2014
No. I like her
Yes. Yes, I do.
You are stupid to do so, you will break your own heart

Well.. Not much of it left anyways
I dont see a harm for it
I mean..
Loving someone wont hurt

Cool, good for you, enjoy the pain.
Sure, I will
Its just love
Won't hurt that much
A conversation.. Why, am I not afraid to love?
I don't know
What's wrong with me?
Should you ask me.. know
Jan 2014 · 813
Dark Blue Eyes
Sir B Jan 2014
I looked into some
Crystal clear blue eyes
Yes. They did remind me of you
But I decided not to dwell on that

And.. I have also realized that
Loving someone..
Isn't the same
I realize that you read
These well-penned verses
But, you are missing the point
These aren't all of my emotions.

Most of them.
This is driving me crazy, even before it started. Knew it would be a failed plan either ways, I think i have a good relationship with failing and doing things the are proclaimed impossible and un-do-able
Jan 2014 · 665
Step away from here
Sir B Jan 2014
I shall step away
from your life
and the life of others
and from the life of
who find me stupid
and crazy

in short.
the life of everyone..
Because i am not accepted in anything..
I dont know what to be doing
I am at a loss
for whatever I do correctly
because its always wrong
No one likes being around me either, just gah, my recommendation would be that you do the same..

An old poem..
Jan 2014 · 884
No-matter my words
Sir B Jan 2014
No matter the words i speak of
No matter what i would want

nothing getting accomplished
and nothing's going to be good

its a messed up world
with another messed up person

who can't think right
and cannot differentiate
the wrong from right

No matter the talks i talk about
No matter which scenes i play
cant dream.. so its invalid really

No matter the hymns
or the chimes of birds

No matter the flute melodies
or violin cries

No matter the world


bu­t worlds the matter
and i am unable to do anything

not able to talk
not able to do nufin!

Nothing works

Bad luck
bad luck
bad luck

that's what follows me around

death, suicide
sleep forever

****** my soul already
Have to go to another debate tournament with a senior and he is going to count on me being good and advantageous, because he wants to go to nationals... I, am probably going to be his downfall.

Just have to have hope that i don't break
his dream and another person's
who also counts on me.

just. don't want to be a another cause to a sad ending!
Jan 2014 · 703
how to keep oneself going
Sir B Jan 2014
The past made the present you,
but don't let it change the future you,
the future you can still change*

Things are affecting me.
Jan 2014 · 638
how harsh does life get?
Sir B Jan 2014
How harsh does it get you say?
oh, nothing much.
Just have to find the correct person

**haha.. correct person
11 hrs outside of house debating does this to my mind and makes me sadder
Sir B Jan 2014
It's happening again
I am spiraling down
Feeling like I am losing memory
Feeling like being a useless
Oxygen consumer

It's happening again
My life being ******* up
Me going and knocking
On the doors I said I wouldn't

It's finally happened
I am there
Everything was blurry
But I am there
Just to sadden everyone.… I am never okay, never have been… everyday feels horrible.… no sleep just study and stay up never sleeping because I fear losing my memories.
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
Universe doesn't care
Sir B Jan 2014
The universe doesn't care
what you are doing to yourself
It doesn't want to **** you
because your time isn't over yet
It has no emotions
so if you keep cursing it
for never ending your life
its fine.

Universe won't feel a thing
because it has nothing
no emotions/no feelings

we should all up a decision
since the Universe doesn't care
we shouldn't care
but we still do!

We have emotions
we have feelings
we want to help each other

or do we?

hence, i decided to do this to myself.
*torture, with hauntings of your face
or just
plain torture
Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope
I am tired
very tired
very unhappy
very sad
very unlikely
to do anything
besides cry myself
to sleep.
Sir B Jan 2014
Learned so much more today
fluke of conversation
turned out to be worth it

in the end
been better than I have
survived more
endured more

i thought i was
the one in peril
I misunderstood

I never even
or gave
anything to you

i didn't promise to help
didn't follow through anything
hurt you more

all the more reason for
me to apologize to you

ooh, I don't like the feel of this
I should have realized
i didn't


**Sincerest Apologies
Yes, you would know on instance its about you, written on the night of 6th January 2014 at 23:01 (finished). Sincerest Apologies and I cannot do this enough. So much hurt and pain, and discomfort. I.. have forever hurt myself now, and you too. Apologies.
Jan 2014 · 719
Sir B Jan 2014
Sorry for the lack of anything.
I am going crazy
you know
new year
and other fun stuff

