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Shades31 Apr 2016
You are my light
Undeniably beautiful
Shining in darkness
Radiant and colourful
A means for my bliss

I know that I'm enshrouded
       Yet still you help me up
Like when my life was hell
Oh, how you kept me going
Vigorously shook me and
Enclosed my darkened mind
        Losing me to evil one more time
Yet still you came back
Overflowing with goodness
Unceasing flame
        My ease in my difficulty
This is for people who are "overweight"
Got up today,
made myself some breakfast.
Got in the shower
Looked at my body,
Saw what everyone else sees.
My belly is too big,
I tell myself
"I'm ugly"
I cry a little inside.
I put on my shirt
saw the XL on the tag.
I went to school,
watched people look at me.
Its not fair you know.
I am unable to exercise,
my asthma has almost taken my life from doing so
I wish people would see
my pants size represents my heart,
not your superiority.
If I wear a size 27,
my heart is 27,
and you where a size two.........
I wish people would look at my eyes,
not at my waist,
and look at who I am,
not what I  look like.
I am a great person,
I do not like being called fat.
Awesome ,
is who I am
I am not fat,
I am human.
Respect me.
Despite what you think,
I can kiss
I can love
I can feel
I am a person,
who has desires.
I am not fat,
I am a person.
No one is overweight.
That is not what maters.
People need to open their mind
before their mouth.
So many magazines exploit people,
society being the same.
People judge others
by what they look like.
That is so ******.
Love the person for who they are
and NOT by what they look like
Shades31 Apr 2016
A body so hot, she melted my cold,
Stone heart of ice and pain
And warmed me to glow - gold.
She was nowhere near mundane

A light so bright, I had to squint
As I laid my eyes upon the leaping fire
That danced and touched, but nothing burnt
And wrapped around me, like a pure gold wire

The fire spread so rapidly
That the whole world was set aflame
And it lit the earth majestically
Yet this fire was quite tame

And all who bathed in this infernal
Came out, born anew
This fire may not be eternal
But it feels like it's lived a few

The fire that caresses me
It holds me in its arms
And helps me to the world clearly see
Its sensations one that calms
"Hot" - not as in the way people use it today. please don't get me wrong
To describe a women by saying she is "hot" is just insulting
  Apr 2016 Shades31
Star Gazer
A is for how AMAZING you are.
B is for how BEAUTIFUL your soul is.
C is for CARING like your heart of solid gold that is caring
D is for DIRECT like how your honesty makes you direct.
E is for how ELOQUENT your words are.
F is for how FANTASTIC you make me feel.
G is for the GRAVITY that pulls me towards you.
H is for HAPPY as in how you made me so happy.
I is for INDESCRIBABLE.... I don't know what to write.
J is for JOYFUL, in other words how you make me feel.
K is for KIND, you are the most kind-hearted person in this universe,
L is for LIFT, what you do to my spirits everyday.
M is for MUSICAL, as in how your soul sings a song.
N is for NATURAL, for the way I can talk to you so naturally.
O is for OPEN like how you make me feel so open towards you.
P is for PASSION, the thing inside you when you talk about your interest.
Q is for QUARTZ, as in how your soul is a gem like mineral.
R is for RAD as in your personality is rad.
S is for SORRY sorry for this piece......
T is for THANK as in thank you for entering my life
U is for UMBRELLA, no real reason just couldn't find a U word
V is for VIOLIN, you make me unafraid to admit my music experience.
W is for WONDERFUL as in your personality is wonderful
X is for X-RAY like how I'm not afraid to show you my inner thoughts.
Y is for YOU , you are, beautiful, amazing and it all starts with YOU.
Z is for ZEBRA, you see colour when others see black and white.

The ALPHABET is to show you that 26 letters is never enough to describe just how amazing you really are. Sadly there are only 26 letters in the alphabet , if there were 200000 I'm sure they still would not be enough to describe you. So I will describe you in four words.

Shades31 Apr 2016
We live in an age
Where people go
From home to
Work or school
And return back.
Knowing who
Works with
Or attends class
With them...
But nobody knows
The people who live
Next to,
In front of,
Or behind them
I mean,
What are neighbours anyway?
God teaches us:
"Love your neighbour
As you love yourself"
And although this may not
Necessarily be
The literal neighbour,
They too fall into
This group
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