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 Oct 2014 Shmabby
 Oct 2014 Shmabby
You don't know it
no one does
but I still think about you.
I don't know if the amount of time
I spend thinking about you
is even healthy or not.
But ****, if it isn't,
bring on the disease.
Because even if we both know it's not right,
I'd take on anything
Just to have the opportunity
to catch your gaze
when you pass by every morning.
 Oct 2014 Shmabby
Javaria Waseem
The Earth flirts with the moon
As it steals away all the glory at night.
While Jupiter keeps searching
between the moons for a star to shine.
 Oct 2014 Shmabby
Margrethe H K
My mother wore wigs and drank bourbon on Sundays
while my father worked across the street

I'd watch him from my bedroom window
sewing, stapling
hammering out frustrations I couldn't name

I called my sister David
because I wanted a brother
and a different family

My mother called my father Jesus
because she said he thought he was perfect

"Jesus, cut the grass."
"Jesus, take out the trash."
"Jesus, just ******* do it."

I'm grown up now
my name isn't Stupid Girl anymore
I've inherited my mother's rage
and my father's heavy sighs

Dark days I find myself thinking
my finger tracing the rim of a shot glass
you can't outgrow
what you're made of

And I feel inside of me
the breaking of glass

My sister writes me long letters from New York
she signs them all
love, David
 Oct 2014 Shmabby
I will not apologize for
the person I have become
So what if I still don't know
how to correctly hold chop sticks?
What's wrong with the fact
that I fall asleep to slam poetry
instead of some boy band?
Is it so awful that I eat cereal as my dinner?
Or is it a crime that every time I see a plane
I wish I could be on it?
I'm not sorry any of those.

But most of all
I will not apologize
for never learning to love in halves
and giving you my soul
To someone who may never read me.
 Oct 2014 Shmabby
Eva Ellen
 Oct 2014 Shmabby
Eva Ellen
September 8, 2013
It's you.
In my arms
On my mind
In my smile
On my lips
In my heart
Its you.

October 15, 2014
Hate you.
Get out of my life
You broke my heart
Get out of my hair
You don't care anymore
Get out of my mind
Hate you.
 Oct 2014 Shmabby
Mia Pierce
Falling in love with someone who is bipolar will never be easy.
There will be minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months where I'm unexplainably mean, or recklessly happy.  
For a period of time, I may be all over you and want to smother you in my aforementioned reckless happiness, that I will forget to ask how you're doing and if you ate anything today. I will forget that unlike me, you need to sleep for 9 hours a day and that you're not fully ready to take on the world.
At some point, I will take a turn for the worst and will mope in unbelievable sorrow due to the death of my false happiness.
I will cry about everything and will stop calling, and forget to remind you that I love you so much and just need some time away.
My deep sadness will soon turn into unrelenting anger and I will tell you abusive things that I don't really mean.
I will be confused as to why I say them, and apologize a million times and try to explain that I can't control my anger, and that I need to leave and be away from people for a while, although I know nothing will really help.
You will insist that it's okay and tell me you love me.
For days, weeks, or months, I will do this, and you will soon think I am lying and think that I am just genuinely terrible.
My constant apologies will become nothing and you will soon distance yourself and start falling out of love, but still have a glimmer of hope.
After this episode, I will have a period where I feel nothing and am almost robot-like. You will feel unwanted and unloved and look at me with such sad eyes and get nothing but a shrug and a half-assed "sorry."
When you finally walk away,  I will have more bad days than good days because I will regret not saying I love you more.
I will hate myself for being bipolar. I will fall back into my bad habits and soon you will be a distant memory.
 Oct 2014 Shmabby
 Oct 2014 Shmabby
You play with my head
and you **** with my feelings
but my presence you dread
and my face sends you reeling

I'm not your fool
I'm not your tool
I'm not some *****
that you can just lead on

Just leave me alone
take every last stone
and every last bone
I won't be your drone!
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