Enjoy your year

The page is 1/365
Write a new story worth reading. I promise it will be interesting, and also trudge through another year again, please. Don't **** yourself. I know i want to. But, again. I made it through you can as well. So, please. Go onwards to glory and live another year! *DO EET!!!
How ****** evil am I you ask. Oh you know. Not much... definitely not much.
Dec 2013 · 704
Good game
Sir B Dec 2013
'Twas a good game
But now I

Goodbye and ***** you for tricking me.
You will pay, but not yet
Pained hurt everything you can think of that sad and evil… I will be leaving poetry and quit being on these accounts. If you would like to know my new and other account which might come alive. Ask, otherwise, patience.… it'll get you very far in life
Dec 2013 · 951
My Shadows
Sir B Dec 2013
My shadow should be
proud of me
because I have done good things
Write poetry
Fall in love with amazing people
Who did break my heart
But it doesn't matter really
I am not a likable person
Done just as many stupid things
Try to **** myself
But hey
It doesn't matter
Sometimes, time hates us
Sometimes it doesn't
And sometimes
You gotta do it to relieve yourself

So in the end
My shadow should be proud of me
For I have done
Things which are stupid and things which
Are intelligent
So shadow please
Be proud of me
And don't leave me here alone
So yea. Wrote it while sitting in a car to DC. Hope ya'll are having a wonderful day... See you guys later.

PS - Thanks for the all the support. VERY MUCH appreciated
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
did i find you?
Sir B Dec 2013
have i found you?
have i finally found love?
after a long time of nothingness
is this it?

a person
who actually sees the true me?
a person who gives me butterflies,
when I talk to them
someone I can take to the Netherlands with me?
Or just talk about the most random things
and it would still be okay

Have I found thee?
Or am I hallucinating?
I feel like I found you
A magnificent person
An indescribable human being
With great intelligence
Who enjoys being themselves
And doesn't mind talking to a lame kid
I think you are it
I feel like I found someone
To obsess over
Just wrote something to ease myself off of the headache and to focus on the better things in life... Have a nice vacation everyone! :)
Dec 2013 · 857
Sir B Dec 2013
Tired of keeping everything
inside of me
this is annoying
and just wrong
in so many ways.

I would like to tell you
but i dont think i will be able to
because you are so perfect
in your own world
that i fear my intrusion
of problems and worries
will destroy your wonders
hence, i refuse to tell you
not about anything else either
just, the fact
that your wonderful world
will be in broken pieces
should i share my worries and problems

Its too much to keep inside though
and people tell me to get help from you
and i try
I honestly try
I cannot bring myself to tell you about it
no matter the amount of persuasion
done by the girl i have a lot of crush on
it wont bring me to a conclusion
of sharing my distant and evil plans
with you and your wonderful world
that i occasionally peek into
to try to replicate

but, as previously said
I am unable to do it
because of my ineptness
of doing anything
A person, tells me to share my depression and similar thoughts with my best friend.. I can't bring myself to it. As previously mentioned even if he is my best friend. I don't want to ruin it for him as well. I know for a fact that he will have a tougher time handling it than I do, and I fear everything that happens during the therapy and things alike. Apologies if you, best friend, read it.
Dec 2013 · 902
What is love anymore?
Sir B Dec 2013
I haven't done
that I like or love
in so long
it feels like an eternity

I don't know
and have forgotten
what it even feels like
being in love anymore
its that bad.

Do you still get butterflies
in your stomachs?
Does their image keep haunting you?
(In a good way)
What exactly happens anymore?

So lost,
and unloved
that I am feeling sorry for myself.
Apologies for writing a poem, not really a poem. Just something I realized was wrong with me when reading "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green. I just found out and realized that I don't understand what love feels like. Feel sorry for myself..
Dec 2013 · 796
Any particular weapon?
Sir B Dec 2013
"What weapons may I use?"
He asked,
"Anyone and anything you like,
knives are in the front,
guns in the back"
He replied.

