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Tonight I shall make the moon stand still
At the pane of my window as I make love to you
No poem sweeter than love that clouds your heart
As I feel your ******* and make the milk flow

Our hearts entwined in the curtain of romance
Making the sky ceiling your name as the sun appears
Rest in my soul and rest forever blessed assured
For you deserve to be love as moon in the sky

You deserve to be adore like sun on earth
Burning my soul deeply as I roast in love
Exalt me in splendorous passion o my love
Love me with all your heart and soul

As doubt steams so your love clouds in me
Making a rainbow of color bearing red rose
Jasminic scents spreads our love sheets
As I make your soul wet as I make love to you

Tonight the great union bears a seed of words
As I make love to you, nothing stops the sun
From shining in us, as we make love rainstorm
Sail us to the mountains of gods as I come into you

Written by
Martin Ijir
I am found
within the longest periods
of silence.
I am found
within the stillness
of a lonely night.

I am found
within the gathering darkness
of the clouds in the heavens.
I am found
beneath the shadow
of the moon's gleaming light.

I am found
within the crevices
of your exhausted mind.
I am found
buried in the shallow waters
along the shore.

I am found
in nature's inviting,
warm, tender embrace.
I am found
within the striking beauty
of every constellation--that you adore; 
it is there I will dwell

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
When in the sky
You see me
Like on earth
Covered your

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Love makes the bittersweet
And love makes the king slave
And love makes the dead alive
So make me your prisoner
In the prison of your palms
And in the end, I will get free,

Encircle my cheeks
With your palms so perfectly
leaving a small window
Through which I will see
The sky in your eyes

Lock the gates of your hand
With million locks
And when you are dissolved in me
Then you desire to free me
In that moment of freedom
I will give you a kiss on each key

That freedom will bind me
In your earnest soul
Thinking why I was away from you
For such a long time
And now never to go away
From this sour-sweet mixture!

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
 Nov 2017 Sincerely Em
In the passing
Of innocence
As the operations
Of knowing engaged
A part of her was lost
To that brittle stage...
Through her eyes
I could blindly see
How to set
Her trust at ease
In playgrounds
Of callused fools
To moral rules
I find myself
Easily pleased
'Cause all we have
Is all we need
Traveler Tim
When my poems trend
How do they trend
Liked and loved
Lovely comments

Oh the perceptions
And my replies
Love them all

I post ,
Poets and poetesses
Do the reposts
Oh wow ,
I love the
Merry go Round

And then
The poem shines
On the front page

Alas !!!!
Graded yes Graded
Don't like that at all
A Big Sigh

As it's Snakes and ladders
All the time
And then comes
The great slide
Wow !!!
what a smooth ride
down the ramp
Zoom ....... it slips down

By the time I check
It's like Humpty Dumpty
Had a great fall
And ................,,,,
Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty
Lol Lol Lol .........

Oh I did love the
Merry go Round
Yet the slide ride down
Wasn't bad  at all
 Nov 2017 Sincerely Em
 Nov 2017 Sincerely Em
Walls, they seem
like they’re caving in
Flurry of thoughts
causing quite the din

Joints ache, knees tremble
and body all weak
Throat nauseated, mind disheveled
and hours bleak

I’ll need a crutch,
a cane with which to stand
I’ll need support, nothing more,
I’ll need a hand

Don’t rest on me, my bones
would break before they bend
Let me instead,
lean on you for right now
what I need is a friend
We write of hate
We write of love
And other things
We know something of

At different angles
Add our lines
Take a spin
With what we find

Fact or fiction
Lies or truth
Being poets
It's what we do

We write of needs
We try and fill
Tug at hearts
Strengthen wills

From natures plight
To the call of man
We hold it all
Inside our pen

As the sage speaks
The pen moves
We say it all
It's what poets do

We write of days
Given away
A solace with
Something to say

Glimmer of hope
Much needed laugh
Rhyme for the reason
For feeling sad

A little off beat
Yet still in tune
Filling a need
It's what poets do
She was...



She was resilient,

Nothing short of being
Uniquely brilliant!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
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