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fallow moon
lifeless moon
on the rise
over the ocean

we take off our clothes
to dance in moonlight pale

and i lay my shirt
and pants
and her blouse
and skirt
across the sand
and hold her hands
as she flows down
like water

her legs spreading,
an ace high
straight flush
fanned  across
life's gambling  table

and then
the ebb and flow
like the ocean

deep and faster
to the rhythm of the earth

primordial beasts
we are
organic and carbon
howling at the moon

fallow moon
heartless moon

there s a death that waits
in the pale moon light
The colourful pebble stones
On a journey long
Rest on the river bed

Where do they come from
Where do they go
Destination unknown

Beauty permeates furthermore
As they chip away
Their withering song
Inspired by a photograph by
Sara Baik(@sarabaik2) Twitter - You were born to be real not to be perfect
And someday
You’ll know
That you never knew

And someday
You will do
That you never did

And someday
You will say
That you never said before

And someday you have
To let it all go
That you always held close

And someday
You have to leave for forever
But today, you live, as you should

And someday
Someone will believe
As you did
And someday
Bad gateway
Will vanish
As it should
The one month filled with joy
Everyone is positive
Minds thinking of building not breaking
Hearts pumping love not hate
because we made peace in Dec
Wanting only greatness to come our way this year
Think of "WE", not just of "I"...
In this process of stating facts, you'll surely be questioned— "Why?"
Just stick to your point, what's the need to "justify"?
When they'll understand, they themselves will "identify" —
Truth was always there and it'll never "die"...
It may take some time but one day this truth will definitely conquer the kingdom of "lie' " !
Tried another flow of rhymes and some facts of this life...
 Jan 2022 Seranaea Jones
We all walk the same
stuck in the trance of regrets
anonymous paths
tried to run from it all
hiding wasn't a safe place
till you find your strength
We all walk through the same feeling of pain,
just in different anonymous paths

Own your beautiful battle scars, they are to be cherished not to be shamed off
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