"They are the sharpest,
can cut through steel."
"Sir, I believe something is wrong.
Please..., be quick"

He said and then fainted
Shopkeeper put him on a bed
and found scars on the boy's arm
long scars,
going from shoulder to wrist..
..they were on both hands
and the part between the wrist and elbow
were scarred so bad,
you were scared to touch the skin
then.. it hit him
The boy wanted to run away
from this world
and he didn't know where to stop and lay his head down
and he had chosen the shop
to symbolize that it had given him
relief in times of stress and horrible emotions
he wanted to be back from where he started
thus, he had laid, fallen, while talking
and there was nothing that could be done
Sir B Dec 2013
Worst part?
I am no-ones first thought

****** ME!!
******** Me** -- A sub-entry.

Come watch the play,
murderous and horrendous it may be,
still one of the best,
come watch and learn,
rejoice for you will be never be,
one of my first thoughts,
come watch the play,
murderous and horrendous it may be,
come watch the play,
where we ****** ourselves,
come watch the play,
murderous and horrendous it might make thee.  

A sub-entry. Not exactly in the best of the moods now, am I?
Dec 2013 · 797
Tether me down to reality
Sir B Dec 2013
Please do it,
I am literally going insane
I need desperate assistance
I am very serious about this

My dreams are becoming reality
and reality..
I don't know where that is going
But, Very seriously
I am being troubled
I am asking you
to tether me down
so reality doesn't escape me

Please do me a favor
So i can live..
Very true thing, hence I was sick for the past few weeks and wasn't able to write as regularly. Now, its a little less but its still there mildly.
Sir B Dec 2013
Be wary, be intelligent
don't lose hope
don't forget
that though you
believe in death
marking the end of your
and while it certainly is
the key
to your problems
it certainly isn't

Looks are deceptive
It seems, and virtually feels
as though it can lead you out of ALL
the ****** misery in your life
its kinda.. untrue..
because after you die..
you are to go to the Underworld..
and please, lets not talk about it
I dont have a personal experience about it
but seriously
You will face just the same problems again
is it worth it to leave your progress right now?
You are doing great,
and death has doors
which you,
aren't required to knock on
for a while

so please, enjoy the season of christmas
meet people under mistletoe
yes, I am serious about that
and live
and see the brighter side of things
and also watch Sherlock
season 3..

I like that show,
you will too
Just live and let bygones
be bygones
If this is too cliche
Sorry about it.
I am trying to convey a point
Poem written to tell you/others about why not to **** oneself. I haven't had those thoughts which is such a relief.  I am actually able to concentrate on studying and get better scores in my Biology class (I heart that class, literally). I might just be my normal self again, dunno. Though I still lack the power to be strong and more confident in my English class.. Well. I have certainly been having a great time (kinda) I hope you have been too and are excited for the vacation which are coming up. I shall write again and be online soon,
Dec 2013 · 2.3k
Sir B Dec 2013
You are the one I love,
Then tell him so.
Tell Tom that you don't love him

No, I cannot.
Because I love both of you!

Stop romanticizing the past either.
Its gone, I know you want to erase it
but its gone, its the past.
Just lets live together.
Please. We can do this.

*A part of the whole play
Watched a live play, titled "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It was done by my school members. Wonderful play. I loved it and so did my friends, who I went with.
Sir B Dec 2013
Oh the delicious cheese!
Its soo tasty!

Its comes with toppings!
to help you eat more

so you can be satisfied
and hopefully not hungry anymore
they bring it to you
on time

so you can enjoy the deliciousness
of this modern marvel.

and eat more.
Hello!!! Recently have not been writing much due to a few things that i am trying to clean up in my life. Just wanted to ask a question.. how many times have **you** people misspelled. I seem to be doing that SO MANY TIMES. Is something the matter?
Dec 2013 · 981
Senses lied
Sir B Dec 2013
I have this feeling again
in myself that
"If I do finish myself,
A lot of people can be happier,
they can get through their day
better and wont have to deal with
my sadness."

Just this feeling tells me that
everyone i know of.. frustrated with me
and they want to lash out
but they know what could happen
so they are keeping their emotions stuck
inside as well

I also know about the amount
of bull crap and swearing
that I get for not listening to someone

and also the amount of respect
that I had

Wait.. Did I have any in the first place?

If i did... doesn't vanish in a day now
does it?

People want me segregated
to be with the person of their choice
or for the person to be with them
and, I am told to move myself
because of inadequate space.

