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Shades31 Apr 2016
So messed up
So confused
Lost in my own head
Actions - not my own
******* over
Multiple times
By what was to be
My success
My life
I never knew
That life could be so difficult
Been declined and denied
Oh, too many times over
Set the world ablaze
Light it on fire
Burn the world
And savour the heat
Keep it in
Until finally it becomes
Too much
Then burst
And burn
And shine
Like a supernova
Shades31 Apr 2016
A life of love and misery
A life of good and bad
A life spent in this world, you see
Is not the final round

All we do, all we say
Affects people around
And the lives we touch, everyday
Are the one's who'll remember us

Despite how your life's spent
Despite all the things you do
Death is where all before you went
To live the next life too

And those you leave behind
Will cherish all you did
Remember every act and kind
And every memory

For love does not end when death approaches
Love goes on, forever
It lives on like cockroaches
Through every tear and pain

Death is not the end
Death is reality
Death will not a message send
Before he takes you from me
of course, we believe Heaven awaits those whom God Wishes, and Hell whom God Wishes. So, do good and Please God, for if He Almighty is Pleased with you, where can you go wrong?
Shades31 Mar 2016
Once you make a deal with them,
They make your dreams come true
But once you've made a deal with them
They stick to you like glue

You thought it could be once off
You're sadly mistaken
They will give you no rest
Your life's from you taken

They cannot be outrun
They'll track you where you hide
Now that they've sealed the deal
You're alone on the dark side

To lose one's self completely
Is the key to your escape
What they offer feels good at first
But quite soon, you'll know it's ****

But they can't be forgotten
They'll haunt all you are seeing
You can't flee from the battle
That takes place in your very being

Where light falls, falls a shadow
Strong shadow means light's intense
But without light there's just darkness
Leave you in permanent suspense
Shades31 Mar 2016
A drop of rain falls down to earth
And joins with others, a puddle forms
And it grows and grows until one day
A stream is formed and starts to flow
Then streams join up and make rivers
And rivers flow and flow and flow
And join up with others on their journey
Towards the end goal - the ocean
The final destination
The Unity
The Oneness
The Completeness
The Onlyness
The Sole Identity
'Cause that is all it is
A drop of water
Trying to find its way back home
To the Ocean
The place from where is came
The Ocean - the Unity of all other droplets
Seekers of the way back home
Not staying long, but rushing
Rushing and flowing
Flowing and rushing

Some rivers may be filled with filth
and dirt
and grease
and all kinds of disease

Others may be pure and sweet
Beautiful, clean

But even the ***** water can be purified
And even the cleanest water can be dirtied

Choose your path wisely, little droplet
Home awaits.
Home awaits
I don't know if everyone will get the metaphor.
Of course, different people get different things out of poetry
Everything is open to interpretation :)
  Mar 2016 Shades31
         o       o
                  O      o        
•fill our beak-
er with un-
told chem-
patible  so-
lvents that
fizz... with
ix them in to get
the most homogene-
ous of solutions•introdu-
ce heat in the likes of passion
•never a clean reaction, there will
be residue• never right the first time,
failed attempts will be a few......• but once
distilled from undesirable impurity•........then
handle the mixture with utmost sensitivity........•
you'll get a result that can't be bought with money•
because this love in our hearts is the product of

pure chemistry

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