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I'm scared.
I'm scared a lot lately.
And I'm scared of a lot of things
But most of all, I'm scared of reality,
I don't want to go back to it.
It haunts me.
 Nov 2019 Silverflame
Ciel Noir
fly by night
hide from the light
in the shadow to remain

say the names
draw down the flames
only fire may break the chain
 Nov 2019 Silverflame
cold feet
selling cars
plates of food I'll never eat

I wish we were friends
I wish we were friends
I wish we were friends

wake up wake up
you don't know me
I try and grow up
but I often dream you know my name

I wish we were friends
we could drive out to the city
you could feed me all the things you love
I could wait for you in the mornings and night

I'm trying to grow up
I'm trying not to hurt myself
but I will if I have to

I know I'm being lied to
I don't want to fight it
but I have to

I wish we were friends
I wish we were friends
I wish we were friends

waking up
another day
you don't know of my existence
"I love you"
"I hate you"
can change somebody's  life.
 Nov 2019 Silverflame
I wanted to make a paragraph

I had a few sentences
That would make their appearances

But no one wanted to see the act

So I put down my pen
And decided to end

The one thing I could have
 Nov 2019 Silverflame
Sometimes I just don't
Pretend to understand how
Amazing you are
be kind to those who express themselves
 Nov 2019 Silverflame
My lover he is shameless
He gifted me a watch
But spends his time with someone else
I can't see anything,
It seems like I've gone blind,
But I know I haven't,
It is just Dark
There is no light here,
At least not to my knowledge,
I've never been allowed to experience it,
The life I've lived for 17 years,
The people who adopted me 16 1/2 years ago,
It was never a part of my life and they never let it be,
I always went behind their back,
But I still have never experienced it.
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