Since when did I become so bad.
That. I have no value.

*Note: This poem was written a while back, I am currently out of depression.
Just my depressed emotion. In math class, there are groups. I was at a seat and then the "intelligent" kid walks in. The table I am sitting at, kicks me out to make room for him. After he refuses their offer. I am told to get myself back to my seat. Like what now? Am I that low?? That you dont have trust in me? You think I am not as good as him? Just, depresses me. I already am depressed. I cant cope with the feeling of being a 'cheap' replacement for an "intelligent kid"
Nov 2013 · 538
Ideal (10w)
Sir B Nov 2013
You can do it
I did it,
It's possible
A word prompt by my sister. Yes. I do have a sister.
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
what society has done..
Sir B Nov 2013
They have left us scared
They want us under their
societal pressure
They dont want us together
They are disliking our thoughts

Society doesn't want us
to be powerful
so they can remain unopposed
thus making their unfairness proven.

They want you to conform to them
So you are better kept in control
But no one wants to be similar to another!
Society, has ruined a lot.
I am certainly ****** about stuff. Also, feel free to give me ideas about themes, I will do my best.
Sir B Nov 2013
Raindrops dripping from the cold skies
Rain falling around us
Just a light drizzle
and us standing under the rain
just, standing
and looking at each other
removing all imperfections
and just staring at each others eyes
and rejoicing everything,

Rain drips down your,
hair, soaking wet
I am soaking too
but we look at each others eyes
Light Blue and Dark Brown
and just kiss
standing under the rain
under the cloudy skies
and kiss
with our hands intertwined
and still soaking

*We enjoy the moment
Just some poetry inspired by friends and the weather outside, I would love to know of someone who would stand outside in the rain with me.. I love the rain, especially the light drizzles. I do know of someone, but unlikely they would like to stand out in the rain.. with me. Anyway, light drizzles are amazingg.

Anddd, I cannot stand with not writing poetry. I have to. I am having nightmares and crazy bursts of emotions. This is one of my few ways to control it. If you have a problem with me... i seriously think you should get used to it.
Nov 2013 · 4.3k
Mockingbirds don't lie
Sir B Nov 2013
I have a story to tell
It's a tragic one as usual

A day goes by. Silence reigns and birds cuckoo
While this happens..
Two people sit under a tree
Using it as a rendezvous
For usual meetings
They met...
In ten days

They enjoyed it
I helped another person
and he tried to help me
I did a better job of helping him
that's what I think..

Anyways, once they met
they enjoyed it
they would talk together
and climb a tree
Play with a dog, which was a
golden retriever
They are big!
It was a lot of fun
Often playing Videogames
Mario kart..?

That was a day
and it happened on
an occasional basis
when both of them could spare some time
from their daily *time consuming


One day however
A bright sunny day
A sunday afternoon
filled with birds flying about
nearly the end of the school year
It was all going by wonderfully

We had met another time
because you called me
and told me to help you out
and just to relieve the stress
that the school year had put on us

We climbed a tree
with a rope on it
it was pretty tall
about 10 feet high

I remember talking about self harm..
..and ways to **** oneself
and I gave up climbing and jumped off
the rope
6 feet
straight down
on my back/ankles

It hurt like batshit crazy
but i told you I managed through it
then later
when talking to our friends
I let it slip

I told her about my failed attempt
I was really depressed after that
It actually FAILED!

Well, now more people knew about it
and these rumors spread fast
as you would know
I was still fine with school
just.. I  became more depressed
My grades were fine
I was nearly at the end of the year
nearly there.

And then
I realized
are similar to humans
they don't talk much
at the time of crisis
but they remember
it, and pass it onwards

They don't lie.

