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 May 2018 M-4 tanker
 May 2018 M-4 tanker
Wild are the winds who greet you
Happy are the smiles that meet you
Lovely are the skies above you
In the land of the free.

Every brick tells a story
of hardship and love,
the possibilities, endless
in the land not crossed.

The stars singing out the unbroken hymn of glory
from the skies abound, commemorating
the lives lost, bringing forth a new era.

The sea our brother,
the sky our neighbour,
everything else,
in between,
Our hands,
a beacon of faith,
outshining the most worthy successors.
Fly the flag
Of love,
Of trust,
Of freedom,
Of compassion,

Fly the flag,

Of Canada.
 May 2018 M-4 tanker
Wings fluttering as eyelashes
black on black, death on death
the call of the Mocking Jay
glinting in the starlight
The halls of death adorn
Echoing, abounding
the Call of Death
 Apr 2018 M-4 tanker
I can no longer hide
My soul ignited

once disparaged
I long to share it

The chills in my spine put into words

Lips on skin
Eyes filled with sin

What is this sensation

I drip colors you cannot see

Heightening my passion
Enhancing my touch

Raw emotion channeled as such

My desire aches
The color of flush
My cage breaks
Expressions of lust

I do not fear it
I can hear you blush

My favorite sound

Our souls combust
My restless soul longs for something fulfilling
 Apr 2018 M-4 tanker
Joel M Frye
The boxes
which keep my blood clean
are stacked as tall as I,
a monument
in the spare room
to past battles.
Too many words,
too many thoughts
******* in the
hand-to-hand combat
with mortality.

No more.

What life I have
will not be defined
by an indeterminate end.

I live to write poems;
I will no longer die in them.
Camus knows.

— The End —