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 Apr 2015 Shanza
Sierra Scanlan
Falling in love is a lot
like the vicious storms
we fear so much
You hear about what happens
how it feels
and you try to prepare yourself
but you're never quite ready
for what's to come
it comes slowly
little by little you see it unravel
and then before you know it
it devours you whole
You swear you see it coming
but the truth is you never really do
and that's the terrifying part
It's everything you've wanted to feel in life
but would never dare to mention
You feel alive
so alive like you're on the top of a mountain
You feel scared out of your mind
so scared like you're facing your worst fears
You feel brand new
so new like someone took your soul and wiped it clean
You just want to shout
and tell the world
about this new feeling
bursting out of your chest
 Apr 2015 Shanza
Falling in love is dangerous. For when you fall in love, you pay a price. A price so unrealistic that you simply cannot pull out your checkbook and write down "here is my everything, please handle with care, very fragile" and expect it to cover the debt. No. You give your heart and your soul. Your mind is always cluttered with thoughts of them. Your body tingles when you hear their voice. You become addicted and you expect more and more, so you keep paying until one day, there's nothing left. You're completely theirs and your definition of home…begins with their name.

And just thinking about that is terrifyingly beautiful. Something could happen, and all that will be left of you are tears and a cracked voice to match the holes that cover the walls. Now there is no place to call home, you gave them everything. Someday you will be asked the question of what they returned and you'll reply: "they gave enough to make it seem like a lifetime of happiness, and more importantly, that feeling of love…was infinite."

In the end, there would be pain and you knew this, but you still them your all. You are stronger than you think and believe me when I say you will regain your all back.

Falling in love is dangerous, but you cannot stop it, you cannot slow it down, and you cannot escape it. So it's understandable to be scared, but just know it's okay to take that fall…especially for him.
 Mar 2015 Shanza
BertJane Perez
I saw you flipping through the pages of a book
And I thought to myself I'd do anything to be that book
You were interested in it
You took the time to read every line
To understand each and every word
The way your eyes stared in passion, curiosity, excitement...
The way you smiled at the new information
Everything I've always wanted you to do to me
To actually want to know me...
To actually want to understand who I am...
To smile because you learned something new about me...
To flip through my pages and learn about my life...
Who knew I'd be jealous of a book?

— The End —