*Mockingbirds dont lie
A possible true story, also a possible last poem. Unlike the other one.. which was a horrible one. This could be the last one for a year/maybe not. Also posting on my birthday, 2nd Nov, woohooo!
Oct 2013 · 1.7k
Paranoid me
Sir B Oct 2013
A sense of urgency
A feel to write something

This feeling
That everyone
Will be against me
Because of their persuasive

It's this feeling of paranoia
When I talked to you
and you told me
That I was been crahzy and stoopid

This feeling is oppressive
and I can't seem to think
And question myself
"When is it going happen?"
This my paranoia, the feeling that everyone will be against me..
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
A joyous night
Sir B Oct 2013
Hot chocolate
on a cold night
full moon in the night sky
and friends all around
Had fun at a football game this weekend. I am in marching band.. we are too awesome.
Oct 2013 · 1.0k
A world shrugged
Sir B Oct 2013
I remember
for less than a blink of an eye
a majestic V of forested *****
Far below it
A tiny stream
blue from the sky
Two low roofs
a yellow patch of
sun drenched beach

My fingers rasping across the wood
in a desperate effort
then I stood alone
in a cold and rain swept night

A ticket
Good, when validated, for
one trip to Verna

Behind it a date, gone,
long since, the ticket void,
punched in a pattern
of tiny holes
I read the story, "Of Missing Persons" by Jack Finney. A very similar read to "Atlas Shrugged" hence the title. I won't take credit for this poem, since I have used much of the story. But a beautiful write nonetheless. Wonderful day today. Better than most.. hope you had a good day too  :)
Oct 2013 · 2.2k
A proposal of Love
Sir B Oct 2013
I provide a sample
of my love for you

Its so simple
you'll be marveled

Well, not really..
Its just excuses to
be around you..

.. its just love
which draws me closer to you..
Yay, i finished my homework, spare time poem. Enjoy!! Hope ya'll had a good sunday. I certainly did. :)
Tomorrow's monday though.... gah.
Oct 2013 · 682
Stray thoughts and feelings
Sir B Oct 2013
I see you go by everyday
I come close enough for a hug
but refuse to take it
It won't be good..

I remember the time
when we gave the other a hug
I would have kissed you away
but stopped myself
Don't even try.

I remember the times
I decided to not do anything
about it
and then it hurt me more
and no matter what I think
I can't bring myself to a conclusion.
Just something to write down my emotions for a person. I am in the middle of reviewing for a test. I still don't find myself good enough, but I shall go with the flow.. I feel like today (october 17th 2013) was a VERY good day which just equates to the fact that tomorrow won't be as good. You guys will have a better day, and the sun will shine again and you guyz will rejoice for its Friday. Enjoy while you can.
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
Bak in time! (10w)
Sir B Oct 2013
Okay then
Back we are
Back in time

I am just feeling my days go by in a flurry and only stopping down to show my bad times. This not cool! I also thought that this one person respected me.. i guess not... I did have a good day.. October 16th 2013 was a better day.. in a way. I hope ya'll (haha) are having a happy and a better day, than mine, and you are awesomee. I iz awesome too.. just a little less.
Sir B Oct 2013
Yes, I understand.

My presence does nothing
I know
Just. Why are you after me! I am not good enough. (I am sorry for comparing myself) Please. I am not in a good situation to deal with it right now. I have addressed it to you multiple times. If it doesn't suffice. Read the link below.

Just. I am not okay with this thing. Yes. I would like to be loved for. But its a fantasy for me.
Oct 2013 · 707
Sir B Oct 2013
I. Am. Worthy.

Yea, sure
Let's just go with that.
Wrote it a while back.. Felt like posting it.. What am i doing? I dont know..
Oct 2013 · 733
Flames rise
Sir B Oct 2013
Tall flames,
bright red and orange
blue in the center
and white in midst
they burn till dawn
another object
has fallen

They burn
bright and strong
for a couple hours
then just die
For no
Sad and not so joyous, i suppose. There's just so many people trying to get me. Tough with school and life clashing.. but whatever. Not intended to show any figures.. but anything you perceive.
Oct 2013 · 799
We won't know
Sir B Oct 2013
We may never know
who people write about
and how they can keep writing

I know I write for someone
I also know the chances are
deathly low

But I still try
But I still try to reach the unreachable

And I can trust that you
the person reading my poetry
can understand and relate to
yourself and others
about changes
I was reading some of my old poetry, and the poetry of my friends and how we have changed over the years.. weird... how it happens
Sep 2013 · 837
We danced in heaven
Sir B Sep 2013
We danced tonight
I fulfilled my promise
Of a better dance
A better day
And a good time

I didn't know
I would do it like this
But I did,
And you enjoyed
You made me smile
For a whole night
Hugs and kisses
Slow dances
And beautiful company

