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ns Nov 2014
Guilt eats away every ounce of my being
Regret floods my brain with absurd thinking
Anger fills my eyes with pure hate
Envy wraps around my throat, i suffocate

i don't even know what i'm writing anymore
ns Sep 2014
Bloodshot eyes filled with hate
She grits her teeth to stop the pain
Long and sharp, her nails have grown
She turns into a monster who belongs to the Unknown

She sinks her teeth deep into flesh
Blood stains her beautiful white dress
Innocent was what she used to be
Long lost is the girl who once was me

ns Sep 2014
There is only one place that i would like to be
Six feet underground
With your arms wrapped around me
For our love is a love unlike anybody's
But a love oh so true
That not even death can take it away from me

ns Aug 2014
Like a ghost
Haunting in the night
I remain unseen
In thy eyes

ns Jun 2014
Words, words, words
I search for you
Permit me to express what I know
Engulf me with your power
And let me speak
The truth shall be free
And must be heard.

My tongue is tied
I summon you, my Muse
For inspiration
To speak the truth
Justice will be lost
And should be found
Words are my sword
to be heard and make a sound.

Never leave me, my Muse
Stay with me as I grow old
I need you here
In this lonely, treacherous world
Where truth must be told
Be with me, too
Not only in words
But of Will and Walk
So I can Walk my Talk
And be strong and bold

ns Jun 2014
Lying motionless on the ground
Searching for hope that will never be found
Waiting for the dark to engulf me whole
My body dismembered from my soul

Praying to God to take me first
And let my bones decay in the dirt
Leave flowers for my tomb I shall never smell
Keep my story a secret for there is no one to tell

So bid your farewells to my morbid grave
A soul of a girl that has never been saved

ns Jun 2014
It's hard comparing you to art
But if you were a painting
You would be an abstract
A splash of colours
A spiral of emotions
A series of imagination
A whole new perspective
A picture no one could fathom
That's you
You are art

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