We danced in heaven
And enjoyed the company
Of the other
Smiled and laughed
And were hinted
By our friends
To dance,
So we did
And we danced
Yea.. Homecoming dance.. I had a beautiful date who likes me.. I think... And we enjoyed every moment holding hands and dancing with my best friend, Jack.
Sep 2013 · 1.0k
Tonight, we reside in heaven
Sir B Sep 2013
For once
We shall reside
in Heaven
and live for the eternity
and enjoy the bliss
of a friends company

Love each other
and combine souls
for tonight
We shall reside
in Heaven
and enjoy
the morning sunshine
and moonlight at dark

We dance with each other
and learn about the other
love till the sun rises
for tonight
We reside in
Parade and bonfire before homecoming, enjoyed it. Band rocks, so does she and my friends.
Sep 2013 · 642
Center of life
Sir B Sep 2013
Its a lie.
It wasn't meant for me
I thought it was
It wasn't though
and it wont be
I cant be a center of life
for anyone...
Not even myself.
Center of life..
Not even close to the center for that matter.
Emotions being spread out.
Sep 2013 · 756
En route to Love
Sir B Sep 2013
Let's go
Let's get it going
We are en route to lovecity!!

Everyone loves each other there
and they enjoy it
Everyone's beautiful
Including you
Yes, you

Over there
In lovecity
I can be Romeo and you
can be Juliet
or any other characters from
a romance story

Over there
In lovecity
You can have dances
every weekend
to celebrate your love
and to celebrate the occasion
Oh man. This poem. You decrypt it, because I am already there.
Sep 2013 · 641
Silent Rain
Sir B Sep 2013
Silent Rain
falling from the skies
Talking, chatting with thou
and listening to crickets
chirp like my watch
Everything serene
Everything dark
You wanting to be free
So does the nature
Be free like a wind
Be a silent wind
Be a silent rain
Be yourself for the night
Let dance to the rhythm
Lets groove
Lets enjoy the night
and rise and shine
for the days ahead
where we can be perpetual
images carved into Earth
Wind and Fire

Lets listen to the dark night
and take our safety torch with us  
sit outside and sleep under the starry skies
Enjoy the night
Enjoy the time
Enjoy the company
A long poem, but meant to relax.. and cheer you up. Wrote it while talking to a friend, many hidden references. You are amazing if you them! (a few people will) Night time is falling and summer receding for winter to take hold. Be a fish and swim around the globe says my fish. Good night and stay awesome.
Sep 2013 · 650
Share a night with
Sir B Sep 2013
This is titled
I found someone
to go along with
hand in hand
for a whole night

Though it was scary
Wasn't as bad as I thought
She accepted it
I felt relieved
to have found someone
to share a night with
Yea... I did ask.. and she did say yes!! (win-win) So. Flippin. Happy. Today.
After I did it, wasn't so bad. =)
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
I have failed myself
Sir B Sep 2013
Its the same old rant
I suppose
I am sad
Not just about grades
but about everything
about me
about myself
about my attitude
just about everything

I dislike myself
I said I wouldn't do this
But its back here again
Can't really say anything.. I may have to reiterate it but.. I don't find myself worthy
Sir B Sep 2013
Is it just me
Did someone decide to make me happy?

Either, Or

Doesn't matter
It made me happy
to know

someone recognizes me
not as a shadow
but as a person
Can I thank you enough? No, I cant. These words that you said.. made me happier.. and gave me another reason to not **** myself, and think about it.
Sep 2013 · 687
Time is relative
Sir B Sep 2013
My theory on time
Is that it's relative
To your surroundings
And you

This may sound weird
If you are spending time
With someone/ something you don't like
Time will pass slowly
On the other hand
If you are someone/ something you like
Time goes by way too fast

Try it out
Just a thought that's pondering me for days now.. I sincerely believe in this.. I so occasionally though.. Not all the time
Sep 2013 · 865
Todays a happy day
Sir B Sep 2013
Happy day, today is
Reminds me of myself  
fourteen years ago
being born in a hospital
fun times
enjoying life
high school
tours of europe
having a blast with friends
unable to hold your excitement
for when you can drive
fun times indeed
and they call for a celebration
a celebration of a birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Enjoy it, and remember

"You only need to live once, but if you work it right, once is enough."
Mae West
Happy Birthday to you, i hope you are having a blast because tomorrow is monday.. and.. its going to be boring.. lol
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